You can wait for the leylines to be suppressed, and then use magic technology to forcibly fix the island frame.

Or simply abandon Itogami Island and relocate the [*] people on the island.

Now we still have to focus on solving urgent problems.

Representatives of the forces such as Yase Xianshi and Busen silently looked at each other, and then at the same time they looked at the identified priestess such as Fujisaka Touka, Aiba Asana.

Several girls in fancy clothes understood.

They dragged their cumbersome classical long dresses, walked quickly into the altar, and stood in front of a group of selected believers.

On solemn and solemn occasions, the melodious music is mixed with the sound of the orchestra and the bell music, slowly spreading to the distant sea, accompanied by the chirping of the tide and seagulls, forming a magnificent and beautiful tune.

The priest's master of ceremonies looked over with a look of inquiry.

Yase Xianshi, Busen and the others looked at each other again.

They are very clear in their hearts.

As long as the order to start is issued, the high-dimensional existence named [Axiu] will have countless new [reliances] besides Fujisaka Touka.

According to the results of careful discussions with the upper echelons of the Western European Church.

In the face of this high-dimensional life who is already in the world, it seems that any believer in him.

Even those who may have recited their name reverently and poured out a strong "' 〃 will" in sacrificial occasions may become the other party's support.

In other words—even oneself and others may become tools for the other party to maintain their existence.

As long as this sacrificial ceremony is really held, the traces of the existence of [Axiu] (Zhao Hao) will never be erased in this world.

Because Itogami has created many mirages all over the world, projecting the image of Itogami Island.

In this world, myths and legends are still very marketable because of the mysterious publicity.

If the gods are really summoned, they will successfully suppress the ley lines spiritual violence.

Some of the fanatical fools who have witnessed the "miracle of God" with their own eyes and are inspired will definitely spontaneously become believers of [Axiu], stay in a corner of the world silently, and recite his name every day.

Therefore, He may...will stay on this planet, this world forever.

He might even use his superhuman strength to completely turn the earth into his divine kingdom!

However...that's it, is there any choice?

Everyone smiled bitterly in their hearts, and their eyes gradually became firmer.

"let's start!"

Yase Xianzhong nodded to the emcee.

So, the loud chant slowly sounded, and countless people sang in unison, and the voice spread into the sky! .

Chapter 126 [God] in silence

The gorgeous movement played, mixed with the chorus of the choir's neat praise, grand and solemn.

On this man-made island, which is constantly shaking, a salty, icy sea breeze blows from the sky, cooling the sultry temperature a little.

In the wind, you can faintly hear the calls of thousands of people, with awe and ardent anticipation.

"The name of the god of taboo [Axiu], you are all things, you are the symbol of the sun, you are the eternal light that illuminates the world..."

Under the leadership of the priestess, the choir sang the prayers repeatedly in beautiful tones.

Tens of thousands of believers prayed solemnly in low voices.

In the blink of an eye, this ritual ceremony, which was arranged with the highest specifications, lasted for ten minutes.

Standing behind the believers, Yase Xianshi, Busen and the others looked at each other while maintaining their prayer postures.

Anxiety flashed across his eyes.

The time for the eruption of the spiritual veins is getting closer and closer.

The person with the highest psionic talent among the crowd even faintly felt some kind of dull and depressing breath in the air.

That is the majestic tide of energy that will plunge any life into powerlessness and despair.

At this time, they were following the invisible channel of the planet's leylines, rushing towards the ground of Itogami Island.

When these countless spiritual powers collided together... the terrifying power of the shocking waves hitting the shore at that moment was definitely not something that human beings could resist and contend with.

It will cause a catastrophic disaster!

You can meet it, and the entire Itogami Island will explode in an instant.

The aftermath of the energy will easily wipe out all areas within a thousand miles.

Then it shattered the whole connected continent.

"Time is running out..."

Yase Xianshi's face became more and more ugly, his back was dripping with cold sweat, and his voice trembled:

"Even if I don't conduct an accurate survey, my spirit can easily feel that a huge spiritual tide is about to erupt underground!"

"At most... ten minutes at most!"

However, the so-called "miracle" still did not appear.

Did we all guess wrong?

The god who called himself "Ashu" - he actually doesn't care about this world at all?

So even the only support in this world, who is at the center of the outbreak of the spiritual tide, is still indifferent?

In this creepy and depressing atmosphere, the helpless people could only continue to wait with hope and despair.

Then, another few minutes passed.

Still nothing has changed around!

The tremors in the ground are getting bigger and bigger, even so big that they can be easily felt by ordinary people.

The originally flat ground of the square began to show slight cracks and arched up little by little.

As if some invisible monster was about to break free from the cage and burst out of the ground.

Dominated by fear, the choir's smooth voice trembled involuntarily.

The beautiful cadence can no longer be maintained, and it becomes extremely strange.

The bodies of the believers also swayed with the undulating ground, and some couldn't help kneeling on the ground hugging their heads and crying.

"God... please help me!"

Even ordinary people already have a clear premonition that there is a severe crisis underground that seems to be about to erupt from a volcano.

Maybe the next second, maybe the next second.

The whole island will burst open suddenly, and the terrifying energy wave will sweep through everything!

They had a general understanding long before they prayed.

There is no way to counter this crisis.

Any country, force, strong... is absolutely powerless to stop it.

No [person] can save Itogami Island, or even the hundreds of millions of beings on this continent.

That's why this grand festival is held.

Go and pray for the favor of a strange [God]!

However, at this moment—hundreds of thousands of people on Itogami Island were somewhat desperate to discover that the gods did not seem to be willing to grant favors!

The hearts of Yase Xianju and other high-level executives became more and more pessimistic and desperate.

In fact, it was long before the sacrifices were arranged.

Although they also held the attitude of holding dead horses as living horse doctors, they still had a certain degree of certainty in their hearts.

The existence named [Axiu] will (afcc) quietly look for a new support like Fujisaka Touka.

It means that He hopes to continue to be bound by this world and is willing to continue to stay in this world.

And now...

Even if it is not his only reliance, he is encountering some kind of life and death crisis.

The result of the destruction of hundreds of millions of souls on the entire continent is also not a beneficial thing for that existence.

I believe that even a god would never want to acquire a world full of devastated things!

What's more, the collapse of the continent will seriously affect the ecological cycle of the planet, and a large number of ordinary people may die by then.

The only God in this world will also lose hundreds of millions of potential believers.

"Shouldn't be..."

Yase Xianshige's heart was beating violently, and he murmured:

"Why don't you even care about the survival of mankind?"

"He did everything possible to enter this world, isn't it to gain the faith of mankind?"

As for [Axiu]'s inability to solve the crisis of the Leyline outbreak... After repeated discussions by dozens of high-level officials.

This is very rare.

After all, Ash had easily withstood two complete attacks from the Holy Jnife before.

It has been proved that even the tampering of the laws of this world is invalid for the gods who call themselves "Ashu".

Therefore, he must have the strength to suppress the explosive leylines!

Time goes on.

The whole artificial island shook more and more violently.

The [*] people on the island have more and more despair in their eyes.

Most of the believers who were praying silently couldn't hold it any longer, and fell to their knees and cried.

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