and has been irreversible.

When the plot begins, all human beings will inevitably fall to the black iron level, and there will no longer be a trace of "mystery".

Those saints who used to be extremely powerful in the anime.

After all, they are just a bunch of ordinary people.

[*] Since ordinary people can cultivate a small universe and master such powerful power, even the gods in the world of Saint Seiya can be killed.

As long as he can figure out the reason, Yaxiu feels that in the future, he should also allow his family to do it!

But that may take a long time to explore.

Wait until you have traveled through a few more worlds and accumulated more mysterious knowledge, and then try to study the various inside stories in the original work.

Ash thought so.

After dinner, just sitting with a few family members in the back garden for a while, suddenly the communicator on his body rang.

Magic crystals congealed in the void.

Odin appeared in front of several people with a tired look on his face. "Your Majesty Satan, long time no see!"

"Lord Odin, it's nice to meet you." Ash smiled, "The war with the Hell Alliance should be over, right?" "Yeah, it's over."

Although he said this, Odin's face did not see the slightest light of relief, and he showed a very serious expression: "Those guys, in the past ten years, almost destroyed the entire human world. ...... But fortunately, With the cooperation of His Majesty Di Shitian, we finally succeeded in overthrowing those dark gods." "Except for some of the dead, including Shiva, most of the dark gods have been trapped in the eternal seal." Ash was stunned. .

They have already committed such a catastrophic disaster, and even almost used the magic eye of Barol to clean up all the gods on the order side.

In the end, it just sealed the culprit and it was over?

You are too talkative.

Perhaps he could sense what Yaxiu was thinking at this time, Odin shook his head, showing helplessness: "No way, we need to rely on them to maintain the operation of hell... In recent years, the underworld should not be too good, right? I'm very sorry, but I promised to guard two passages for His Majesty Satan, but..."

Yaxiu is naturally doing well.

Under his absolute strength, the monsters unsealed in the depths of hell can't wait to get into the seal again.

It's been a long time since I dared to harass the underworld again.

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Of course, if you say these specific circumstances, there will be suspicion of boasting.Ash, who had already eliminated the influence of Lucifer's arrogance, quietly ignored it and just asked: "So, what Lord Odin means is to let the sealed dark gods re-suppress hell?" "Will something happen again? trouble?"

"Absolutely impossible." Odin was very confident: "The seal on them is extremely strict - waiting for the fate of these guys will be in hell, falling into eternal sleep." Ash nodded irrevocably: " Then Lord Odin 800, the purpose of your contact with me this time..." "Yes."

Odin quickly changed his apologetic expression: "In addition to personally thanking and apologizing to you for Vader's unauthorized departure from the underworld ten years ago, as you thought, we will immediately take the sealed darkness with you. The gods entered hell and completely solved the aftermath of the underworld." "Trust me, everything will be back to normal soon."

No, in fact, as early as ten years ago, the underworld was almost peaceful.

Ash smiled inwardly.

After finishing the communication with Odin, he suddenly looked at Orpheus. "I'm ready." "Huh?" Orpheus looked startled.

"Don't you want me to help you defeat that red dragon?" Ash took her hand: "In a few days, when hell returns to normal, we can go to the interdimensional cracks. ... I will help you get revenge at that time. ." Orpheus fell into a long silence.

Although her expression was as light as usual, this time, everyone around her could detect it.

This black-haired dragon god who likes to be in a quiet daze, she is not in a daze at this time.

Rather, it should have fallen into some rare hesitation.


After a while, Orpheus finally nodded lightly. .

Chapter 200 Entering the Dimension Crack

The boundless silence and emptiness are filled with chaotic colors, like a slowly rotating kaleidoscope, pieced together into various strange patterns. "This is... the dimensional gap?" Ash and Orpheus were quietly suspended.

He looked around, but could only see the gradation of colors in the distance.

It seems that there is no concept of heaven and earth.

"It's a little familiar..." After carefully observing with his spiritual sense for a while, Yaxiu suddenly remembered the scene when he used his talent to travel through.

The dimensional gap in front of him is somewhat similar to the bizarre and bizarre encounters encountered when crossing the world.

It seems that all the colors in the world are extremely poor.

And soon, he became happy.

When he was in the gap between the dimensions, Yaxiu was keenly aware that he was relatively close to the "strange realm" he had sensed before.

As if you can reach out and touch it!

The perception of [the laws of the world] is also getting stronger every moment.

However, there was still no rapid progress like when he entered the "Strange Realm".

If the normal speed of perception is normal walking, the realization of the strange realm in less than a second is to ride a rocket.

But now I'm in the middle of the dimension, and I can barely count on a tractor.

Plus, there are some very familiar experiences.

Yaxiu thought about it for a moment, and finally came to a realization. "The Holy Grail of the Netherworld!"

"Yes, the effect of dimensional cracks on me is roughly equivalent to the [Holy Grail of the Netherworld] without the impact of resentment.... Well, it is still faster than the [Holy Grail of the Netherworld] without side effects!" He suddenly I am more interested in this mysterious place.

Perhaps, after driving away the great red, you can stay here and study it. "What about the red dragon that needs to be defeated?"

(:!?1:;4;:) Thinking of the great red, Ash turned to look at Orpheus.

The latter shook his head silently.

"The dimensional gap is very large. In a short time, you may not be able to meet the red dragon~v." "Then let's look everywhere first!"

Ash took her to a random direction and flew forward: "I'm very curious about this place, Orpheus, the Dimensional Crack is your former home, right? Can you introduce it to me?"

"Quiet, big, undisturbed place." After a pause, Orpheus added: "It's beautiful!"

"But a long time ago, I was kicked out of my home by the red dragon. I don't know what's in the cracks of the dimension now... I can roughly sense that the gods seem to have stuffed a lot of them in these years. Use something." She frowned slightly, a little unhappy: "The red dragon didn't stop it!"

Yaxiu remembered that it seemed to be mentioned in the original work that the gods of various gods would exile some items that they did not know how to deal with into the interdimensional cracks.

For example, the God of the Bible once made a large number of war weapons golems.

Later, they were all thrown into the dimensional cracks.

"No earth, no water, no air..."

After flying with Orpheus for a while, Ash murmured while observing the surroundings with his spiritual sense.

He always felt that this dimensional gap seemed to have something to do with the [Fourth World] that he had concluded, and it was full of mystery.

After all, it is the gathering place of miracle power, and two pure blood dragons were born.

But Yaxiu's current knowledge reserve is insufficient, and the power of the small universe is not strong.

Except for some superficial appearances, there is no other deeper thing at all. "Will you stay?"

Suddenly, Orpheus next to him said calmly: "After driving away the red dragon, will you stay here with me?"

Yaxiu was stunned, this was the first time he had heard such an obvious appeal from the Infinite Dragon God.

He turned his head.

But he saw the black-haired girl staring at him, her big eyes full of unhidden expectations.So Yaxiu nodded: "Well, it will stay for a while."

Hearing this sentence, Orpheus seemed to be in a very good mood, the corner of his mouth raised, and he took his hand.

Suddenly he flew in the opposite direction with him.

"Here, I can feel the red dragon's breath here!"

Yaxiu was a little amused, but also a little moved.

He finally realized that the infinite dragon god would also hate parting.

Beneath that faint calm exterior, there are actually delicate emotions hidden.

"Orpheus, if we stay here forever, we won't be able to see Rebel and the others." Ash asked softly, "Don't you miss those people you met in the underworld?"

"The black tea that Gurefia brewed, the dress made by Seraph, and Rias, Sona..." Orpheus seemed to struggle for a while, and finally shook his head.

"." You are here, you can also help me make black tea, help me put on a skirt, help me dress up, you can replace them. ""……All right. "

Ash was sweating.

The two began to chat about Orpheus's past again.

The days when she used to stay in the cracks of the dimension.

"Sleep, and sleep, and then one day, a red dragon beat me out with its tail!" Speaking of his enemy, the Infinite Dragon God didn't show any anger.

"I really want to take back my homeland, but the power of the red dragon is too powerful, it will drive me out of the dimensional gap every time." "I can only stay on the noisy earth until I meet Ash..." Said At this time, a huge dragon roar suddenly came from a distance.

Obviously there is no air, but it can create exaggerated sound waves.

The "color" of the entire dimensional gap is affected, and the ripples are more violent, and the patterns are quickly twisted into countless shapes.

Orpheus's pretty face flashed a (money's) dignified. "Red Dragon, it's approaching us!" The two stopped and waited silently for a while.

A deep red appeared in Ash's field of vision.

A strong sense of existence, even if there are thousands of colors around it, it cannot be concealed.

It appears so stable and real in the rippling lines of the entire dimensional gap, and people are attracted at a glance! "Really. The Red Dragon God Emperor... The great red!"

Ash murmured, the bright red color in his field of vision was rapidly magnifying.

It wasn't until the other party flew closer that he raised his eyebrows in surprise.

It has long been known that the size of the great red will be very large.

But he absolutely can't imagine... the total length is actually close to a kilometer!

When the giant red dragon flew towards them gracefully, it was like a moving red land, with a momentum that ordinary people could not imagine, and slammed into it! .

Chapter 201 The person who has no dreams

"You didn't even say hello?" Yaxiu frowned slightly.

I originally thought that I could have a good communication with the great red for a while.

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