Strange to say, when Wen Cai really and completely mouth to mouth with the Zombie King。

He didn't even feel how sick he was。

Instead, it has an icy and cool feeling, just like eating a very cool popsicle in the summer.。


But soon, with a chirping sound, an unusually cold object flew out of the Zombie King's throat.。

And this object should be what Uncle Jiu and the others call the coffin fungus.。

As soon as the coffin fungus entered Wencai's mouth, he could feel a coldness as cold as ice and snow.。

It's like being in the polar regions。

Wencai felt that his body was obviously much stiffer because he was so cold now.。

It was so cold that his body was a little sluggish.。

just like a monkey。

At this time, Wen Cai was so cold that he was dancing around because of the coffin fungus in his mouth.。

Clapping his hands aside, Qiu Sheng, who was feeling that he was done, took a closer look。

My junior brother dances like a monkey。

This made him feel very confused。

“Junior brother, what's wrong with you?”

Qiu Sheng asked with concern。

Although they are just brothers in the same discipline, they are used to making jokes.。

But the relationship between the two of them is closer than that of brothers.。

At this time, Qiu Sheng saw Wen Cai looking like this, and his concern was not an act.。

“Why are you trembling? What's wrong?”


Qiu Sheng's hand touched Wencai's body, and he only felt a coldness, like ice.。

“Wow, what's going on? Junior brother, do you want me? Why is it so cold?”

Qiu Sheng felt strange. He looked at Wen Cai as if he was getting more and more painful.。

Although I want to help, I don’t know where to start。

And just at this time。

The scholar with the observation bacteria in his mouth seemed like he couldn't stand it any longer.。

His body was shaking constantly, as if he was having epilepsy.。

Finally, driven by the extreme cold。

Wen Cai directly passed the coffin fungus in his mouth to Qiu Sheng。

As for how it was spread?。

Needless to say, of course it is in the most primitive way。

“Wow, wow, so cool。”

At this time, Wencai slapped his body with both hands. He had never felt that his body was so relaxed.。

After the coffin bacteria was vomited out, the unusual coldness disappeared immediately.。

But while Wen Cai felt very comfortable, he also saw the cold look of his senior brother Qiu Sheng.。

Just like he was before。

“Are you okay? Senior brother。”

Wen Cai asked with concern, but at this moment。

There was a sudden commotion over Uncle Jiu's side.。

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng quickly looked around, and it turned out that the zombies over there had started to cause chaos again for some reason.。

The two of them were so frightened that they immediately wanted to run away, but in their haste, they accidentally bumped into something behind them.。



Two sharp screams sounded in the dark night sky。

It's the Zombie King. It turns out that the one standing behind them is the Zombie King.。

I don’t know when, the zombie king jumped out of the coffin.。

When this scene suddenly appeared, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were so frightened that they almost pissed themselves.。

Even Qiu Sheng accidentally tripped and sat on the ground.。

At this time, the Zombie King had obviously woken up. When he smelled the breath of the living person in front of him, he immediately became fierce and rushed towards Qiu Sheng.。

“Run away quickly……”

Qiu Sheng rolled and crawled on the ground and ran towards the distance.。

The situation at this time was very chaotic, and the zombies were jumping around like crazy.

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