But even if he shot at himself and Orpheus silently, the other party did not bring any murderous aura.

She should just want to drive the "intruder" out of the dimensional gap.

But the huge head slammed into it with a mighty force, which was a bit terrifying.

Ash passively activated Athena's Blessing of Victory in an instant.

Perhaps it was because the opponent he faced this time was far more powerful than any previous enemy, and surging energy was constantly surging from the blood of Athena.

The mysterious channel was successfully shaped and connected to another small universe within the body.

Entering the Omega-level Yaxiu, the momentum suddenly skyrocketed.

Orpheus, who was beside him, was very confident in this seizure of his homeland. He didn't even look at the huge red dragon that was about to fly in front of the two of them. "Hey, can we communicate?" Ash made a last effort.

What answered him was a long roar, and the red spiritual power released by the opponent with all his strength.

Realizing that Yaxiu was not so easy to deal with, and that the power he held seemed to be higher than himself, Great Red finally became cautious.

The real red aura spread quickly, covering the red dragon's 800-strong body scales as solid as a rock layer, making the dragon's body look even bigger.At this time, Orpheus, who was not far away, suddenly said: "Red Dragon said that she doesn't like people who have no dreams... Ash, she seems to be against you, is it because of your identity as a person from another world?" "... From the looks of it, there's really only one game left!"

Yaxiu shook his head and raised his hand in the face of the great red rushing at full speed.

Psychic power quickly woven into an invisible and colorless wall in front of him.

Crystal Wall!

The next second, the red dragon was already approaching with an unimaginable momentum.

She suddenly swung her body, and her huge tail slapped violently!

However, he drew the strongest defensive wall in front of Ash.

The whole silent dimensional gap shook, and the surrounding kaleidoscope-like patterns began to stir and distort.

Rebounded by his own power, the Great Red Dragon Tail was thrown away involuntarily.

The red aura above it dissipated in an instant, and the sturdy dragon skin at the tail began to crack, and blood splattered out.

She let out a dragon roar again, her head was slightly lowered, and she aimed in the direction of Ash.

The single horn on the forehead (bceg) flashed rapidly, gathering the infinite spiritual energy in the body.

In just an instant, the unicorn radiated a deep red color like the sun, and finally condensed a huge dazzling aura!

The aura burst into a heart-pounding energy level, causing a strange sense of overlap in the surrounding kaleidoscope-like void. In Yaxiu's field of vision, there seemed to be countless double images of the red dragon in front of him. "boom!"

The single horn flashed, and the red glow penetrated the entire dimension.

Originally, Ash thought that the crystal wall could easily prevent it.

However, in the next second, he discovered that the attack of the great red had crossed the invisible wall without any abnormality, and approached rapidly with the ultimate sense of nothingness! "Master Dream..."

In an instant, he could sense the situation of the red dragon at this time.

This guy's real body is no longer in place, but has come to his back!

The sight in front of you, that attack, are actually all phantoms!

As soon as Yaxiu turned around, his spiritual sense sensed a bloody dragon's tail slamming towards him.

If it is an ordinary god, even Shiva will be injured by this blow.

Surprisingly, however, there was no murderous intent attached.

Up to now, the goal of Great Red is still very clear. It only hopes to expel the interloper from the dimensional gap, and has no idea of ​​killing the enemy.

It seems that the two dragon gods in the world of "High School of Demons", whether they are Orpheus or the Great Red, have the power far beyond all gods, but they are also the most peaceful.

Yaxiu's figure slanted, let go of the dragon's tail's attack, and jumped directly onto the red dragon's body as broad as a continent.A blazing thunder light was released from his body: "I'm here to help Orpheus regain her homeland, so it's your turn to travel to Earth this time..."

Accompanied by the afterimages of countless punches, a huge torrent of light took shape before his eyes, and instantly drowned the body of the red dragon under his feet!

The energy storm began to spread infinitely in the interdimensional gap, and even lined up a small kaleidoscope area.

"Did you succeed?" Orpheus' expression seemed very happy.

But Ash still stood there calmly, looking around.

In the [Plasma Light Speed ​​Fist] just now, he did not hit the great red - at the last moment, the other party used some unimaginable means to quietly disappear.

The surrounding energy storm had not subsided, and Ash suddenly felt the space beside him distorted.

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In the next second, a strong sense of inclination came.

In the dimensional gap where there is no gravity at all, his body is falling... and where it fell, if I read it correctly, where is the underworld?

The great red has opened a space passage connecting the underworld nearby!

Looking at the opening of the cave that was gradually shrinking, Ash quickly stopped the falling figure and rushed in again with a few jumps.

"It's a bit tricky..."

Glancing around, his expression became serious.

What is difficult is not the power of the great red - although her power is indeed superior to all the gods in the "High School of Demons" world, it is not as good as her own Omega power.

However, the other party is in charge of [Dream].

Yaxiu could feel that the red dragon should have very few... or never encountered an enemy, just like Orpheus, the combat experience is extremely rare.

He has never studied the specific manipulation of the power of [Dream], and only uses his instincts to a certain extent.

Just as he was thinking, there were slight ripples around, and the huge forelimbs of the red dragon suddenly rushed out from the ripples, and slapped towards Yaxiu with a thunderous momentum!

The dragon's claw was fully stretched out, and the sturdy scales were layered, falling like a bright red mountain, and it could easily crush almost any creature.

Yaxiu's right fist gathered a lot of omega power, and he was about to throw a punch to face the opponent head-on.

As a result, the dragon claw above his head disappeared.

He sensed it carefully with his spiritual sense.

I can faintly perceive that there is always a layer of ethereal power surrounding it.

Perhaps as long as he relaxes his defenses, some kind of incredible attack will soon be ushered in.

That is the invisible [Dream] power of the Great Red, which allows one to travel between the world of reality and dreams. .

Chapter 202 The Great Red Frozen

In the colorful dimensional cracks, one person and one dragon are engaged in some kind of silent and strange confrontation.

The great red shuttles through the dream world, sometimes sticking out dragon claws or dragon tails to attack.

This kind of attack is silent, and even the great source energy will not start a wave.

If you encounter other people, even the strongest gods in the high school of demons, you may be caught off guard.

But for Ash, who is used to comprehending the world with his spirit.

As long as there is a slight change in the surrounding environment, he can clearly sense it and respond immediately.

However... Perhaps because the power gap between the two has been perceived, the Great Red will never confront him head-on.

As long as he gathers the power of Omega, he immediately re-enters the dream world.

In reality, Ash, there is absolutely no way to catch up. "Axiu, the red dragon is afraid of your power!"

Although Ash was stunned, Orpheus's eyes became brighter and brighter. "She can only hide everywhere, and she doesn't dare to appear in front of you at all!"

Perhaps for the Infinite Dragon God, it is also a very interesting thing to see the former opponent shriveled.

Ash frowned slightly.

"Orpheus, I can't hit her, is there anything you can do?" The infinite dragon god in the distance shook his head slightly: "That is the world of dreams, the gathering place of all dreams, it seems that only the red dragon can be free. In and out, even I can't get in." Perhaps it was because of the elusive action of the Great Red, so Orpheus could not win the opponent at all.

After observing for a while again, the spirit sense can feel the ethereal energy surrounding him all the time, Yaxiu thought about it.

Suddenly stopped, and took all the power of Omega back into the body.

In a blink of an eye, he became harmless to humans and animals, smiling at Orpheus in the distance: "It seems that the red dragon should have been driven away by me!" "Roar—"

The voice fell, and there was a dragon roar around again, with strong dissatisfaction.

A beam of bright crimson light penetrated the heavens and the earth, lasing from behind!

Ash didn't use any means to resist, just dodged.

In an instant, a huge dragon claw quickly appeared beside him.

It is clearly like a giant mountain pressing down strongly, but it unexpectedly carries a certain sense of elegance.

This time, Ash did not use the power of Omega to resist.

However, his spiritual sense is outstanding.

As early as when the dragon claw appeared, he had already clearly judged any subtle movements of the opponent.

The figure flashed again and avoided far away.

The dragon claw dissipated in the air like a phantom, as if it had never appeared.

Even the powerful aura of spiritual power just now was wiped out by Da Yuan in an instant.

The great red body was swimming in the dream realm, and the pair of huge dragon eyes stared at Yaxiu, but doubts flashed in his heart.

After a while, she roared softly again, and the dragon's tail with great strength appeared, and it was quickly drawn!

Ash jumped again to dodge.

However, the dragon's tail is unrelenting, and it lifts up extremely flexibly!

Its speed is extremely fast, so that Yaxiu can no longer do any dodge, and can only cross his hands to block in front of him.

The huge mass with suffocating force pushed his whole person far away.

And in the next moment, the dragon tail in front disappeared, and another dragon claw shot from behind. "It should be almost..."

A smile flashed on the corner of Yaxiu's mouth. Facing the dragon claw that was close at hand, the Omega universe in his body suddenly erupted, forming a dark purple weird line!

The thin line rushed out from his raised palm and instantly fell on the opposite dragon claw.

Accumulated corpse gas underworld wave!

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