There is a chance that any god might notice it, and as soon as he returns, he will be caught.

There are a lot of secrets in Yaxiu.

For example, where did the disappearing time go, how to raise the bloodline from black iron to bronze, as well as the demon bloodline and magic power system—the gods who believe in the Saint Seiya world will be very interested in these. "And I can't just go back for a few days."

"The small universe of the Saint Seiya world has just entered the sixth sense. I need to walk the road of the six senses again and break through to the seventh sense before I can take a new journey." "In addition..."

What's more troublesome is that it can be seen that every new stage in the future microcosm will have to return to the Saint Seiya world to make breakthroughs.

Yaxiu propped her face with her hands, frowned, looking extremely distressed.

"To a certain extent, the Saint Seiya world is already equivalent to my [main world]!" He wanted to change to a "main universe" in order to get rid of the current predicament.

But after researching for a long time, I found some helpless.

Only the small universe condensed in the Saint Seiya world is the most suitable for the blood of the golden human beings, and the other branch small universes cannot act as the "backbone" at all.

Unless the system is completely changed and the small universe system is abandoned.

Otherwise, no matter what, there is no way around that dangerous "Saint Seiya World". "Is it really only..."

After trying various methods, Ash finally began to seriously calculate the various possibilities after the return.

"For me, the worst situation is that as soon as I return, I am caught by countless gods. Under the eyes of the monsters of the single universe level, I may not even have time to activate my talent." Of course, this kind of There should be very few cases, after all, Ash did not do anything in the world of Saint Seiya.

But even if only one god blocked the door, it would make him despair. "And the best-case scenario. …

The best situation is, of course, that no god is aware of his secret.

But that's very unlikely.

Looking at the two divine blood in his body, Yaxiu sighed in his heart.

A single cosmos-level god, Shenwei Ruyuan is imprisoned, and his ability is even more unpredictable.

Athena's sturdy ability to easily enforce the law across borders has made Yaxiu give up hiding secrets in front of her.

The other party's divine blood was in his body, but he suddenly disappeared from the world.

With such a big flaw, how could a single universe-level god not be able to sense it.

I'm afraid that Yaxiu's front foot is crossing, and Athena's back foot has already noticed that something is wrong.

At that time, Ash didn't think much about it, and didn't think about covering up.

He thought that he could spend a long time in other worlds, and he would not consider returning to the Saint Seiya world until he was promoted to the same single universe level.

Who would have thought that it would be so unexpected in the middle...

"It seems that the best situation is that I can only pray for [only to be discovered by Athena]." According to this direction, Ash began to think quickly in his mind: "Zeus has already gone to other parallel worlds, and the original plot does not seem to start. If he appears, his troubles can be initially ruled out." "And the goddess Athena in the world of Saint kind and tolerant." "Perhaps it's not a bad thing for her to discover her secret." Yes, with Athena's intersection is not a bad thing!The current seventh sense breakthrough needs to be returned, and the future breakthrough of the eighth sense will definitely need to return, even the ninth sense that does not exist, and the awakening of the [will of the gods].

If you want to get through the Saint Seiya system, there is no doubt that every time you break through, you need to stay in that world honestly.

So... Ashe desperately needs an "ally".

He can easily shelter him under the eyes of countless single universe-level gods, and can cover for him, quietly erasing his allies who have traveled through the world.

Allies need to be strong first.

Secondly, we need to be able to help each other, yes one by one, help each other.

The last is Ash's personal senses.

Think carefully about it.

Athena is second only to Zeus, and can even compete with the first-generation Olympians such as Hades, the king of the underworld, and Poseidon, the sea king. There is no doubt that she is powerful.

As for helping each other... The goddess can indeed help Ash a lot.

At least this time in the world of "High School of Demons".

Without Athena's blessing of victory, Ash is estimated to be very difficult, and it is impossible to get ahead so quickly.

Then there is the Saint Seiya system.

A long time ago, Yaxiu felt a little powerless, and he has always been like a blind man touching an elephant, stumbling and stumbling on the road ahead of the small universe. He hoped that someone could guide him.

Athena, who has awakened [the will of the gods] and became a powerful god, is undoubtedly one of the best candidates. "Since allies need to help each other in order to have a solid relationship, then how about my help to her..." Without a doubt, it is one by one. "The plot of the original book!" Sea King and Ares, the god of war, have coveted the earth, and can help Athena 4.6 cultivate a group of saints, and even go to Mu mainland to find craftsmen who make saint clothes, etc...

In addition, Ash can share various training systems from other worlds.

That knowledge may not be too high-end, but it can always give the goddess some inspiration.

If Athena hopes to gain more knowledge, she will certainly give more support to Ash.

With a single-level god behind him, I believe that future travel to another world can also be guaranteed to a certain extent.

Finally...personal senses.

To be honest, Ash's sense of Athena is very good.

After all, she has been blessed so many times.

Even for the move [Forgiveness of the Goddess of Dawn], the background board was replaced by a goddess.

It proves that the two still have a lot of fate. "Then, it's decided!"

After careful consideration for a long time, Yaxiu finally showed determination and made a decision: "Return to the world of Saint Seiya and make a seventh sense breakthrough!"

"Athena, since she is the goddess of wisdom, you should be able to cover up the abnormality of my departure."

Chapter 214 Is this still possible?

After making the decision, Ash's irritable mood suddenly became much calmer.

Anyway, it's a blessing, not a disaster, it's a disaster that can't be avoided.

Rather than worrying about it all day, take it easy.

Knowing that they are about to leave, and I don't know when the next meeting will be, Yaxiu doesn't have the heart to do any more research.

Moreover, most of the mysterious knowledge of this world has already been absorbed by him.

Even the spells of the gods are no exception, and I have gained a lot through the previous exchanges.

Except for some special and mysterious abilities.

For example, the vampire family Elmehilde's blood-sucking copy ability, as well as the dream ability of True Red, and the infinite power of Orpheus.

And the magic eye of Balor.

It is estimated that these things need to go to the new world...or return to the world of Saint Seiya, and after successfully reaching an agreement with Athena, get the guidance of her powerful god.

Coupled with the small universe, there is no way to continue to improve.

Therefore, for the past six months, Ash has not done anything else, and has been by the side of Grafia and other family members.

"Ash. 12"

On this day, several people are sitting and drinking tea together.Cang Na asked hesitantly, "Why haven't I seen the Great Red in the last few months? Did she leave the underworld?" Yaxiu's expression froze, and she suddenly reacted.

He has locked Zhenhong in his dream for more than half a year!

The small universe is equivalent to the strongest closed loop. Even Zhenhong, who is in charge of the power of fantasy, cannot easily enter or exit without permission.

Even if it's just a small universe of the sixth sense level!

After a moment of telepathy, the "Complete Action Movie" in the dream is still going on.

He forgot to close it for a while. "Well, I'll go look for her."

Standing up calmly, Yaxiu smiled at the people around him and came to a remote place.

The small universe has opened up again.

After waiting for a long time, I thought that Zhenhong would come out ecstatically, but it turned out that there was no movement inside. "Nothing will happen, will it?"

Although I can freely enter and exit the dream, but as a living being, I was locked in the dream for half a year...

If mental assimilation happens and becomes part of the "dream", that's a bit bad!

The situation was unclear, and Yaxiu didn't dare to easily erase the dream, so he quickly strengthened his spiritual sense, trying to forcibly exclude the "heterogeneous" in the dream.

This time it was a success.

In just a few seconds, I saw a figure in a red dress looming beside me.

After completely escaping from the dream, Zhenhong's body shook and almost fell.

Ash quickly supported her.

Looking down, I found that this guy seemed to be working very hard, and his fair and jade-like skin turned red.

The eyes that were originally full of sharp colors were even more watery and hazy. "Hey, what's going on?" Yaxiu frowned: "The reason for being locked in a dream for too long?" Hearing his voice, the girl in the red dress in her arms froze and jumped up. "Don't come near me! Don't talk to me! I'm airsick..." Are you not a dragon?What is the dragon halo?

Ash was dumbfounded.

Immediately reacted.

This machine is not another machine, right?

Seeing that Zhenhong was standing far away, her eyes were dodging, and she quietly swept her lower abdomen, a smile appeared on the corner of Yaxiu's mouth.

This guy, who stayed in the dream for half a year, didn't seem to be flying around as he said.

I'm afraid to watch the whole live broadcast...

"I've been warned, my dreams are not so fun - now I know I'm afraid!" He held back a smile and deliberately joked like this.

Zhenhong blinked her eyes, did not speak, and quickly disappeared into a phantom.

Just as Yaxiu was about to leave the place, an ethereal voice suddenly sounded around him: "That's right!"

He turned his head and saw the figure in the red dress reappeared, still standing far away, and asked in a low voice: "... those scenes in the dream just now, classrooms, teachers, nurses, trams, subways and the like... those are all The future?"

"You reproduced them in your dreams through your ability to predict the future?" "That's right." Ash nodded.

A strong curiosity flashed in the red and hazy beautiful eyes.

As a dragon who is in charge of dreams and can spy on endless dreams, she yearns for freedom and freedom, and also hides a strong curiosity.

Always intrigued by anything new.

But this time...

After being the heroine for so long, and now facing the "male protagonist" in the dream, the great red is somewhat uncomfortable.

He didn't say anything, and the figure quietly disappeared in place.

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