Originally, many magicians were worried when they saw the god [Axiu] appearing in the body of a witch, fearing that the power of the gods would soon be unsustainable.

In the end, I didn't expect... to directly solve the tidal wave of spiritual power that overlapped like huge waves!

To this day, Itogami Island, and even the world's top experts who are paying attention to this disaster, still haven't figured it out.

Exactly how the gods quickly quelled the disaster.

——God can save the entire sub-continent and save hundreds of millions of sentient beings who are about to fall into ruin.

This is what most people believe without hesitation.

They have even been able to meet that miracle, which is rare in ten thousand years, and will remain on Xianjin Island for several days until the spiritual tide has completely subsided.

There are even powerful magicians who are speeding up to Itogami Island, wanting to feel the grace of God at close range, and secretly study the sacred high-dimensional power while the miracle continues.

However...it came to an abrupt end!

"Even the planet seems to be afraid of that god!"

"He may really be able to turn the world into a pure land, and this land into his kingdom of God!"

Many magicians bowed their heads deeply, feeling so awed in their hearts.

Not everyone is like that, though.

Some fanatical church members and extreme racists clenched their fists one after another, showing deep unwillingness in their eyes.

They are not willing to have a strange god overpowering the god they believe in.

Unwilling to be unfamiliar with gods, they will always be superior to people, let alone a planet dominated by human beings to become the pasture of gods! .

Chapter 132 The experiment has begun

"It's... divine and spectacular!"

Standing on the roof of the high-rise building, Yase Xiansheng, Nina, Beatrice and others quietly watched the boiling scene of thousands of people worshipping in the distance, and deep shock flashed in their eyes.

Especially Yase Xiansheng, perhaps no one is more excited than him.

Miracles appeared, and even the catastrophe that even the true ancestors could do nothing was easily solved.

This proves that the gods really exist.

It also proves that his research on [Molded Angels] has no mistakes in its fundamental ideas!

If there are gods, it means there is a kingdom of gods, and there will naturally be "angels"!

So as long as you can improve your spiritual status, you will inevitably become an angel, get out of this world, and return to the embrace of God!


"Why have I never heard of a god named [A~xiu]?"

Yase Xiansheng's brows furrowed tightly.

He used to be a court magician in the Principality of Ardikia, he had read countless precious magic books, and he was proficient in various religions and knowledge.

——That's why there is a yearning for [God].

But Kensei Hase, who is so knowledgeable... has never heard of a god named "Axiu" in the mythology of any region.

"Why is it that the power of the Western European Church is also on Itogami Island?"

"Managing the commune does not seek the omniscient and almighty [God] to perform sacrifices and prayers, but instead pin his hopes entirely on a deity who has never heard of it?"

Yase Xiansheng turned around and glanced at Nina, the great alchemist.

The other party also shook his head suspiciously:

"Although I have lived for three hundred years, it seems that I have never heard of a god like [Axiu]."

It stands to reason that such a god... can use a witch as a psychic medium to easily perform such an incredible miracle, directly repair the entire artificial island, and resurrect tens of thousands of people.

Even the great source of the planet, which may last for three days, fell silent for a moment.

It can be seen from all the facts that he must be a very powerful god.

Why have never heard of its myths and deeds sung on the earth?

And why... before managing the commune, they pinned their hopes on such a little-known existence.

And he is very sure that he can save the subcontinent?

And very surprising, that god really did it... far away!

All this is a mystery.

Yase Xiansheng sighed in his heart.

He believes that the management of the commune, and even many high-level executives, should know the truth of the facts, the truth about the existence of [Axiu].

But they don't tell themselves these civilians.

Even before, when the Earth Vein Spirit Tide was about to erupt from the ground, the higher-ups didn't say much.

It's just a simple statement of the facts, and then calls on people to sacrifice to a certain god and pray for God's redemption.

Nina withdrew her gaze and turned to look at the sea on the other side.

The serpent of jealousy Leviathan is still parked in the shallow sea area nearby.

Its huge compound eyes have regained its clarity, but it seems to be in awe of the previous miracle. Its body floats in the sea water, and even the beautiful circle of colorful fins does not move.

"This kind of monster was not wiped out by miracles... I'm really lucky!"

Nina sighed in her heart and looked to the other side.

Lucky monsters aren't just the Leviathan.

There is another.

In the open space where the ceremony was arranged in front of the crowd, Tianzuka Mercury lay quietly, as if there was no life left.

However, Nina had seen with her own eyes that there was a golden aura—the aura of life that could reshape the earth and even resurrect any dead person, and entered Mercury Tianzuka’s body.

"What will he become under the blessing of God's grace?"

The ancient great alchemist seemed very curious.

If it was a normal person, it would be fine, but when Mercury Totsuka used his strength with all his strength.

That half-alchemy, half-human body, and the overly familiar aura made Nina vaguely clear.

The opponent is not human.

But the poor pawn of the sage for resurrection.

He is a life that the sages created by imitating themselves, and is extremely incomplete—half-alchemy, half-human.

Such life cannot even be called "artificial life".

Because he has no normal source of life at all.

Even the consciousness it showed... was "false", similar to some kind of alchemy program that was set!

That's why Amazuka Mercury is so obsessed with "the other half of the body" that he desperately wants to become a "complete human being".

——That's just the programming at the beginning of manufacture!

"President Nina, are you curious?"

0・・・For flowers・・・

Aware of Nina's gaze, Yase Xiansheng asked immediately.

"It seems that the inherent habits are really difficult to change."

Nina laughed at herself:

"After all, it has something to do with alchemy creatures. I, the former alchemist, is really curious about the process of making up for the source of life and transforming it into normal life under the power of that miracle."

"Then go take a look... I'm curious too, to be honest."

Yase Xiansheng said so.

So Nina picked up Natsune Hase, who was still in a coma, and walked downstairs with a few people around to come to Amazuka Mercury's side.

The young man was lying silently on the ground with his eyes closed.

After the fact that he was revealed [not human] just now, it seemed to be a huge blow to him.


Even when the earthquake in Itogami Island became more and more severe, and everyone scattered to take refuge, he remained indifferent and remained in place.

"Dean, do you need testing equipment?"

"Don't underestimate me, an ancient alchemist, my own sense of power is more reliable than your broken machines!"

Nina glanced at Yase Xiansheng dissatisfied, raised her hand, and gently touched the blond hair on her shoulders.

The huge spiritual power quietly radiated out, and began to sense the changes in the other party's body.

Immediately, her expression froze.

"It's still a half-human, half-alchemy monster...why can he see the miracle of life integrated into his body, but there is no change?"

"What kind of favor did that god give him?"

At this moment, he saw Tianzuka Mercury's body trembling, as if he had woken up from a deep nightmare, and he jumped up and gasped.

But there was no fear on the young man's face, instead there was a certain look of surprise.

"Kabbalah...tree of life?"

He didn't care about the onlookers of Yase Xiansheng and the others, he sat there blankly, and murmured in a very small voice.

The unfamiliar word spit out left the people nearby at a loss.


Far away on the island of Gozo.

The feast of flames has come to an end.

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