That proves the plan has been successful! "Let's go!"

The silver-haired maid looked at Seraph and others around, and took them away from the explosion center without hesitation. "Your Majesty said, leave everything to him!"

At this moment, the underground of the ceremony square sent out a very regular fluctuation and vibration.

In the low and dull sound of rumbling like a grinding disc, it seemed that something was about to rush out from the ground.

The solid ground even swells in large chunks!

After a while, a huge magic column rose into the sky.

The majestic energy began to dissolve everything around.

In the light formed by the magic, one could faintly see a mass of embryos shrinking more and more in the void. "Crack..."

The embryo made a light and crisp sound, and the next second, it slowly cracked like an egg!

A dazzling figure wrapped in the brilliance of the stars slowly walked out from the inside and stood in the air, wrapping up the spreading magic column.

He looked upwards and waved his hand.

The gorgeous long spear exuding pure spiritual power suddenly flew down from the sky and was gently held by the opponent.

Step forward casually!

(!1,.4!,) With just this simple action, Dagen suddenly turned from the original turbulent state to stillness as if he had been tamed!

Everything, no matter the shock wave that is still spreading, or the various distortions formed by the collision of violent energy in the void, are easily wiped out!

There is also a strong spiritual will that enveloped the entire magnificent Lucifer!

It's like having magic power.

All races living in the city.

Demons, angels, goblins, ghosts, etc.

The anxiety and fear originally caused by the arrival of the [Apocalypse Beast] slowly disappeared without a trace.

Everyone stared blankly at the hazy figure standing in the air.

The beautiful brilliance of the stars shone for a moment, and gradually began to dissipate.

With a holy spear and a calm expression, Yaxiu appeared in front of everyone. "It's His Majesty Lucifer... No! It's Lord Satan!"

At this time, the chaotic magical aura in the sky was rapidly condensing.

In the blink of an eye, it condensed into a ferocious monster with seven heads and ten horns.

With the support of the ocean of negative emotions, the Apocalypse Beast was easily resurrected!

The huge figure hundreds of meters high has an aura of fear that will make anyone fall into depression.

It erupted with a fierce roar again, and an ominous jet-black flame rose from the hill-like body.

Like a burning meteorite, it slammed into Ash from the air.

The big mouth is like a black hole, absorbing all the matter and energy around it!

This guy wants to devour the newly born [New Beast] directly!

It is absolutely intolerable that there is another being that shares the power of that ocean with it.

Because that will form a certain invisible restraint on it!

However, at this time, Yaxiu was no longer just a [New Beast].

Through a series of complicated ceremonies just now, he was successfully promoted to [Satan].

He also seized the authority of Lilith, the mother of demons, and killed ten gods, including Akamana. ….

Even if it fails to complete the most important step - killing the god of the Bible, the powerful influence of the Bible allows the ritual to obtain a complete cycle, and its influence runs through human nature.

He has also barely become a real [God's Enemy], a [Mythic Demon] circulating in human wisdom!

Not only will the ocean of negative emotions be opened to him, but even the [Seven Original Sins] that have settled in human nature can be easily absorbed by him and turned into his own power!

Yaxiu's magic power system... or the devil bloodline system, has already been one step ahead of the Saint Seiya system, and has a combat power comparable to the seventh sense!

Just one step out, the whole piece of Great Source was shaken lightly.

There seems to be a huge ocean full of maliciousness in the void, and the ocean is behind the Apocalypse Beast, looming, as if it is permanently connected to it. "Is this your unscrupulous trump card?" Speaking so softly, Ash raised his hand with a smile.

Grip with five fingers!

With a low whine that resounded through the heavens and the earth, the illusory ocean behind the apocalypse beast surged up with huge waves.

In the next second, the ocean froze in place like this, quickly pulling away from the falling apocalypse beast.

With just one action, Ash has completely cut off the connection between [Negative Emotions Ocean] and [Apocalypse Beast].

In the final analysis... because at this time, his control over negative emotions has completely surpassed the opponent's 4.6!

What's more, not just in terms of negative emotions.

In the ceremony just now, he relied on the means of killing ten evil gods and evil gods.

In addition to condensing from his own blood, the origin of the [Child of Dawn] that is unique to him and restrains the beast.

Through the intertwined state of the spiral blood vessels, the power of the source has gone a step further!

Today, it can be said that he has a purer divine power than the gods in every gesture. That is the ultimate [order], the desire of all beings to break the night and usher in the light, and restraint without any conditions [disorder] and confusion]!

Therefore, facing the devastating blow of the Apocalypse Beast like a meteor, Ash did not feel any nervousness.

He just raised the holy spear in his hand again. .

Chapter 194 Regret

A dazzling light bloomed from the tip of the gun.

Every inch of light shines, and the surrounding void is constantly rising and shrinking like a fun mirror.

Yaxiu poured his own source into the amplification, so that this gun exerted far more power than before!

The fourteen beast pupils shrank fiercely from the huge monster that rushed from the sky.

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It can clearly sense that the opponent's attack can easily kill itself!

But the instinct of chaos and destruction has left it without any reason at all.

The Apocalypse Beast didn't dodge or dodge, and charged with a grand roar again.

Substantial sound waves spread around, crushing almost everything.

But before he touched three meters of Yaxiu's body, he was easily wiped away by a sacred aura. "Then, farewell."

Ash smiled and clenched the holy spear in his hand, and the light suddenly soared.

"Actually, I'm not too happy, there are strange creatures swimming in the ocean I delimited..." With this relaxed and calm explanation, Shenmieji stabbed forward with an infinite divine aura!

The energy of the big source was continuously condensed around the power of the gun, and finally formed a beam of blazing white light that was compressed to the extreme.

The high-density energy distorted the void every inch, and circles of shocking air waves continued to appear around it.

That beam of divine light that surpassed any gods extended infinitely, slamming the 12 apocalypse beasts!

The brilliance paused for a while, as if a huge umbrella was opened between heaven and earth, and the rushing spiritual power spread rapidly in all directions.

The dazzling torrent of scorching energy particles gradually drowned the body of 【Beast】.

The two opposing forces interacted, causing the rumbling explosion to continue.

The sky in the underworld was turbulent, and the thunder was climbing along the edge, and the deep purple sky became gloomy in an instant, as if the end was coming.

Ash has turned around.

Don't look at the results at all.

Because the enemy died instantly, and the body was purified to ashes - this result, the sea of ​​illusory emotions that was continuously connected to him, had already been told to him in a special way.

From now on, Ash will be the sole ruler of that ocean.

He also acquired the same traits as the Apocalypse Beast.

——It can absorb power from that ocean to instantly recover from injuries, and even resurrect after death.

As long as there is no end to human beings, and that mysterious ocean of emotions is endless, he will never die! "But I still have some regrets.  …"

Flying into the almost destroyed underground space of the square, Ash opened the storage space.

Put away that Lilith, the mother of demons, who has set up a barrier in advance to survive the shock wave.

Another wave of hands.

Aroused the surrounding big source.

Countless chaotic magic burst out suddenly, destroying this secret underground space.

Until there was no trace of the ceremony, Yaxiu flew back to the surface and slowly climbed the steps.

Meditate on the one and only satanic throne. "Is it because the ceremony is incomplete?"

"Why have I already mastered the [Seven Original Sins] and even the [Seven Virtues] in human principles, but I still can't condense into the corresponding [Power]?" Power is an extremely important part of the power of the gods.

At this time, Yaxiu is actually no less than any main god in the world of "High School of Demons" in terms of life rank, or "spiritual level".

In terms of the strength of the magic system alone, the absolute strength of the seventh sense even surpassed most of the main gods.

Only powerful deities like Shiva can match it.

But... Ash did not acquire any [Power] related to demons.

Even after he became the first [Mythic Demon] in this world, he did not form a [Divinity] or a [Godhead], nor did he connect with the mysterious realm he had sensed. "Maybe you have to ask Michael about this matter... No, Michael is just a creature created by God, and he may not know much about the secrets of the gods." "I have to ask other gods."

But no matter what, after becoming Satan, Ash can feel it.

In addition to the improvement in strength, his golden human bloodline is also rapidly purifying.

[Transition Ceremony] It seems to have undergone some kind of qualitative reorganization and strengthening.

Even if you don't count the attached demon's will fragments, the efficiency is far beyond what it used to be.

At this speed, he would be able to leap to the rank of "Bronze Human" in at most ten years.

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