It turned into a strange magical barrier, blocking the entire ruins.

"Agulola, Disampa, you..."

Beside Yaxiu, Xiao Nagisa looked at everything in front of her in surprise.

Whether it's Sister Disampa, or the blond girl named "Agulora" by Ash who just woke up from the crystal coffin.

The bodies of the four of them are all overflowing with powerful energy at this time.

Their magic powers began to quickly link together, and there was a faint fusion of each other.

A huge and complex magic circle rose under the feet of everyone.

The pure white magic brilliance, exuding a cold luster like moonlight, dispelled all darkness and shadows in the ruins.

The [Flame Feast] ceremony, which is said to be able to resurrect the Fourth Primogenitor, started so abruptly in front of everyone's eyes.

Ash raised his eyebrows slightly, and his spiritual sense quickly spread throughout Gozo Island.

Immediately relieved.

It was that mysterious vampire [None] who activated the ritual.

727 months after killing the prison barrier administrator Nangong, he quickly came to Gozo Island on the other side of the ocean, relying on the witch's ability to easily enter and exit the dream.

And ordered the men of the Order of the End to carry out various actions.

But even so, the Primordial Soul, which has been sealed in Agulola's body, should not be able to break free from the bondage and control the body so quickly.

But unfortunately.

When the ceremony was quietly inactivated, the attack of Sheng Jian also followed.

Including the First Primogenitor, all life on this island fell into shock and fear.

The primordial soul, which has been dormant for thousands of years, can naturally feel the great crisis like a catastrophe.

The instinct of survival allowed her to forcibly escape from Agulola's bondage and monitoring, and appeared in front of everyone.

And immediately called the twelve bodies with the special identity of the main body, and held a [Flame Feast].

Because of the holy annihilation issued by Xian Shen Ming Jia, she felt a strong threat.

So I hope to regain strength quickly.

It just so happens that all the bodies have been gathered on Gozo Island, and some people have activated the ceremony.

The resurrection of the Fourth Primogenitor will naturally follow.

(afcc) After a moment of silence in the ruins, the Primordial Soul, who had already taken control of Agulola's body, stood there, looked at Axiu lightly, and spoke slowly in a graceful and calm tone:

"Unknown powerhouse - Yu will be resurrected."

Having said so, her demeanor seemed calm.

However, Yaxiu could clearly feel that deep in his eyes, there was a strong tension and anxiety.

If facing someone else.

With the rumor that the Fourth Primogenitor is "the only, lonely, and the strongest vampire", it is definitely impossible to say these words like asking for instructions.

But the original soul had already clearly judged the strength of Yaxiu through the scene of resisting the holy annihilation just now.

At least a creature like the True Ancestor is absolutely impossible to contend with.

It is not shameful for the weak to submit to the strong.

Yaxiu glanced at the magic circle that was running continuously under his feet, pondered for a moment, smiled and nodded.

"it is good."

With that said, he suddenly stretched out his hand a little further.

Amidst the surprised expressions of everyone, the body of a blond girl who was very similar to Agurolla began to rapidly manifest with the radiance of abundant magical power.

"Creating life..."

It doesn't feel like I have never set foot in the mysterious Xiao Nagisa.

In her heart, since Yaxiu is a demon, he will definitely have various abilities that surpass ordinary people.

But whether it was Xiaoya City or the Liana sisters, they were all horrified.

Creating life... is already equivalent to invading the realm of the gods!

What's more, the black-haired boy in front of him can perform such a miracle so easily.

Even if it's just an empty shell without a soul.

But that calm and calm attitude made everyone inadvertently think that he couldn't create a soul, but he didn't need it at the moment.

As a matter of fact... the current Yaxiu really can't create the [essential element] of life, the bud of the soul.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to bypass various precious materials and manufacture a large number of artificial life forms of the true ancestor.

Then, by observing its growth, we can figure out the completion process of the world's aura of wisdom.

After all, the True Ancestor, as the container of the first-generation Familiar Beast, needs to block and endure the complete four-layered mystery within the Familiar Beast.

Now his behavior is only to use the small universe's meticulous control of atoms, referring to the structures of the Agurolla and Disampa sisters in front of him, and reluctantly copy a true ancestor-level body.

There is an insurmountable difficulty and gap between copying and creating.

The biggest difference is that the body in front of him can only hold the original soul.

There is simply no way for a new soul sprout to be born from within the body.

It needs to be nurtured by the soul of the outside world, otherwise it will "die" soon.

However, this method still shocked Xiaoyacheng and others who didn't know much about the inside story.

There was an eerie silence.

After arranging a primordial-level girl's body with the ability to control the small universe of atoms, Yaxiu looked at the original fourth primordial ancestor in front of him, and said gently:

"Don't use Agulola's body at will, that's very impolite."

"...This body is part of Yu!"

The Primordial Soul frowned deeply, wanting to emphasize his rights.

Ash didn't say anything, just looked at her with a smile.

The two looked at each other quietly for a moment, and in the end, the original soul had no choice but to compromise.

"Okay, Yu is willing to leave this body."

Saying so, her eyebrows furrowed even tighter.

Although there is a natural arrogance in his expression, the delicate appearance with a girlish childishness gives people a special feeling of weakness at the same time.

The two different feelings seem to be mixed into the unique charm of the Fourth Primogenitor.

She said in a melodious and classical tone:

"But if Yu is resurrected, these bodies will also return to Yu's body, and they will no longer exist - the unknown powerhouse, who agreed to Yu's request before, are you ready to go back on it now?"

Yaxiu's expression did not change, but it was the second time he raised his hand.

In the somewhat nervous expression of the distant soul, a hazy starlight quickly swirled and opened, spreading into a dazzling vortex.

That is the ability to interfere with space and connect space, as mysterious as a wormhole.

In the next second, everyone can clearly feel it.

Faintly, someone was sucked in by the eddy current.

Chapter 122 The Unique Ability of the Fourth Primogenitor

The blond vampire boy appeared in front of everyone with a stunned expression.

Forced to come to an unfamiliar place, he reacted extremely quickly and quickly observed the surroundings.

When he saw Yaxiu's figure, his expression changed greatly.

"It looks like you know my identity."

Ash smiled slightly.

His expression and tone didn't have the slightest vicious aura, but it made the visitors on the opposite side feel like a formidable enemy.

After a while, Vampire Wu showed a helpless wry smile on his face.

"I can swear that the death of your family has nothing to do with me..."

No need to bow.

It's not just that he is afraid of Yaxiu's identity as [~Demon].

Furthermore, standing in front of Ash, as a vampire, his greatest reliance—the Familiar Beast in his body is completely unmoved—.

That trembling, fearful and intensely longing thought can be clearly sensed by the host - he.

This made Wu's heart feel even more astonished.

Because the twelve beasts in his body—all have flaws.

It is a replica extracted from the Fourth Primogenitor.

Logically speaking, there should be no complete consciousness at all!

"It really has nothing to do with you."

Xiaoyacheng and the others felt very strange in their hearts, but Yaxiu kept his smile the same, and said lightly:

"But [Flame Feast] was started by you."

"You hope to resurrect the Fourth Primogenitor."

"In that case..."

"Presumably, you won't disagree with my act of resurrecting her, right?"

Wu Zai quickly went through this sentence in his mind, and then seemed to realize the hidden meaning in it, his face changed greatly, and he subconsciously wanted to escape.

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