
Chapter 192 Meteor-like trajectory

Even in the high clouds, the coercion of the beast still spreads turbulently.

That unparalleled feeling of suffocation made the entire Lucifer tremble!

Countless civilians seemed to be frozen, with expressions of despair on their faces, without saying a word, just staring at the sky.

The power equivalent to the seventh sense—even if it is only the beginning of the seventh sense, it is a qualitative enhancement, and it can completely crush the seventh sense!

The countless demons in the square who were bowing to Yaxiu were already crumbling, and even the transcenders such as Grefia felt a deep palpitation in their hearts.

But in the face of such a deadly crisis, none of the demons chose to escape.

One because they are in the rite of surrender that has already taken effect.

For the demon family, not only spiritually, but even "conceptually" has completely surrendered to Ash.

Without the order of the ruler, Ashe, even if he was afraid, he would never be able to escape.

"What a domineering ceremony... No wonder the God of the Bible has the confidence to use this to solve the Apocalypse Beast!" Ash sighed in his heart.

However, he also knew that the current situation was because the ceremony was at the moment of activation.

In addition, all the demons kneeling down below are not submissive, but sincerely worship themselves, the Satan monarch.

Therefore, it will create a power far beyond its own.

When the ceremony is over, the demons will naturally revere themselves deeply from the bottom of their hearts, and will never dare to be their enemies.

But it is impossible to lose his own will like a puppet like he is now.

The God of the Bible is not some evil god who must control the heart.

Besides... He might not be able to do that either.

These thoughts flashed through his mind quickly, and Axiu commanded in a calm voice: "Go to evacuation, leave it to me here!" "Yes!"

Under the powerful chaotic coercion of the Apocalypse Beast, the uniform reply of the demon clan almost shook the world.

They bowed respectfully again, and without any hesitation, they quickly and orderly evacuated to various passages.

After a while, in the entire huge ceremony plaza, only Ash was left, and behind him, Grafia, Seraph and other family members who were looking worried.

Including Rebel, they all possess strength beyond the Demon King class.

Although facing the apocalypse beasts who have completely entered the seventh sense, they can't help much, but at least they won't be killed by the opponent's aftermath like the group of demons just now.

That's why Yaxiu will leave them at ease.

Because at present, he is only a weak body of thoughts after all.

Before launching that deadly attack, it is likely to encounter some accidents, leading to the destruction of the missing body.

That might make the whole ceremony incomplete.

Yaxiu naturally could not tolerate such an accident.

Grefia and several other family members are the guarantee that he can successfully complete the ceremony.

Now, except for Gurefia, who is inputting magic power to help him stabilize his oppressed and unstable body, the rest of the family members are scattered in various directions, trying their best to resist the powerful pressure from the sky and create a more relaxed environment.

Ash raised his head.

In the black cloud spinning like a black hole, more than half of the huge body of the Apocalypse Beast has been drilled out, and it is staring at him fiercely. "It looks like you didn't enter the underworld through a normal transfer magic circle..."

Although he could only rely on Grefia's magic to maintain himself, Ash also showed a relaxed attitude, and even made fun of the enemy in his words.

This is normal, after all, the Apocalypse Beast is a mindless chaotic beast.

How could it be possible to build a magic circle—even with its power, it could easily do so.

But when he was faintly aware that someone was trying to become a new [Beast] and compete with it for the entire sea of ​​negative emotions, it would naturally lock on the target immediately.

Then, directly use your own powerful strength to cross the line!

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This will inevitably cause it to act slowly.

For example, now-One has half of his body, and he continues to stay in the space mezzanine, failing to successfully enter the underworld!

So just now, he could only spread his own strong coercion, and there was no way to attack.

Ash had already calculated this in advance.

This is also the reason why his missing body, even with only one blow, is confident enough to kill the Apocalypse Beast once!

The holy spear in his hand has been fully mobilized.

The power that belongs to the [Origin of the Son of Dawn] is extremely active.

The diffused pure white light is full of divine aura, making the golden holy spear begin to be dyed pure white.

In [The Holy Lance of Dusk], all matter seems to have disintegrated, forming a unique and condensed energy body.

The power of "killing gods" and the power of restraining beasts are intertwined to form the whole of this god-killing tool. "Then, I'll wait for you for a while."

Looking at the roaring Apocalypse Beast in the sky, Ash smiled and whispered. "The moment you fully come in, it's time for me to take action!" The holy spear in his hand was even more blazing.

Even if Yaxiu deliberately restrained, Guleifeiya on the side could feel it, as if the sun was burning herself at close range, and her pretty face was covered in cold sweat.

Her demon bloodline, in a short period of time, was purified a lot by the holy spear.

But the silver-haired maid became more at ease.

One-by-one, because the greater the power of this gun, the more it can restrain the power of the Apocalypse Beast, it means that the ritual of Ashe will be more successfully completed. . .Ask for flowers.

Grafia, who was usually silent and indifferent, was actually thinking of her master with all her heart. "Crack..."

As the apocalypse beast drilled out of its body again, the energy released from its body could faintly interfere with the underworld below.

The entire Satanic Ceremony Square bears the brunt, and most of the surrounding buildings are cracking.

Maybe it will collapse and disintegrate in the next second, turning into a pile of ruins.

Grafia was startled, and looked at Ash with worry. "It's okay, that ceremony is over." Ash shook his head.

He understood the meaning of the other party, and was afraid that the scene of the surrender ceremony would be destroyed by the Apocalypse Beast, and there would be no problem.

But that's exactly what Ash wants.

Because the various special buildings arranged in the surrender ceremony are always hidden dangers, and it is inevitable that people will notice them.

After the ceremony, it is better to dismantle it as soon as possible.

Recently, there are many gods in the underworld, and it is difficult to guarantee that nothing will be seen.

So he had planned for a long time that the battle with Apocalypse would destroy the ceremony site smoothly.

Well, I decided not to invite a guest from an external force to hold the Satan Ceremony in such a low-key manner, in order to prevent the gods from coming to the scene and seeing something.


As Ash said, everything is in the script.

Everything is just part of the script.

He has done everything, so.

Sure to succeed today!

These thoughts flashed in my mind just now, and a beast roar broke out in the sky again.

The black hole formed by the dense dark cloud suddenly stopped, and then burst open.

The space is distorted, the pitch-black and ferocious beast, the body several hundred meters long, has finally squeezed seven or eight tenths into the underworld!

In a more violent source of chaotic magic power, it issued a roar full of destruction!

The entire ceremony plaza below seemed to be run over by an invisible force, and large cracks erupted from the building and the ground.

At this time, under the interference of this huge magic power, Yaxiu's missing body has been swaying like a candle in the wind, and it may collapse in the next second.

But the holy spear in his hand, the pure white light is filled to the peak!

"It's time for me to make a move..."

With a low laugh, Yaxiu let go of Gurefia, her eyes full of anticipation, and she leaned back slightly.

The holy spear made of pure brilliance in his hand was finally thrown with force!

It made a beautiful trajectory in the sky like a shooting star.

It stabbed at the Apocalypse Beast, which was suspended in the high purple sky, unable to perform much action.indivual.

Chapter 193 Overpowering the opponent

Without the slightest accident, the holy spear penetrated the apocalypse beast!

In an instant, everything in the world seemed to stop.

Immediately afterwards, light and darkness suddenly spread in all directions, and every force of them was violently colliding and resisting.

Some even forcibly blended into a weird gray!

The Apocalypse Beast shouted hoarsely, and the roar formed substantial ripples.

The entire purple sky in the underworld is distorting!

However, even this cannot prevent its death.

[The Holy Spear of Dusk] carries the [Origin of the Son of Dawn], that power is almost the only existence in the world that can restrain it!

A strong light spread from the center, and finally drowned the huge body of 【Beast】.

At the same time, the shock wave has spread to the ground.

On the square of the "July [-]" ceremony directly below, countless buildings seemed to have been wiped by an eraser for the first time, and everything turned into powder.

Despite Gurefia's full protection, Ash's fragile mind body couldn't withstand such a powerful energy level shock, and the figure was rapidly distorting and dissipating.

But the moment it dissipated, Grefia quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Because she saw the happy smile on the other's face.

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