A bright magic beam of light pierced through the sky.

It was like a needle of the sea god, it easily fixed the disintegrating island under everyone's feet!Knife.

Chapter 128 Miracles!fire of life

Ordinary people stared blankly, and believers also stared blankly.

Then I saw the dazzling nebula spreading out from Fujisaka Touka, suddenly turning into a magnificent pillar of magic power running through the heavens and the earth.

Its overflowing energy breath makes any magician who has set foot in the mysterious side tremble in the heart.

It's not a deliberate display of powerful horror, nor is it a deep and depressing feeling.

It is ethereal and vast, surrounded by soft clouds and mist, but with the greatness of the most divine and holy.

Originally, Lan Yu Qiancong had always held a certain kind of unbelievable mentality towards the so-called [God], but when she saw this scene, she couldn't help but froze in place.

As a witch, she was standing beside Fujisaka Touka.

After the nebula and the magic beam of light appeared, the whole person was shrouded in the majestic torrent of energy.

The faint divine aura rang out in the depths of the soul of "Seven-Three-Zero" like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening!

Even ordinary people can clearly feel it.

That is a great person far beyond [human beings], a symbol of a higher dimension, a more complete life, and a more powerful existence!

How sublime, how pure!

At this moment, hundreds of thousands of people even forgot that they were still in a dangerous environment, and the disaster of destruction would come at any time.

Facing the real gods, people's heart of reverence rose spontaneously, and desperately fell to the ground and knelt down!

High in the atmosphere, the atmosphere was churned, creating huge radioactive winds.

Within ten thousand miles, the white clouds retreated, and the bright rays of light poured down without any hindrance, setting off the entire earth in a dazzling pure white.

"This is... Divine Grace?!"

Standing on the artificial island that has been stable as before, all the magicians stared blankly at the altar in front of them.

Within the slowly fluctuating energy tide, Fujisaka Touka's figure is looming, releasing a sense of ethereal fantasy.

The magician's spirit clearly felt that at the moment when the beam of light rose, the ley lines also erupted.

But the tsunami-like disaster that made the entire subcontinent desperate was easily suppressed by the power of [God]!

There is no reluctance, and there is no sense of stalemate.

It was as if a giant hand had fallen on the head of a naughty monkey at will.

Even if the monkey is still struggling and resisting unwillingly at this time - yes, some humans with high spiritual literacy can feel that the eruption of the ley lines is still surging.

Just about a hundred meters away from their feet, the volcano is constantly trying to erupt!

However... even if it is backed by the fuel and continuation of the entire life planet, even if it is a terrifying spiritual tide that gathers dozens of leyline branches in an instant.

Still being firmly suppressed by the beam of light on Fujisaka Touka's body!

The god named [Axiu] didn't even show up.

With the help of the priestess' blessing to show part of the power, you can exert a mighty power that even the planets under your feet can't match!

How incredible!

The more powerful people involved in mysterious knowledge, the more in awe you will fall into!

You must know that, including the true ancestor, all life is borrowing the energy of the great source of the planet.

And the other party... the high-dimensional god who calls himself [Axiu], is able to use his own strength to compete against the entire planet!

The difference is immeasurable!

"This is the real [God]..."

A magician from the Western European church who was standing upright at the beginning of the sacrificial ceremony.

Now he has already thrown his body to the ground, and muttered repentance with a look of shame on his face.

"Even the [God] that I once believed in is absolutely nothing!"

Many religious magicians changed their beliefs on the spot!

In addition to witnessing this divine grace with his own eyes, he clearly perceives the sublime and greatness of the god named [Axiu].

More importantly, because from ancient times to the present, none of the gods they once believed in had ever appeared on the earth.

It will inevitably lead to suspicion.

Doubt those gods really exist.

And now... these believers have personally witnessed that [Axiu] definitely exists!

People who believe in God inevitably ask for something.

The essence of religion is a transaction.

The foolish people once believed in God for the sake of the weather, but now the foolish people believe in God for the sake of ascending to heaven after death.

But first of all [God] must really exist!

If it doesn't exist, the transaction ends up being empty.

Why not look for a confirmed existence to "transaction"?

So at this moment, the purity of belief on Itogami Island is almost unparalleled.

And as if to echo the prayers of everyone, the sacred beam of light appears more transparent and bright.  …

Bright and jade-like light spots slowly separated from the air, fluttering like dandelions, and fell on the surrounding humans.

For a moment, those people only felt that their limbs and bones seemed to be baptized by God, and the exuberant life breath continued to emerge from the body cells.

Fatigue, pain, sickness, pain... All negative states are quickly disappearing under the gift of the gods.

Like a hard traveler wandering in the desert, suddenly found a hot spring.

They soaked in it, not only the body, but also the spirit exuded a warm and comfortable feeling.

The people present were even more grateful.

At this moment, the pure white beam of light suddenly paused, and countless golden spiritual brilliance radiated from the inside.

When the brilliance fell to the ground, the earth that had been cracked with countless cracks was slowly closing, the raised mound was flattened, and neat and gorgeous tiles were created in the void.

When the brilliance fell on various destroyed buildings, the collapsed buildings stood up again as if turning back time, the streets, shops, vehicles, everything was as before the disaster.

And when that light fell on the dead humans...

The believers present breathed slightly stagnant, and involuntarily widened their eyes, watching nervously and hopefully.

Even the number of witches on the altar stared at them for a moment.

Countless people watched Jin Hui unhurriedly release 2.2 spiritual powers that contained divine aura, and melted into the corpse like a flame.

In the next second, the golden light was prosperous, and the spiritual power burned into a splendid spiritual fire.

Inside Linghuo, the bodies of Xiandumu Aye and Nangong Nayue showed subtle changes.

The stiff skin that was slightly blue at first slowly regained its whiteness, and the still chest began to rise and fall slightly.

And then... With an incredible look in his eyes, Nangong Nayue sat up abruptly.

"Prison Barrier!!!"

It seemed that her mind was still stuck at the moment before she died, and the witch screamed in horror.

The cry was directly drowned in the crazy emotions of countless believers.

"Actually... even the dead are resurrected?!"

"That is the fire of life that Yaxiu bestowed upon Itogami Island!!".

Chapter 129 The Witch's Daze

The golden light spots of spiritual power continued to fall, flying into the entire Itogami Island, into various destroyed buildings, and into the bodies of dead people.

In the huge square, the believers froze in place, looking at the familiar figures of relatives and friends-the corpses that had been determined to be dead, and slowly woke up as if they had fallen asleep.

Everyone's faces had a strange blank look on their faces.

If it is said to fix the island, prevent the eruption of spiritual veins, and even recreate various buildings... This is still within the scope of my own understanding.

Such a large-scale resurrection of life has brought countless deceased people from the underworld back to the world.

It's a miracle that can shock anyone!

Whether ordinary people or magicians, or even demons and vampires, they all felt shocked.

And then... more fanatical beliefs!

If you just give your [faith] to believe in a powerful existence, you can exchange for a second life - I believe that no one will refuse this kind of transaction!

"That existence... is indeed a god!"

Feizaki 05 Kiriha of the Taishi Bureau sighed in his heart.

Now she has become a member of the Miko, standing beside Fujisaka Touka and Aiba Asana.

As for the Taishi Bureau's order to forcibly believe in a certain god, it was even traded as a gift to become the other party's exclusive witch.

At first, Misaki Kiriha was dissatisfied and resisted.

Because she always believed that God was only a stronger existence than the demons that could be seen everywhere.

Just like the ancestor of vampires.

Although no one on this planet can compete.

But they cannot be called gods.

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