Fear quickly spread throughout the audience, and even the calm witch's pretty face began to turn white involuntarily.

Compassionate that countless people were about to die, Fujisaka Touka couldn't help lowering her head and continued to pray with a more devout attitude.

However, the nebula phantom in the spiritual sea still just revolved quietly without any change.

[God] is silent.

It seems that there is no intention of descending the grace of God at all.

Fujisaka Touka's heart became cold a little bit.

A certain sense of helplessness arises.

She raised her head with dazed eyes, opened her dry lips, and was about to declare the failure of the ceremony.

Suddenly, the shaky vision swept across the two corpses carefully placed aside.

It was the corpses of the witch Xiandumu Aye and Nangong Nayue.

Touka Fujisaka has heard of the former.

——It seems to be a servant of [God].

Out of respect for [God], after the other party died, Itogamijima restrained her body, and also moved Nangong Nayue's body to the altar.

His eyes stayed on Xiandumu Aye's frozen smile, Fujisaka Touka shivered for no reason, and suddenly said loudly:

"God refuses to answer our prayers because of his divine cause to die on this island."

"There are still six minutes... Before the apocalypse breaks out, please be sure to find the murderer who killed the angel of God, make him repent, and wait for the judgment of God!"

When the voice fell, Yase Xianshi and other high-level officials instantly turned pale.

Chapter 127 The Grace of God

Desperate people, even if there is only one straw, will firmly grasp.

High-level officials such as Yase Xianzhong knew this very well.

So when Fujisaka Touka's voice fell, all the high-level leaders of the various forces who participated in the design of Xiandumu Aye all fled to the distance.

This is not self-inflicted.

Fujisaka Touka immediately shouted:

"They killed the family of the gods... The reason why the gods haven't responded yet is undoubtedly very dissatisfied with their previous behavior~!"

The ordinary people in the field, magicians, demons, etc., just hesitated for a moment in their hearts, and then flew up with ghastly faces.

Although the target of the pursuit is the high-level of various major forces.

In normal times, he will definitely bow his head respectfully and not dare to be slighted in the slightest.

But now, the strong desire to survive has already dominated the body's actions one step ahead of the brain.

as a result of?

If you're going to die, what are the consequences?

Regardless of whether what the shrine maiden said was true or not, under the pressure of despair that the great catastrophe was about to break out, they trembled and they were afraid.

They need to vent!

And Fujisaka Touka's words at this time are not only a life-saving straw.

It also gave them an excellent reason to vent in an open and honest way!

In an instant, countless bullets were shot from the specially-made magic-breaking gun.

These people were originally subordinates of high-level officials such as Yase Xianshi and Busen. At this time, they howled and fired in response to conditioned reflex, and directly emptied a shuttle of bullets.

There was no surprise in the next second.

Yase Xianzhong and others fell in a pool of blood.

Although most of these high-level people hold precious defensive magic tools, or their own strength is not weak.

But don't forget that the previous two rounds of Saint Jade have completely interfered with the laws of Itogami Island.

Now even the slightly more powerful magic can no longer be successfully released, let alone those mysterious magic props.

It can be said that the stronger the individual strength, the greater the influence of the law change.

However, modern weapons such as guns can continue to function.

So there was no accident, including Marshal Busen of CSA, representatives of the Taishi Bureau, Kenshige Yaase of Itogami Island, and the orc "Emperor" of the Black Death Emperor faction.

In just a few seconds, dozens of high-level executives were all beaten into sieves by bullets.

The soldier who was even more emotionally irritated with red eyes took out a high-explosive grenade from his waist and threw it!

Along with a few loud rumblings, the entire Isogami Island felt more and more tremors.

The place that was bombed just now even collapsed directly.

The undulating ground swayed, making everyone in the square stand unsteady.

The soldiers with guns woke up one after another, leaning on their bodies with their guns and shaking.

Just now... he easily killed the big man that he could only look up to at ordinary times!

Just hit a shuttle of bullets.

These rumored high-level executives whose strength is comparable to the top demons were torn apart and died in pieces!

How incredible!

The soldiers, whose thinking was still short-circuited, even knelt down and prayed on the spot.

They took what had just happened as God's help.

So...the murderer has been punished, and he has successfully avenged the envoy.

This island, we should be blessed by God again, right?

Countless people looked at Fujisaka Touka with anticipation.

The huge crisis of extinction has been approaching, and the spiritual power of the earth vein is about to explode, causing the entire island to continue to shake, like a small boat that can capsize at any time in a storm.

No one can save.

Now the last hope...and only the grace of the gods!

Facing countless ardent gazes, Fujisaka Touka fought a cold war and recovered from the previous shock.

When I saw Xiandumu Aye's body just now, those words were just spit out subconsciously.

The original intention was to force the murderer to take the initiative to stand up and repent, so as to obtain God's forgiveness, so that everyone can obtain God's forgiveness, and increase the chance of [God's grace] appearing.

In the end, I didn't expect... it actually caused the annihilation of all the high-level forces!

It seems that the internal cause of Xiandumu Aye's death is very complicated!

This was something that a simple swordsman had never thought of before.

But now that the matter has come, she can only calmly think about the follow-up.

The farce just now ended, and there were less than three minutes left before the spiritual tide erupted.

Fujisaka Dongjia opened his mouth and was about to call on the believers to make a final prayer and prayer.

At this moment, the girl's body suddenly trembled.

I can clearly feel that the illusory nebula in the spiritual sea finally produced some abnormal behavior.

0・・・For flowers・・・

It began to spin faster and released an extremely bright halo.

Originally shocked by the destruction of many high-rises, the shrine maidens such as Lan Yu Shionion and Miyazaki Kiriha also recovered their senses.

When their eyes fell on Fujisaka Touka, they showed incredible expressions.

The girl in Chinese dress in front of her is spreading a beautiful and mysterious nebula within her body.

The starlight gradually became clear and bright from the hazy, and released the heat that easily overshadowed the scorching sun on the horizon.

It's... the god whose name is taboo [Axiu]!

After the murderers who designed to kill Xiandumu Aye died, he was finally ready to give down his "divine grace"!

Although Aiba Asana and others didn't know the specifics of what happened, they had already known from Fujisaka Touka's description before.

...... 0

The image of the god [Axiu] that appeared in front of the shrine maiden last time was a constantly rotating circle of ancient nebulae!

At this moment, the nebula has been clearly seen by everyone on the scene!

Based on the shuddering strong energy level that overflows, as well as the incomparably sacred and pure aura... There is no doubt that this is by no means an energy source that a human priestess can create!

It is the god [Axiu], who is showing the grace of God with the help of Fujisaka Touka's body!

Realizing this, everyone on the scene burst into tears of joy.

Tens of thousands of people spontaneously bowed their bodies.

Ignoring Itogami Island, which was still disintegrating, he bowed down and prayed emotionally.

The illusory nebula is centered on the witch, and it is slowly spreading out, releasing warm and magnificent energy.

When the light shines on everyone, it seems to soak the soul in an instant.

Any feelings of sadness, helplessness, fear, despair, and violence are quickly dissipating.

In its place is a tranquility and peace like returning to the embrace of a mother.

After being stunned for a moment, the choir involuntarily continued to sing.

Clear and passionate prayers echoed over the entire island with the sea breeze.

It was introduced to everyone's ears, and even spread to all parts of the world.

Immediately in front of countless believers with pious faces, Fujisaka Fuyaka's body slowly floated up.

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