It is estimated that they discovered what happened to Di Shanpa last night.

And then venting his anger.

Feeling that he was implicated, it would make the situation worse, and Ash immediately put out his thoughts of persuasion.

As for can only ask for more.

As if he didn't realize it, he sat on the sofa and watched silently.

Liana responded very quickly, after a pause, she said quickly:

"Your Majesty, I also want to stabilize the newly established Night Empire for you."

"If Yaxiu comes forward, with his prestige, it will definitely make your position unbreakable and develop rapidly without any influence."

"...In this way, you can realize the hegemony in your heart!"

Homura blinked at those beautiful eyes that shone with gorgeous rainbow light, and finally lowered her eyes.

"The matter of the witch can wait for a while - since you don't think foreign ministers should be punished too much, then how do you think Yu should calm down the anger that Yu was fooled just now?"

"It must satisfy His Majesty!"

As if the "script" had finally returned to the set trajectory, Liana regained her composure and saluted Homura respectfully.

She walked in front of Vatra, swept away her previous humility, and looked at each other with high eyes.

"His Excellency Duke Dimitriye... Although the body was sent by mistake this time, it was an accident, but it was also entirely due to your negligence and carelessness - you cannot deny this."

"Yes, sorry again to Your Majesty Yan."

Breaking away from the shadow of death, Vatra's face returned to normal slightly, and he said with a wry smile:

"I cannot deny that this time it was indeed caused by my own carelessness."

"His Majesty the Forgotten War King ordered the Duke to send gifts to bless His Majesty's recovery."

"And you not only failed to deliver this goodwill wish, but even almost caused a gap between the two true ancestors, causing a major crisis of chaos in the world."

"—You can't deny that either."

"I am deeply sorry for this. Fortunately, His Majesty the Fourth Primogenitor is benevolent and generous, with a broad-minded and open-minded..." Vatra bowed his head deeply.

"His Majesty Yan's greatness is an undisputed fact, otherwise you will not be able to continue to see her radiant face." Liana said calmly after speaking seriously:

"Although Your Majesty has easily forgiven you, the big mistake you made—almost led to a war between the two true ancestors, and the confrontation and disputes between the two huge night empires."

"This mistake that almost plunged the world into chaos has to be punished."

"If you don't have any vigilance, sooner or later, you will make the same mistake."

"So, I suggest..."

Liana suddenly turned to Homura and saluted:

"My minister suggested to punish Duke Dimitori by dedicating a hundred years of taxes in his territory."

"Although the amount is not small, it is precisely because of this that he can deeply remember this lesson, and he will not be easily neglected when facing important things in the future!"

"Just a hundred years?"

Yan stood quietly, with a majestic and arrogant expression on her pretty face, and she made a faint final call:

"It's a little unpleasant that the anger in Yu's heart is quelled in such a small way."

"But since you want to let the foreign ministers feel the majesty and kindness of Yu, then reluctantly agree."

743 Ash smiled without saying a word.

He already knew in his heart that Liana and Homura had already discussed this matter in advance.

After all, Homura is the deity of the Fourth Primogenitor.

Any body can be easily felt as long as it is nearby.

Naturally, it has long been clear what was going on in the coffin.


Valtra's body began to tremble greatly, her face was pale, and her lips trembled slightly.

The total amount of taxation in the territory for a hundred years... it is almost equivalent to directly evacuating most of the property!

You must know that although he is an elder-level blood clan in the field of the king of war, he is different from those old generation old guys who have existed for a long time.

The current status and the title of dukedom were all acquired by accidentally swallowing a certain unfortunate elder of the previous generation!

As a vampire of the younger generation, there is no long time for wealth accumulation!

Vatra was tempted to retort "I would never agree".

But in the face of the eye-catching Fourth Primogenitor, and the smiling and silent, but inscrutable deity, he could only bow his head in despair.

"...His Majesty Yan can be so generous, but only for a small punishment, Valtra is grateful!"

He repeatedly comforted himself in his heart:

No matter what, I spent some money and managed to save my life from the hands of the true ancestor and the gods, which is still something to be proud of...

Chapter 150 Does garbage need to be disposed of?

Watching Vatra stumble out, the hall became quiet again.

Homura turned around, looked at Axiu on the sofa lightly, and said nothing.

The latter touched his nose and said consciously:

"Homura, you have to understand...Although Di Shanpo and the others are your body, after your resurrection—the mission is over."

"So you're going to kidnap them?"

The blond girl snorted softly.


You should be a little conscious.

It's not just them, I'm actually going to kidnap you too... Such a family is considered neat.

Ash thought so funny in his heart.

"Forget it, you're right. After Yu's resurrection, the mission of the body is indeed over."

Homura withdrew her oppressive gaze and looked at the two crystal coffins in the hall.

With a flick of his hand, the lid of one of the coffins was lifted.

The unique magic power of the Fourth Primogenitor easily penetrated into it, awakening the sleeping blond girl inside.

When she opened her eyes and sat up, she quickly figured out the current situation based on the faint connections of the various bodies.

He didn't speak, stepped out of the crystal coffin with a calm expression, and stood beside the crowd.

"Very good, the last body - No. [*] has also been successfully found!"

Homura nodded in satisfaction, then looked at Ash and continued:

"Although after Yu's resurrection, the mission of the body's birth is over, but in their bodies, there are still all kinds of beasts that Yu split off."

"So it can still be regarded as Yu's subordinate, Yu's subordinate!"

"Axiu, if you really like No. [*] and No. [*], then let's make a deal."

"Yu allows them to be the witches of your church, but your church will also help Yu stabilize the newly established Night Empire!"

It seems that the Fourth Primogenitor after the resurrection is really ready to fight.

"Their names are Desampa and Agulola."

Ash corrected softly.

"Homura, don't you think that the body that looks exactly like you is almost equal to your sister?"

"If you keep calling them by their code names... it will inevitably damage the majesty of the Fourth Primogenitor?"

"...that makes sense."

Yan's expression was stunned, and he nodded thoughtfully:

"Maybe you really need to give them a decent name."

"Otherwise, if Yu's Night Empire sends them out to establish diplomatic relations with foreign countries in the future..."

So after that, the focus of the discussion was biased towards the names of the bodies.

Ash smiled again in his heart.

If you answered the "deal" in Homura just now, it would be possible to confirm the ownership of Disampa and Agulola.

But those bodies in the back will definitely be strictly guarded by Yan...

Might as well keep blurring.

"So when are you going to leave Gozo?"

After finalizing the names of the bodies one by one, Homura asked with a hint of anticipation.

Although she is reluctant to admit it, in fact, she wants to quickly occupy Itogami Island and establish a new Empire of the Night... She really needs the help of Ash.

So Homura agreed to go with Ash at the suggestion of Sister Liana.

Otherwise, after the incident of digging the wall last night, the angry flame would have taken a group of bodies to fly solo...

After all, he couldn't beat Yaxiu.

You can only "stop loss" by running away immediately.

"Up to ten days."

After calculating the progress of his research on the Familiar Beast, Ash replied.

"Okay, then I will reluctantly and continue to spend ten days with future enemies in this hotel!"

The so-called enemy... Naturally refers to the Forgotten War King of the First Primogenitor.

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