Including Sigman, all the demons raised vigilance in their hearts.

More people are uneasy about this.

At this moment, Ash in front of the throne smiled and turned to sit down. "Master Satan~v!"

In any case, the ceremony needs to continue.

The demons in the square, including the seventy-two pure-blooded pillars, all knelt down and saluted, and their voices rushed into the sky: "Master Satan!"

At the same time, the surrender ceremony also began to work.

Countless beautiful buildings around, suddenly spread out a circle of invisible ripples.

The energies are linked together to form a complex and mysterious effect that envelopes the entire square.

Everyone who salutes has an inexplicable feeling in their hearts.

It seems that he has cast aside any fear and hesitation, and only hopes to follow [Satan] on the high platform forever!

This feeling is only fleeting.

No one would notice the abnormality, and at most thought it was influenced by the solemn and solemn ceremony around him.

At this moment, Ash just felt a more complex and huge fragment of will clinging to him, quickly surrounding his body.

The transformation efficiency of the transition ritual in the bloodline is getting faster and faster!

Not only did it sharply purify his golden human bloodline, but also the spiral bloodline that combined Lucifer and Lucifer climbed to an unprecedented peak!

The huge change even made Yaxiu's missing body distorted for a while, almost dissipating. "I still haven't entered the bizarre [realm] it used to be..." Closing his eyes and feeling silently for a moment, Yaxiu sighed in his heart.

Immediately, he borrowed the magic props that had been prepared, and quietly sensed the situation in the human world.

All very bad.

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A ferocious monster with seven heads and ten horns, with a height of several hundred meters and a dark body, has rushed into the human world from the void and began to trample everything in sight.

Perhaps attracted by some kind of strong killing aura, the place where it descended happened to be a cruel battlefield.

Human beings who were originally at war, no matter which side, hundreds of thousands of people on the battlefield were instantly wiped out.

The buildings in the surrounding cities were easily overturned, and the fields, manors, and even temples and churches were also burning.

With countless screams, thick smoke spread.

At this time, many gods who wanted to take the opportunity to redistribute their beliefs and have been staying in the human world reacted, and hoped to stop them in shock and anger.

However, before they got close, the [Apocalypse Beast] had already sensed their breath.

The huge tail rolled up, the void shattered, and the ferocious figure had rushed over.

The dark magic flame surged up, burning everything around!

In just a few minutes, countless gods have fallen, and even many gods have been hit hard!

"." That's... the [Beast of the End] recorded in the Bible? "

The gods of the Dark Alliance hid in the surrounding void, and Erebus made a trembling voice.

Although under the repeated emphasis of Shiva, the god of destruction, he has understood the power of the apocalypse beast.

But what he saw at this time... still shocked him.

"How did the original God of the Bible seal this guy?"

Including Erebos, all the members of the Hell Alliance have a thought in their hearts.

- Is it really good to unblock such a monster?

They don't want anything to destroy the world.

Instead, reshape a [perfect world] that suits your heart!

But Apocalypse Beast, a guy with a chaotic atmosphere, looks like a complete [Destroyer]! "It seems that the [Beast], who was sealed by (Zhao Nuo's) before being born, has been looking forward to regaining his freedom for a long time." Shiva, the God of Destruction, closed his eyes and silently felt the whole chaotic world. Long-lost joy.After a while, he opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: "No need to worry, before unblocking and fully restoring it, I have signed a very strict contract with this guy - even if it only has a chaotic consciousness, A contract that must be abided by." "So wait in peace."

"This guy has five minutes of free time."

"In just five minutes, at most the various gods on the earth will be severely damaged, and it is impossible to destroy the entire world." "And after that, it has to deal with the underworld for us."

"Deal with that Lucifer... No, now, he should be called the Satan Monarch!" "Deal with Satan, and the [Infinite Dragon God] who is on Satan's side!" "Their battle must be a tug-of-war."

"During this period, if we cooperate with the monsters in the depths of hell to attack, we will be able to capture the entire underworld in one fell swoop!" Donkey.

Chapter 191 [Beast] Coming to the Underworld

"This surrender ceremony is really mysterious..."

After trying to sort out the almost endless fragments of will, Ash heaved a sigh of relief and began to focus on other places.

He could feel that with the kneeling of countless demons below the steps and the activation of the surrender ceremony, he seemed to be above all demons as a matter of course.

It is both the origin and the end that cannot be crossed!

From now on, no demon can surpass his status.

At least in this "High School of Demons" world, he is the top ruler of [Devil]!

And with the continuation of the surrender ceremony, Ash can still hear some kind of unwilling scream that appears in the dark-that symbolizes the status of [Lilith, the mother of demons], which is being quietly overthrown by himself.

The right in his hands, the authority to [create all demons and create all demons] is being slowly received by himself in some mysterious way.

As long as it is in the underground space under the ceremony stage, the next second that Yaxiu's body is successfully born from the [Great Source Embryo]...

He must be able to deeply embed the concept of [rule all demons] into the source of the demon family!

At that time, every creature who mentions [Demon] is equivalent to mentioning him!

Every contract within the demon, even every important turning point, will be under his witness! "Satan's road has been successfully completed, next..."

Still leaning quietly on the throne, Yaxiu raised his head slightly, staring at the void in the distance.

Feeling the increasingly strong beast roar, a look of anticipation floated on his face. "Just look at the second half of the ceremony."

"Can I succeed in becoming the [Mythic Demon] who is in charge of original sin, equal to God, and regarded as a powerful enemy by God..." At this moment, a golden feather floated down from the sky and landed in front of Ashura.Michael's image rose, with a worried look on his face: "First of all, congratulations on becoming Satan... But I hope you can end the ceremony immediately and lead everyone in Lucifer to evacuate - the Hell Alliance has been unblocked. Apocalypse Beast!" "I have already received the news that the monster has just destroyed the human world, and the next destination may be the underworld!" Today's Satan promotion ceremony was held in a very low-key manner, and no one was invited to watch the ceremony. staff.

Although Michael, Asachel, and even Di Shitian, Odin and other gods have been known in advance through various channels, but the demon family has not issued an invitation to the outside world, so it is not easy for them to take the initiative to come.

What's more, in order to (bceg) to deal with the attack of the Hell Alliance, all the forces are very busy.

The heavens and the fallen angels guarded a passage connecting hell respectively. In addition to guarding the passage, the gods also needed to compete for beliefs in the human realm and so on. "Well, I see."

Looking at the magic communication in front of him, Yaxiu smiled and nodded: "You should still be guarding the passage, right? Thank you for your concern, but I think instead of worrying about me, you should pay more attention to the passage in front of you. If you don't expect it, Poor, those monsters in the depths of hell are about to appear."

"They will definitely attack all the passages with all their strength!" "Then Lucifer..."

Lucifer now not only has a billion demons, but also countless angels, fallen angels, and various races of other gods.

And the apocalypse beast is likely to attack here immediately, how could Michael not be worried. "I have everything here."

In the next second, the blazing angel saw the relaxed smile on his friend's face, as if he was in control of everything.

After he was stunned for a while, some doubts suddenly appeared in his heart.

Think carefully about the recent events, and combine it with the various information on the human world just obtained.

"Could it be... that the Apocalypse Beast will be unblocked by the Hell Alliance, you actually expected it?" Yaxiu didn't speak, but still smiled calmly.

"It turns out that it seems that you seem to be planning something."

Michael frowned, and finally gave a wry smile. He didn't get to the bottom of it, but just continued to confirm: "Are you sure?"

"Yes, you only need to keep the responsible channel." Ash's calm tone carried strong confidence: "As for the apocalypse beast, leave it to me."

Just after finishing the conversation with Michael, another magical breath flew from a distance.Di Shitian's figure appeared in the void mirror, his face full of seriousness: "There has been a great accident, a terrifying monster has been created by the Hell Alliance... It seems to be in your Bible system, only in circulation. The [Apocalypse Beast]! Could it be that the God of the Bible once sealed this monster in hell?" "No, there is no accident, everything is going according to the script." "The script... Whose script?"

"My script."

Di Shitian's expression froze, and for the first time he looked at Kia Xiu with a very serious look.After a while, he said in a low voice: "After that monster destroyed countless creatures and even gods in the human world, it is heading towards your underworld." "It's just part of the script." Ash smiled.

At the same time, the beast's roar echoing in the underworld became clearer and clearer, and the void shook more and more severely.

Even Teisha, who communicated through magic, could feel it.

He took a deep breath.

"You promised me that you would assist me and create a chance for me to confront Shiva!"

"Yes, the agreement remains the same."

Ash can already feel that the apocalypse beast is traveling from the human world to the underworld.

Maybe the next second will come!

He finally stood up slowly from the throne and looked at Di Shitian with a calm expression: "I am still willing to assist you and create an opportunity for you to fight against Shiva alone without being disturbed."

"Other gods in the Hell Alliance should have their own opponents, so that extra [Beast of the End]. ... Leave it to me."

"What about the other monsters in the depths of hell? All the gods can feel that those seals are being weakened rapidly! They will appear soon and assist [Beast of the End] to destroy the whole world!" "Well, they can also pass it to me."

In Yaxiu's hand, a gorgeous spear full of divine aura quickly manifested: "Exactly, I have recently developed some new moves, and after killing that [Ending Beast], I can go to other places. Try a little trick." After a moment of silence, Di Shitian suddenly burst out laughing: "Aiya... the young people today are really amazing."

"Then, whatever you are planning, as an ally, I wish you success here."

Before the sound fell, a deafening low beast roar suddenly came from the vast underworld!

The huge whistling formed ripples and spread, and even affected the entire Great Source!

The magic mirror in front of Ash's eyes exploded involuntarily.

Even his condensed body of thoughts was blurred and distorted. "His Majesty!"

Grafia, who was standing respectfully on the side, immediately held Yaxiu's hand and quietly input her magic power to help him stabilize his body.

Then the girl raised her head.

I saw that in the dark purple sky of the underworld, the diffuse dark clouds began to rotate like a black hole, causing dozens of hurricanes around the sky.

In the next second, an ugly giant beast emerged from the dark cloud, exuding a palpitating aura of destruction.

Seven pairs of chaotic beast eyes stared at Ashe in front of the throne, and let out an extremely angry roar.

It can feel that someone is about to become a new [Beast]!

And that is what it will never allow! .

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