Yaxiu stared at the flame-colored magic brilliance in front of him, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"The experiment...begins."

He whispered so softly.

Chapter 133 Plan

At the beginning of his successful entry into the world of "Blood Attack", Ash set three goals for himself on this trip.

Continue to optimize the [Transition Ceremony] and carry out the most important "open source" for it.

Learn some truths about world fusion - useful for Athena's current predicament.

And then the third goal...

Create a [Kabbalah Bloodline Array] that can make oneself a god.

The final goal, in this special rule-distorting world, originally Yaxiu only had some vague clues.

There is no guarantee that it will be successful.

But now, there are special abilities learned from the Fourth Primogenitor.

In addition, he accidentally took over the [Prison Barrier], and forcibly transferred Nangong's contract that month to himself.

Then Yaxiu's heart flashed, and he gradually came up with a plan.

 "Seven-Three-Three" - Can you... let countless people in this world establish a variety of single [Kabbalah Bloodline Map].

Then, through the particularity of the prison barrier, gather the information of all of them.

Finally, summarize and integrate them together to form your own [Array]?

Based on Yaxiu's mysterious knowledge, this plan is completely feasible, and it can save countless time!

The whole bloodline of the small universe system, like the universe, contains everything.

From the beginning corresponding to the quadruple world, to the last god who bears all the phenomena.

It can be said that this is the ultimate bloodline that is omnipotent and omnipotent, without the slightest omission.

Therefore, it is possible to imitate the [law of the universe].

Only then can the gods form a [cosmology] that is infinitely close to the real universe, and even in the future, the self is equal to a universe!

In this case, its bloodline information must be as comprehensive as the universe!

That incomparably thick heritage will lead to its corresponding mystery being extremely complicated.

Therefore, it takes a lot of time to sort out.

Relying on Yaxiu alone, if you want to build a ladder to the divine body, if you don't use the derivation of the wisdom and aura in the [Transition Ceremony].

I'm afraid it won't be able to get to that step in hundreds of millions of years.

And if you use [Transition Ritual].

Even if the ritual process has been successfully optimized, open source [Dream Power] will inevitably consume a lot.

The same will be delayed for countless years.

But at this time...

"In this world of "Blood Attack", I may be able to save a lot of time!"

——Ash's plan is like this.

Directly smash the [Silver Seed] in the body, and read all the blood information inside.

Then combine that information into countless single bloodlines.

All kinds of single bronze and silver bloodlines - after all, there is only this bloodline information inside the silver seed.

Then, with the appeal of his own god, spread the [Kabbalah Bloodline Map] to the believers.

Ordinary people can produce corresponding bloodlines in their bodies by cultivating the array diagram, and can gradually become mysterious people who have mastered extraordinary abilities like demons and psionicists.

And these people need to deduce from the beginning... deduce various pieces of information from mortals to black iron bloodlines, and complete the incomplete bloodline.

Those derived bloodline information will be passed into the [Prison Barrier] invisibly, and it will be easily absorbed by Yaxiu.

In this way, he can harvest a bloodline collection information package similar to the [Bronze Seed], so as to make up for the various defects of his black iron bloodline.

Even further... as long as countless people continue to derive gold-level blood information.

By synthesizing them together through the prison barrier, Yaxiu can roughly know what form his golden bloodline will be, and what mysteries should be instilled to shape it!

Even if the information is not complete, at least there is a direction for bloodline improvement.

As long as it is deduced and supplemented with the life essence in the [Transition Ceremony], it will be extremely easy.

Then, he can successfully cross the bloodline level of a golden human!

Next, if one of the believers succeeds in deriving the bloodline above gold... It will also bring great convenience to him in shaping the divine body in the future!

And this kind of experiment... maybe only in the special world of "Blood Eater".

Other worlds lack the necessary conditions.

——Mystery, let the simple bloodline information become the [mystery] of the actual bloodline.

Only in the special world of "Blood Attack", it can be easily obtained without any restrictions.

The world has been secretly fueling the flames, hoping that life can absorb the mystery into the body to filter 0 .....

Even if life does not actively absorb mysterious concepts, the world will take the initiative to pour back.

This is incredible in any other world.

To know that mystery is more than energy.

Although it can induce mystery through various techniques, it is difficult for it to integrate into the body of life and become a part of the power of life.

The formation of bloodlines requires a lot of mystery - and it has to be a corresponding mysterious structure.

This is the reason why bloodline people are extremely rare in every world.

Unless it is a high-level world like Saint Seiya, and the super gods give gifts to Vientiane, otherwise, it can only evolve slowly.

That would take countless years to polish.

Although the formation is extremely slow, and even requires some luck, the bloodline also has an advantage that energy does not have.

It can be passed on to future generations...

"However, in the world of "Blood Attack", the world has released the restrictions on mystery, making it extremely alive..."

Ash's eyes lit up slightly.

"That's why in ancient times, Tianbu was able to use various techniques to easily create many bloodline demons."

What Yaxiu is about to do now is almost the same as the previous Tianbu.

He wants to turn more ordinary people into [Demon Race].

Naturally, it is not the current Demon Race.

Rather, it is a person who carries the blood 2.2 vein transformed by the internal information of the [Silver Seed].

In the silver seed, there are all the bloodline data of bronze, silver and other ranks in the Saint Seiya world.

Ash will separate those data and turn them into countless single bloodlines.

According to the metaphor of the small universe system, it is to divide the [all operating laws of the universe] into a series of single laws such as wind, fire, gravity, rebound, psychic power, etc.

Then let all the humans in the world of Blood Rush learn.

When they use the [Kabbalah Bloodline Array] to build a certain bloodline direction, and after gaining power similar to that of a demon, they will continue to fill it up and let the bloodline evolve to a higher realm.

- This is the gift of God!

But surely all believers will not understand.

All kinds of bloodline data that they have worked so hard to complete will be uploaded to the prison barrier and will be fully known by Yaxiu! .

Chapter 134 Can't Give Up the Throne of God

"Originally, this plan wanted to be realized quickly, but it lacked a very important condition."

"But now...almost all the conditions have been met!"

The feast of flames is almost coming to an end.

Yaxiu looked calmly as the dazzling light began to gradually dissipate, revealing the figure of the blond girl inside, and continued to sort out the next plan in her heart.

"... False time accumulation!!"

If you don't absorb [Life Origin], the condensation and evolution of almost all bloodlines will take a long time to polish.

It can never be formed in one go.

Perhaps the first generation is only a prototype, and the next generation is combined with other extraordinary.

Only after absorbing the appropriate new mystery can the miracle be completely solidified in the bloodline and become a true [bloodline person].

Even the golden humans in the Saint Seiya world.

Even though they have been gifted by the legacy of the super god - but the first generation, through the enlightenment of the wise, constantly comprehend the shape of the universe and simulate the outer universe.

Through the accumulation of hardships, it is possible to gradually integrate this 05 [full bloodline] that is enough to become a god.

When Ash conceived this plan before, he was even thinking about it.

Plant a seed first, and wait for thousands of years in the future, if you really can't find the clue of your own bloodline improvement.

Then return to the world of "Blood Eater" to harvest.

Or set up a large inherent time enchantment to cover the entire planet and speed up the flow of time inside.

After all, the growth of blood vessels is a natural law.

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