Not only because of the powerful and terrifying move [Athena's Amazement], he is also planning another purpose to peek at the divine blood of Zeus.

Of course, if you want to achieve that goal, you may have to successfully type [Athena's Amazement] first!

Next, Ash didn't continue to pay too much attention to other things, he began to build a space transfer magic circle in the laboratory.

It was a technique contributed by the six affiliated families, and it could be directly transferred to the underground ruins in the capital city of Lucifer.

After the magic circle was built, Ash greeted Gurefia, the most trusted person around him.

And leave the means of communication so that he can be notified in case of emergency.

Immediately, he stepped into the transfer magic circle without hesitation.

The magic power exudes a cold color, reflecting the profile of Ash.

With the help of these faint rays of light, his eyes quickly swept around.

"The ventilation is good...but no one should have entered for a long time." Thick dust has accumulated on the reliefs of the ground and walls of the ruins.

Ash used the dispelling magic to blow away the surrounding fly ash.

After fumbling around the wall for a while, I soon found a mechanism.

Infuse magic.


Page 86

The surrounding walls are lit with a circle of lighting sources.

Here is a place that resembles a central hall.

There are several channels in the front, rear, left and right.

Yaxiu stood there quietly, closing his eyes and recalling for a moment.

He remembered a similar scene in the memory of the first generation of Lucifer. "Lilith, the mother of demons..."

"It seems to be hidden on the left side of the ruins. Except for the hidden location, there are basically no restrictions on access." It's a bit unimaginable.

It is obviously a "super item" that can give birth to seventy-two pure-blooded demons, but it has not been properly kept.

Just like an ordinary collectible, it is randomly placed somewhere.

Without even the slightest protection.

Perhaps it was because the original Lucifer had no feelings for Lilith at all.

After giving birth to all the pure blood demons, the mission of the Mother of Demons is over.

The most important places of the ruins are in the deepest part.

There seems to be a lot of barrier seals set up by the four demon kings.

According to the description of the six affiliated families, in ancient times, in order to defeat the gods, the previous demon kings researched very dangerous and strange things in it.

However, the weapon finally produced made the four demon kings at that time feel threatened.

And they have no control at all.

So it can only be regretted to seal it up.

Although Ash was also a little curious about those "dangerous weapons", after all, they were things that even the first-generation Demon Lords thought were very dangerous.

But now it is more important to find Lilith, the mother of demons.

The area of ​​this relic is so huge that it is comparable to half the capital of Lucifer.

And there are heavy seals inside.

If you really want to reach the deepest point, the time spent is not a little bit.

"After the bloodline problem is resolved, maybe I can go on other expeditions in it, and there may not be any unexpected gains." Yaxiu looked back deeply, and walked to the left without hesitation. .

Along the way, study the frescoes engraved with mutilated magical runes on the walls on both sides, dismantle traps, unseal seals, and more.

It took a full eight days to get close to the hiding place of Lilith, the mother of demons.

But at this moment, the magic communicator in his arms suddenly sounded. "His Majesty."

After connecting, I could hear Gurefiya's cold voice: "The government of the pseudo-demon king has already established our borders, and it seems that the first attack is about to be launched, and the pseudo-demon king Vidred has also appeared."

"In the commanding room, Zekram and the others have come to the conclusion of their discussion that they should attack... Maybe you need to return to the presidency immediately." "Vidred also appeared?"

Looking at the passage that was about to reach the destination, Ash sighed in his heart. "Okay, I'll go back right away."

Hanging up the communication, Ash found a place similar to a storage room nearby.

After arranging a fixed space transfer magic circle, the figure hurriedly disappeared in this empty ruin.

The territory of the high-ranking pure-blooded demon noble, Wallif, whose inheritance has been severed.

In the endless plain area, two huge legions stared at each other tens of thousands of meters apart.

The demon soldiers held sharp weapons in their hands, and the battle formation ceremony had already been arranged under their feet. . ...for flowers.

Just use magic to stimulate the power of all the soldiers present to connect, either attack or defend.

The Battle Formation Ritual is similar to the Magic Formation [*] - however, it is more complex than the Magic Formation used by humans.

Large-scale battle formation ceremonies require advance preparation and consume a lot of resources.

But once it is successfully used, in a short period of time, the soldiers who could have been pinched to death at will, and the combined attack can even threaten any demon king. "Your Majesty, the battle formation rituals of the royal family are very terrifying. They are all handed down from the first generation of demon kings. They even fought against gods in the beginning!" Sitting on the high jade bar, Yaxiu listened carefully to Zekram's explanation.

He really didn't know much about these things.

Because he didn't get Lucifer's family heritage - when Li Xavier left Lucifer, he took with him anything of value.

...0 "So can our soldiers beat it?" Ash asked.

"……Very difficult."

Zekram frowned.

"It's not just the power of the battle formation ceremony, our soldiers are all the private soldiers of the lords gathered together, and it took less than a few days to run in." "And the army of the pseudo devil has always been a unified drill."

"The cooperation of the enemy soldiers is more tacit than our soldiers, and it must be more effective in the battle formation ceremony." Originally, the king faction thought that Yaxiu also inherited the royal family battle formation ceremony of the Lucifer family.

In the end, it was only after the lords had transported all the private soldiers to the new government that Zekram and Sigman learned that...

Ash has nothing.

So Zekram had to hurriedly contribute to the battle ceremony of the Baal family.

But no matter what, it is definitely not comparable to the rituals passed down by the first generation of demon kings.

The reason why Beelzebub, Leviathan, and Asmodeus can be unscrupulous is because they have more advanced and powerful props.

It was a war aid that originated from the first generation of demon kings, and it used to be able to compete with gods.

Battle formation ceremonies, magic props, and even enchantments and seals, etc.

In comparison, the pure-blooded demons are far behind them!

Looking at the distant enemy with some worry, Zekram continued: "There is a gap in the increase of the battle formation ceremony, so we can only send demon king-level experts to assist and supplement, otherwise, the enemy may be killed in three or five times. Break through the Legion!" At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance.

It's Vidred! "Ash."

Vidred's voice came calmly: "How about we talk first?"

Chapter 128 How strong is His Majesty Lucifer?

"Talk about?"

Ash was still sitting in Lucifer's exclusive carriage.

Beside him were Seraphel, Grefia, and Zekram and other pure-blooded seventy-two-pillar high-level executives.

There was also a seemingly harmless grey giant dog lying on his feet.

That was Fenrir, the god-killer wolf.

"Ten years ago, he cursed me with bad intentions, and forced me to leave the underworld. I can only let you make the whole demon clan black-and-white. How can I talk to you at ease with a person like you?" The tall chariots traveled across the plain, allowing both enemy and ally to hear.

Suddenly everyone was in an uproar.

It turned out that the reason why His Majesty Lucifer was silent for more than ten years and did not immediately stop the other three demon kings was because they were framed by a curse?

Vidred's expression remained unchanged.

Although there are some inaccuracies in Ash's words, in general, it is true.

As the Demon King, Vidred didn't bother to explain anything to the lower ranks.

For him, it doesn't matter what the public opinion is - there is never even such a concept.

Because his father, and even the first four demon kings, ruled the demons like this.

However, Vidred forgot.

himself, as well as Zufami and Damados.

The three of them didn't have the absolute prestige that the first-generation demon kings had to say to make their subordinates willing to die.Yaxiu paused, then continued: "Give you one more chance, if you are willing to "July [*]" to bow your head and admit your mistakes and immediately disband the pseudo-democracy government, then I will forgive the three of you in the name of Lucifer. "After hearing this, Vidred closed his eyes.

After a while, he opened his eyes again, with regret in his tone: "It seems that this battle is unavoidable." Hypocrisy...

Ash sneered in his heart.

If you really want to use peace talks as a means to solve the problem, how can you pull the entire army in, and even the battle formation ceremony has been prepared.

It is nothing more than wanting to continue to spy on his current situation.

Yaxiu's spiritual sense can even feel that there are two familiar auras not far away.

Without a doubt it was Damados and Zuffame.

This time, there is more than one Demon King.

But three!

The Demon Kings are all here!

In the sky, Vidred stared at Yaxiu, and the magic in his body spread, causing the surrounding air to run wild.

Grey winds roared across the plains.

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