This time he really left.

"Ha, that guy, I'm afraid it will take a long time to be honest." Ash smiled inwardly.

But soon, he was a little surprised to find out.

After experiencing the embarrassing dream siege for more than half a year, Great Red has not learned his lesson yet.In less than three days, she appeared in front of her again with a confident expression on her face: "The gravity of the earth, the resistance of the air, the interference of the magnetic field, and all kinds of noisy sounds around me are really unbearable for me!" "Well, so what?"

Yaxiu looked at the government affairs piled up in the underworld, and said without raising his head: "Are you going to return to the dimensional gap?"

"That's fine, just don't forget the future scene I've shown you - anyway, once you find a stranger in the dimensional gap in the future, you mustn't be curious, and you'd better go back to the underworld quickly." "I have imitated myself. The closed loop of the small universe has been set up here, and a very strong barrier has been set up here. Even the attack intensity of the seventh sense can never be destroyed in a short period of time......." "...I am not ready to return to the 813 crack." Really red Suddenly interrupted him and whispered: "I want to continue to stay in your dream."


Ash looked at her.

Seeing the girl's serious face, those hazy eyes were full of anticipation, he thought for a while, and finally nodded. "Okay, but don't stay too long."

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"This time, I will continue to open the microcosm's protection of the spirit, you can come out at any time." Saying, Yaxiu released the closed loop of energy in the body.

Because he hasn't been busy with business recently, this time, he didn't do anything.

The dream in the spirit is the truest portrayal of one's heart.

Originally thought that Zhenhong would be intoxicated by the brilliance of creation, but only half an hour later, the girl rushed out and was very dissatisfied: "Although that dream is also very interesting, I want to go to the last dream! Yaxiu looked startled and shook his head helplessly: "It wasn't my dream, it was just fabricated."

Zhenhong stared at him without speaking.

The two faced each other for a while, and the girl suddenly came over with great momentum and took his hand.

"Let's go, I can help you realize that dream now. In exchange, you must let me go in and see various future scenarios..."


Ya Xiu blankly followed behind Zhenhong.

It wasn't until the girl closed the bedroom door and began to undress in a very strange way that he regained his senses.

There is only one thought in mind.

Can you do this? .


Chapter 215 Arrangement and Parting

"The thirty-seventh node is functioning normally."

"The forty-first node is functioning normally."

"The sixty-sixth node... Your Majesty, this node seems to be a little abnormal. The flow of magic power to the fork may lead to loopholes in the enchantment!"

Yaxiu sat on the throne and listened to the reports from the borders of the underworld. He quickly calculated for a moment, and said lightly: "Pass the details of the layout of the sixty-sixth node."

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

Soon, a magical pattern with mysterious lines appeared in front of him.

Yaxiu combed silently: "On the right, at [-]:[-] clockwise, where the ley lines are blocked, walk three to five kilometers in the direction of the node to see if there are any hillsides or the like, and cut out the hillside. …”

With just a glance, he quickly noticed the problem and arranged it in an orderly manner.

After a while, a respectful voice came from the opposite side: "Yes, Your Majesty, there is indeed a small mountain four kilometers away, and I have chiseled through the mountain along the line of the earth.... Now there is nothing abnormal at the sixty-sixth node!"

"Very good, continue to confirm the layout of each node, and after half an hour, enter the magic power uniformly!"

Half an hour passed quickly.

With the huge magic power gathering around the underworld, the high sky, the vast land, the evenly distributed lakes of all sizes... everything in the entire underworld was immediately surrounded by a star-like enchantment.

Axiu on the throne stood up and silently sensed the strength of the barrier, and couldn't help showing a satisfied smile.

Well, as long as this barrier is opened, it should be able to defend against enemies with the strength of the seventh sense.

Just as he was about to order his subordinates to continue the test, suddenly, a huge red dragon flew through the sky like lightning.

A panicked voice came from the magic communication.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty! The Great Red Lord is attacking the barrier..."

Ash frowned.

"Don't worry about her, that guy will come back when he gets tired,"

"It's just right for the enchantment strength experiment."

The enchantment that enveloped the underworld was built by Yaxiu with reference to various advanced techniques and the "closed loop" nature of his own small universe.

Even if it is really red, she may be able to rely on the power of fantasy to enter and exit freely, but there is absolutely no way to destroy it.

Although he has such confidence in his heart, the barrier to resist high-intensity attacks needs to consume a lot of pure magic gems.

Yaxiu felt that it should not be so extravagant and wasteful.

So after the enchantment strength test was completed, his spiritual sense quickly spread out.

Sensing the real red position, he immediately disappeared in place.

When he reappeared, he landed on the back of the huge red dragon, stomped his feet lightly, and said helplessly: "Really red, don't be naughty all the time!"

After several years of getting along, he has figured out the character of the red dragon.

This great red is a bit like a bear child who has not grown up.

Curious about everything and hoping to make a mess of everything.

When he first came to the underworld, he often flew to remote areas and issued a majestic dragon roar in the air.

It scared the many demons on the ground to death, thinking that the monsters of the Hell Alliance had not been cleaned up.

(?1.;4;) The House of Representatives even solemnly formulated a "dragon slaying plan~v plan", and then handed in a petition.

I hope that the great Satan will release another wave of "sunshine" to cut the evil red dragon into pieces.

It left Yaxiu speechless for a long time.

Because he only discovered at that time that Zhenhong had secretly left Lucifer without telling him, and even scare people everywhere. "Call me Teacher Zhenhong!"

Feeling the appearance of Yaxiu, the red dragon turned his head, and the huge dragon's eyes showed dissatisfaction: "Why do you only call me teacher at night, but not during the day?"

Ash was speechless.

He can't say it clearly, because you have studied action movies for half a year, and your posture level is already extremely high, even surpassing all the teachers in the previous life...

There's no way this can be done, after all, it's basically a child.

What the bear child likes most is to imitate. "Get back to human form, don't continue to make trouble!"

The red dragon let out a low roar of dissatisfaction, and a huge red aura emanated from his body.

A beautiful figure in a red dress gradually appeared in the light.

Axiu smiled and hugged her gently.

"The enchantment set on the edge of the underworld, but in order to prevent future powerful enemies, remember not to destroy it in the future!" "...Since it's your request, that's fine."

After she finished speaking, she realized that Ya Xiu raised her hand to rub her hair, and Zhenhong shook her head angrily. "Don't touch Great Red's head!" "So fierce?"

Yaxiu hugged her with a smile, and slowly lowered his head: "So great red, if you can't touch it, can you kiss it?" "Hum..."

Although she was still making a low hum of dissatisfaction, Zhenhong took the initiative to wrap her arms around Ash's neck.

The enchantment has been successfully arranged, and Yaxiu has nothing else to deal with today.

Then he simply walked in the clouds with Zhenhong, and admired the picture of the flowing clouds passing by. "Are you going to leave?"

Looking at the reddish sunset on the horizon, Zhenhong suddenly spoke like this. "Well, it should be in the near future." Yaxiu nodded: "In order to set up this enchantment, it has been delayed for several years." "Now that everything is ready, I can rest assured." "Other world..." Zhenhong rarely showed melancholy color: "There must be a long distance between the two worlds, and I don't know when you will be able to come back." "I will try to hurry up."

Yaxiu held her little hand and comforted her gently: "I have already walked through the road of six senses, and I will walk again and break through the seven senses. Even if the world is different, it shouldn't take long... at most fifty years. "In fifty to one hundred years, I will definitely be able to return to this world." "That's what you said!"

Zhenhong stared at him and clenched his hand tightly, with a hint of reluctance on her pretty face: "If you don't want the future you predicted to become a reality, then remember to come back early." After speaking, the girl in the red dress quickly turned away. overdone.

She didn't seem to be used to this kind of farewell, and her tone returned to her usual arrogance: "I remember that Orpheus is still in the middle of the dimension... Well, after you leave, she can't beat me, so I'll do it again. Forcibly drive her away!" "Don't bully her all the time, get along well with Orpheus!" Ash showed helplessness, and then smiled indifferently: "Forget it, it's up to you, Orpheus anyway Si has found her new home - this underworld, my Satan's palace." "Even if she leaves the dimensional gap, she will not wander around the earth." "That's not necessarily."

Zhenhong whispered softly: "How could her home be the underworld, Satan's palace?" "It should be you who can make her feel at ease..."

Gorgeous dimensional cracks.

The solitary villa floats in mid-air.

Orpheus is holding a round balloon, sitting quietly on the sofa.

At a certain moment, a touch of loneliness flashed across her beautiful face.

Although in ancient times, as the infinite dragon god, she was born in this quiet dimension, and has been living alone for many years.

But for some unknown reason, after successfully driving away the red dragon and returning to "home", she became less and less accustomed to it.

Especially more than ten years ago, after Yaxiu left, he became even more unaccustomed to it.

There is always a sense of confusion.

Even Yaxiu would bring Gurefiya and others to the Dimensional Seam every month and spend a few days with her in the villa.

But the more like this, the more Orpheus can perceive the true thoughts in his heart.

She is not used to staying in the cracks of the dimension.

The quiet dimensional gap can no longer calm her mind.

"Ash...Ash, and Grefia, what are they doing now?" Recently, girls often fall into this kind of thinking. "Should I leave here and return to the underworld?"

At this moment, a familiar dragon roar came from outside the villa, attracting all of Orpheus' attention.

She stood up in surprise, walked out of the room, came to the balcony, and looked into the distance.

A huge red dragon is rapidly approaching. "She actually returned here?"

Orpheus was a little puzzled, but his expression soon became calm.

Looking at the red dragon who was getting closer and closer to the villa, he said softly: "I can't beat you."

"Don't destroy this house of mine, just let it float in place." "In exchange, I can leave the dimensional gap."

After finishing speaking, the Infinite Dragon God unexpectedly did not (Qian Dezhao) have the sadness of being driven out of his home, and only felt relieved for a while.

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