"We pray to God!"


At the same time, far west of Itogami Island.

A group of swordsmen from the Lion King agency are also surrounding Fujisaka Fuyaka.

"Fujisaka-senpai is saying...Pray to God for His salvation?".

Chapter 120 [Creation of God]

The young and ignorant Lion King sword witch girls, although somewhat puzzled, there is a ray of light in their eyes.

The power of a straw in despair is slim, but it is also an uplifting hope.

Yuantangyuan frowned secretly.

As a demon who is over a thousand years old, and the highest level of the mysterious organization, backed by a national power, he is well-informed, but he never believes in illusory gods and Buddhas.

But seeing the desire to survive on the faces of the teenage sword witches around her, she sighed silently again.

Everyone's going to die, so why bother doing any more spoilers.

So Yuantangyuan just held her hands and listened silently with great interest.

But soon, her expression turned serious.

Because she heard a name that she cared about.


Yuantang Yuan suddenly interjected, interrupting Fujisaka Touka's introduction.

"Wait first, Dongjia, the god you're talking about... have you seen it before?"

"Yes, I am sure that He is real!" The black-haired witch looked extremely serious.

"What does he look like?"

"A mass of ... a nebula of incomparable brilliance and greatness."

Fujisaka Toka pondered, and said in a somewhat excited tone:

"Just like the starry sky above us, it is eternal and deep, and it releases endless energy - as long as such an existence is willing to take action, it will be able to easily prevent this disaster."

Yuantangyuan squinted his eyes, then his expression returned to calm, and he said with a smile:

"Well, then try to pray."

At this moment, I heard the broadcast sound that was playing towards the whole island, and suddenly there were some noisy sounds.

It was also accompanied by Rudolph's anger and curses, as well as a brief fight.

"It seems that Itogamijima has taken back the studio."

The sword sorcerers thought so in their hearts.

Another voice quickly came from the radio speakers.

Those who are familiar with the news can clearly hear it - that is the representative of the management commune speaking.

"I'm sorry to tell you something ¨¨."

Just when everyone thought that Itogami Island officials would refute Rudolph's previous remarks.

Surprising words came from the loudspeaker.

"The gentleman who illegally invaded the studio just now... Although he was talking nonsense most of the time, he was right about one thing."

"Half an hour later, there will be the biggest natural disaster in human history."

"Itsogami Island—perhaps including the entire subcontinent, may cease to exist in an instant!"

The voice fell, and hundreds of thousands of people were in an uproar.


"There is no god in this world, but you are ready to [create a god]?"

Gozo Island, silently feeling the aftermath of the attack of the Holy Fist, Yaxiu smiled slightly, and felt inexplicable in his heart.

Really give everything.

From the very beginning, Xian Shen Ming Jia's real purpose was not to kill anyone.

He just wanted to ensure the safety of [Fujisaka Touka].

But as Yaxiu's reliance, once this identity is discovered, he will inevitably be assassinated endlessly - just like Xiandumu Aye.

So... In the beginning, Itogami Mingjia prepared to sacrifice the Itogami Island built by his grandfather, forcibly mastered the complete holy annihilation technique, and killed [Devil Yaxiu] with the power of the god Cain.

At least push him out of this world.

That way, Touka Fujisaka will be safe.

But very sorry.

The first attack of the holy annihilation failed.

The power of [Demon] almost makes mortals despair.

With some kind of unwillingness in his arms, Xian Shen Ming Jia subconsciously began to prepare the second holy annihilation.

But...the man was very calm.

Judging from the result that the first holy fighter was easily blocked, perhaps the second attack may also be unsuccessful.

However, there is absolutely no way for Xian Shen Ming Jia to issue a third holy annihilation.

In addition, he is very clear in his heart.

The ultimate purpose of doing so many things is not to kill the [Demon] who has no enmity with him.

He just wanted to ensure the safety of Fujisaka Touka.

So in a very short period of time, he thought of a very crazy way.

——[Creating a God]!

Since that [Demon] hopes to become a god, and hope that someone will believe in him... then it will be as he wishes.

When believers are not limited to Fujisaka Touka.

When there are His followers all over the world, they involuntarily become His [reliance].

Even if the CSA, the Western European Church and other forces are aware of Fujisaka Touka's identity.

It won't be as extreme as treating Xiandumu Aye.

Because Fujisaka Touka is no longer [the only support].

So Xian Shen Ming Jia deliberately portrayed himself as a cold-blooded, twisted lunatic.

He deliberately triggered a major crisis in which the entire sub-continent was about to be destroyed, and countless living beings would die as a result.

Then leave misleading trails in the computer.

Let the management commune take the initiative to request [Devil Yaxiu] to appear on the stage, perform miracles, and save the lives of billions of people on a continent.

The second holy annihilation has already quietly distorted the light sensing around the world.

Many mirage-like images will be created around the world.

Projecting the current situation of Itogami Island.

[Devil Yaxiu] The act of saving the world will spread to any corner of the world in real time.

Such a shocking miracle is enough to make countless people believe that He is God, and worship and believe devoutly.

His followers... His reliance will be everywhere on the planet.

The traces of His existence in this world will also be unbreakable.

It is no longer possible to rely on the [Killing Reliance] method to send him out of the world.

Because perhaps no one can calculate how many people around the world believe in Him after experiencing that real and shocking miracle, and silently act as His [reliance].

Perhaps that devil will change his body and become the only god who walks on the earth in this era, and will dominate the entire world from now on.

Xian Shen Ming Jia is very clear about such a result.

But he still did not waver, and he had no choice.

(Zhao Li Zhao) Because... in this way, Fujisaka Touka will be safe and sound.

"' 〃 Not for good, nor for evil, but for the happiness of a young girl?"

Silently feeling the invisible thoughts conveyed by Itogami Meijia through the attack of the holy annihilation, a smile appeared on Ash's face again.

Why not agree to this kind of cooperation that is beneficial to oneself.

"After the active assistance of Itogami Mingjia, my third goal finally has the soil that can be implemented quickly... Maybe I can do an experiment with someone from Itogami Island first."

He pondered with such joy in his heart, and after a while, his eyes calmly looked forward again.

"But now, we have to solve some minor troubles first."

Reflected in Axiu's jet-black eyes was the figure of Agulola.

The dazzling blond hair, the clear blue eyes, and the dreamlike beauty have not changed in the slightest from before.

But at this time, she was already dominated by the [Original Soul].

Chapter 121 The original compromise

The afterglow of Shengjian has completely dissipated.

But there was still a thorny white light in front of everyone's eyes.

Several huge energies came from a distance, forming a mysterious resonance.

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