(Zhao De's) Well, when two people are alone at night, they still blush.

However, once she entered the role of a maid during the day, Grefia would be too strong.

That power was not in rejecting Ash's intimacy with her.

But after the persuasion is useless, he will try his best to suppress his inner shyness, maintain a calm expression throughout the process, and put on a non-violent and uncooperative appearance.

In this way, Axiu doesn't want to go too far. "You're too obsessed with being a maid, aren't you?"

Yaxiu propped her forehead with her hand, and thought in a wicked way: "Then, when this civil war is over, let Gurefia become the devil of Lucifer... Will her temperament change a little?" Removing his heart, Yaxiu opened his golden fingers again.

Nearly nine months have passed since the last time.

Once again, I learned a lot of mysterious knowledge and enriched my knowledge reserves.

(:?.1,4.:") Yaxiu felt that it was time to fully understand the transmission channel of [Blessing of Victory].

Chapter 126 The Astonishment of Athena

[On-hook project: energy transmission channel blessed by gods. 】

[Remaining on-hook/analysis time: 1120 years. ] Yaxiu clicks to use the hang-up time for 800 years.

With the flickering of buttons on the virtual screen, a mysterious knowledge quickly flowed into his mind.

He has been able to vaguely guess the direction of the energy transmission channel of Athena's [Blessing of Victory].

But still don't know how to successfully construct that channel.

It seems a little bit worse.

"It seems that it really takes about a thousand years of hang-up time!" Yaxiu continued to click.

Use hang time for 200 years.

In the next second, a new piece of information was quickly received in my mind. "I see……"

After silently closing his eyes and thinking for a moment, when all the knowledge was completely united, Ash was suddenly surprised.

His spiritual sense began to sense another small universe in his body.

The energy flows rapidly, condenses, and builds.

And along the direction of the dark, they are arranged in some strange form.

The channel is built!

In the end, an energy that was also his own poured out from the small universe that seemed to be a reflection, and merged into the normal small universe that he was running. "It's the same as Athena's victory blessing. After this small universe power comes along the passage, it can really enhance my strength!" The experiment of the mysterious passage was successful! "But..." Opening his eyes, Yaxiu showed 710's incomprehension again: "Why is it different from what I imagined, the increase is really too rare..."

He studied the purpose of the [Blessing of Victory] channel, but wanted to find out.Multi-level [Omega Small Universe].

However, now, the energy of the two small universes in the body has indeed been connected through the [channel], but the increase in strength is not too high.

At least compared with the original Leomega-level small universe, it is really not high.

To know the Omega level, judging from the performance in the plot, just the prototype can make the small universe easily cross a large order.

The six senses exert the power of the seven senses, and the seven senses exert the power of the eight senses.

But now. ...

After the two small universes in Yaxiu's body were connected, he actually only increased a small part of his strength... less than [*]%. "My speculation—the speculation about the omega-level small universe should be correct!" He thought silently in his heart: "Because the two small universes are connected by a mysterious channel, and the energy is merged, the strength has indeed increased. !" The small universe in Yaxiu's body, one was awakened in the world of Saint Seiya, and the other was awakened in the world of Demon High School.

The subtle rules of the two worlds are different, so the specific power of the small universe awakened by simulating the world must also be different.

Originally they would either never collide, or they would cancel each other out, and even modify their respective strengths.

If calculated according to the normal situation.

The fusion of the two small universes will only weaken the strength, or only enhance some energy reserves, allowing Yaxiu to last longer than other Saint Seiyas who only have a separate small universe.

It will never strengthen its external attack power.

"So, under the action of that mysterious passage, there must be some kind of energy reaction that I can't understand..." After constructing the passage a few times again, Yaxiu began to think seriously.

"Could it be... that the two small universes are too few to meet the basic conditions of [Omega-level]?" "Yes, triangle!"

"Triangles are the most stable structures in polygons."

"Perhaps if you want to achieve [Omega-level]...even if it's just a prototype, you need at least three small universes!" This guess is not without basis.

Because Ya Xiu remembered a certain trick in the original book.

【Athena Exclamation】!

A forbidden move that rivals the power of the Big Bang.

It takes three golden saints to work together to use it.

In the setting, Athena's Astonishment (AE) is an Omega-level scale power!

Perhaps, the energy transmission of the three golden saints relies on a mysterious channel similar to [Blessing of Victory].

Then burn them to the limit of the seven-sense microcosm, and the energy merges together.

Then burst out and hit the enemy!

"But at the moment, I only have two small universes in my body... Do I need to travel to another world to practice?" Yaxiu felt a little helpless.

After finally coming up with a super big move, it turned out to be unusable?

It is foreseeable that this move will definitely allow him to exert the strength of his seventh sense - that is enough to kill any creature in the Demon High School!

"...(bceg). Wait!"

Ash suddenly remembered something.

"It's not impossible to use AE in this world." "Don't I have exactly three...or even four small universes in my body!" - One is the blood of God.

The blood of Zeus and Athena.

There is definitely a tiny bit of their universe in their blood.

As a god at the level of a single universe, its power is unpredictably powerful.

Even if there is only a trace of their small universe, it is definitely far beyond Yaxiu's current sixth sense small universe.

It can be regarded as another small universe!

Ash began to be eager to try.

Now that you have mastered the energy transmission channel of [Blessing of Victory].

So can he... construct a channel to actively trigger the power of the two gods?

With a change of mind, the energy of the small universe began to gather in the body, quickly constructing two mysterious passages.

One began to connect to the Saint Seiya universe in a reflection state, and the other was put on the blood of Athena.

As a precaution, Ash decided not to provoke Zeus first.

After all, he was not familiar with Zeus.

In case if he just connected and caused some counterattack, causing the power in the opponent's blood to explode with all his strength, he was afraid that he would be wiped out in an instant.

And Athena is gentle and kind, and has blessed herself many times.

Even if she wants to covet the power of the gods now, she should not care too much.

But after the energy channel was built, it was connected to the divine blood of Athena.

But it was like a mud cow entering the sea, without causing the slightest reaction.

"It seems that you have to wait for the enemy to appear before you can activate the power of blessing..." After trying several times, Yaxiu reluctantly dispersed the passage.

Not without gain though.

Based on the repeated tests just now, he came up with some vague guesses.

The divine blood given by Athena and Zeus, and the small cosmic energy in it, should have been set up with some kind of [fixed program]-similar to a computer program.

As long as any conditions are met, it will mobilize the internal power to help attack the enemy.

And this power will never hurt oneself - after all, energy needs to pass through one's own body before it can act on the outside world.

The blood of Athena is simple.

Its fixed procedure must be [When encountering an enemy stronger than Yaxiu, it will transmit energy to increase Yaxiu's small universe, allowing him to gain the strength to defeat the enemy. 】 "As for Zeus..."

Silently recalled the scene of seeing Zeus and the words when the other party presented the blood of God.

【It can give you enough shelter... 】

"Perhaps, the fixed program of Zeus's divine blood needs to be activated when I encounter an unstoppable enemy and my life is at stake." After thinking about it carefully, the two settings are indeed in line with the hearts of the two gods.

Athena is kind-hearted, so the conditions set will be more forgiving.

As long as there is a strong opponent, it will be activated immediately to assist the victory, and even the injury will not make you suffer too much.

And Zeus... he doesn't care if you lose Half-Life.

In the face of a human being who is not related or related, as a god, he is not a nanny.

It is enough to save the opponent's life in the end and fulfill the promise of [Asylum], which is enough to reflect the majesty of God.

Therefore, the drop of Zeus' divine blood, perhaps before Ash was killed by a powerful enemy, it would burst out with power to fight back. .

Chapter 127 Ruins and Rivalry

Although it took a thousand years of hanging time, I finally understood the transmission channel principle of [Blessing of Victory].

But it's a pity...the strength of Yaxiu didn't improve at all.

He was naturally a little disappointed.

However, after all, he already had the prerequisites to use the strongest combination technique of the Saint Seiya [Athena's Amazement~] alone.

That is something that the Golden Saint Seiya cannot do alone.

As long as you continue to travel through a world in the future, you will cultivate a third microcosm.

I believe that you can freely use the AE card.

As for now... I can only wait for a strong enemy to appear, after triggering Athena's blessing of victory.

Let's see if we can think of that blessing power as a "third microcosm".

For this, Yaxiu actually has a certain degree of certainty, and is extremely looking forward to it.

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