Become the richest man, hold power, be above ten thousand people, be surrounded by beauties (handsome guys) in groups, and even wantonly kill any unpleasant guy, and let the high-ranking people kneel at their feet like dogs...

The dream of almost all intelligent creatures is to satisfy themselves and not care about others at all.

Real Red, who is in charge of dreams, doesn't care about those dreams themselves.

For her, dreams of "world peace", "world destruction", "creating a new world" and "picking up money every day when you go out" are no different in value.

As a great red dragon, when entering and leaving other people's dreams, he does not pay attention to the dreams themselves.

She just wanted to find a free place to fly.

It's that simple.

Therefore, the "dream is very interesting" in the real red mouth does not refer to any noble concept.

Just because of the people who "dream", the dedication of all-out efforts.

Just like the protagonist Hyoudou Issei, many angels, demons, and even the great red in the original book have commented that his dream is "very interesting".

——Not referring to the idea of ​​"opening a harem".

Instead, I saw the persistence behind it, and it can even be turned into spiritual food for the infinite improvement of the gods...

What they respect is not the desire of the protagonist itself, but the too pure obsession.

According to the three views of human beings, the dream of opening a harem is naturally vulgar.

But the high-ranking creatures don't care at all.

No matter what, they don't just look at appearances like ordinary people.

In the real red eyes who are in charge of the power of dreams, only by devoting all of your heart into it, can the dream absorb enough nutrients and be successfully turned into reality.

Even if it is a distant dream.

And just by watching Yaxiu's "dream", she found that those illusions were almost the same as reality.

This proves that the dreamer is more persistent than anyone she has ever seen!

Lastly...and most importantly.

True red can swim in the dreams of others.

The more realistic the dream, the more comfortable and unfettered she will feel when flying.

That's why she treats those persistent creatures differently.

But for the little tail that follows behind.

In less than three days, Yaxiu felt a little annoyed.

"Because you thought it would be more pleasant to fly in my dream world, so you followed me to the underworld?"

In Agreas' separate magic study room, Axiu was about to sort out the current situation, but Scarlet slipped in from nowhere.

It seems that most of the enchantments and seals are ineffective against her, who is in charge of the power of fantasy.

"Yes." Zhenhong nodded and said seriously, "But I can't break through your power—I hope you can take the initiative to let go of your dreams to me!" Originally, Yaxiu was too lazy to pay attention to her, but the other party always With you every moment.

Although he wouldn't deliberately obstruct his own business, it also broke the quiet atmosphere of being alone.

"...Are you sure you want to enter my dream?"

Looking at the girl in the red dress hanging behind her like a ghost, a bit of malice flashed in Yaxiu's eyes.

For the Saint Seiya, especially the Saint Seiya who has initially involved the mind control technique of [Illusionary Demon King Fist], it is not difficult to change his "dream".

Just allow yourself to try to think about another thing for a while. "Sure."

(;1:?4,"") Really red nodded, looking expectant. "it is good."

With an inexplicable smile, Yaxiu reopened the closed loop of the small universe, allowing his spiritual power to radiate a little.

When I saw the girl in the red dress in front of me, the figure gradually turned into a phantom and quietly disappeared in place.

In a dreamlike gesture, True Red appears in Ash's "dream".

Then she looked dumbfounded.

Not the very real dream of "creating a new world".

In this dream now, Yaxiu is in every way human beings can imagine, with a girl in a red dress...

Classrooms, apartments, subways, trams, offices...

In short, it is a collection of the essence of a certain country's action movies in the past life.

Although swimming in the dreams of many creatures, it has long been commonplace for this kind of thing, and usually does not pay too much attention to it.

But the point is... now the heroine is herself!

Zhenhong suddenly fell into a daze. . ...for flowers.

Out of some kind of curiosity, she didn't even care about her favorite dream flying, quietly hid it aside, and began to observe it seriously...

After finally dismissing the ghostly girl in the red dress, Yaxiu closed the small universe again, locked the other party in his dream, and then split his mental power into two.

A small part continued to dream and added various new scenes and poses, while most began to think seriously about recent events.

"About the invasion of alien gods, it should be related to the group of spiritual messages sealed in the corner of the Bible system. The God of the Bible may have already known about it—huh?" Ash suddenly froze again.

"If that's the case, God made so many artifacts and god-killing tools before, I'm afraid it's not just to deal with the apocalypse beast, right?"

"Perhaps it's more of a desire to improve the combat power of the earth, so that among the large number of ordinary people, generations of powerhouses will emerge to protect everyone's common home..."

0 He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Even the God of the Bible attaches so much importance to it, and combined with the pictures seen in predicting the future, it seems that the alien gods are extremely powerful!" "The underworld also needs some precautions!" However, Yaxiu felt a little helpless. .

This kind of thing amounts to force majeure.

Without enough strength, even if you take precautions, the results may not change.


"The best defense is to improve strength, so as to solve the problem!"

Before choosing to announce the predicted picture of the future, in addition to a casual reminder, I also hope that she can make some preparations.

To avoid being caught off guard when danger comes.

As one of the two dragon gods, Zhenhong is also an extremely important combat power on Earth.

"First of all, I need to remind Orpheus that the dimensional gap is not very safe. I hope she can return to the underworld." "Secondly..."

A gloomy expression appeared on Ash's face again.

"If I want to improve the small universe, I have to go back to the world of Saint Seiya again. . . . Really distressing!"

Originally, according to his plan, he was going to use his talent to travel through various "different worlds" all the time.

Until the bloodline was restored to the golden humans of the ancient times, and the [will of the gods] was awakened, and the strength was equal to the gods of the Saint Seiya world.

The issue of regression will be considered.

After all, the world of Saint Seiya is too dangerous.

If you are not careful, you may be crushed to death as easily as an ant.


The unexpected realm stuck, almost disrupted all of Yaxiu's plans.indivual.


Chapter 213 Determination

As for the point of "returning to the world of Saint Seiya to break through", in fact, with the gradual improvement of the small universe, after gaining more knowledge and insights, Yaxiu also had some vague guesses in his heart.

Now it has finally been confirmed.

Although every time you go to a new world, you can rely on magical innate abilities to re-condense a small universe.

But - those little universes are by no means independent.

There is a close connection between them.

Everything has a "source", and in the source, everything can be born.

And the small universe that Yaxiu condensed in other worlds... The source is naturally the golden human bloodline in the body, and the small universe originally condensed in the world of Saint Seiya.

The small universe of the Saint Seiya world is equivalent to the most important "trunk" of a tree, and it is also the pillar of its existence.

Only when the trunk is strong can it drive the branches to go further.

The strict status determines that the branch cannot overwhelm the trunk at all.

Therefore, the small universe in the world of Yaxiu's "High School of Demons" can only be stuck at the peak of the sixth sense.

Because of his "source universe", he is still at the stage of "August [*]" and six senses. "Thinking about it now, it was actually too naive back then."

"Even if I don't choose to condense a new small universe, but modify the small universe of the Saint Seiya world, I may not be able to break through to the seventh sense, and I must return to the Saint Seiya world." Ash sighed silently: "In the final analysis, I The golden human bloodline originates from the world of Saint Seiya...." The golden human bloodline is the foundation of the small universe system.

Because of its existence, people in the Saint Seiya world can regard themselves as a "universe".

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And by simulating the "big bang" of the outside world, it forms [the prototype of the whole truth] in the body.

Without this kind of bloodline that contains the [All Mystery], it is absolutely impossible to do it.

And the golden human blood has a deep relationship with the world of Saint Seiya.

No matter how you change the form of the small universe in the body, it has already been marked with the original brand.

It's usually fine, but if you want to go further, you must fit the brand in the bloodline. "But returning to the Saint Seiya world, there are too many uncertainties." Yaxiu pondered in his heart and fell into a certain choice.

If he was just an ordinary sage, he might return without hesitation.

One by one, there is one less ant in the world, and the gods will definitely not notice.

However, Ashe not only got along with the two gods Zeus and Athena, but also had their blood in his body, and was granted the privilege of "not worshipping the gods" by Zeus.

It has attracted the attention of countless gods.

Such people suddenly disappeared from the world for a period of time.

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