Although they are both the true ancestors, Yan was created by the ancient Tianbu.

In her heart, she does not have any of her own compatriots and blood descendants in this world, and she is the only and strongest vampire.

His tone paused, Yan hesitated, and asked again:

"Yu heard that the item you traded with the Forgotten War King is your own blood?"


Ash nodded and raised his right hand.

A drop of crimson blood was forced out from his fingertips.

As soon as the blood beads were manifested, the ten or so vampire girls in the hall stopped breathing.

Uncontrollable violent fluctuations appeared in the beautiful eyes.

They can intuitively feel the importance of the blood in front of them to the beasts in their bodies.

No less than any legendary panacea!

Yaxiu flicked his finger, and the blood beads flew to Yan, which she couldn't wait to absorb.

The next moment, as the host, she discovered that the beast within her body was rapidly evolving.

The invisible and mysterious influx of the external source makes the calm lake-like energy ripple.

Although it is impossible to understand this situation, the background and origin of the beasts have indeed been strengthened.

And it's not a small enhancement!

Opening her eyes, a look of surprise appeared on Yan Qiao's face, but it quickly turned into a faint tangle.

This man actually used this rare high-dimensional information to finance her future hegemonic enemy!

The Fourth Primogenitor is angry!

But couldn't say it.

After all, the two have nothing to do with each other...

Sighing secretly, she forcibly endured her displeasure and turned her gaze to another crystal coffin in the hall:

"' 〃Do you need to dispose of the garbage in the room?"

"...Just an innocent girl who was sent to the wrong by Vatra."

Ash shook his head.

"Wait when I release her from the crystal coffin and ask about the situation."

Homura was noncommittal, nodded again, and left quickly with a group of relatives.

Calm again in the hall.

At this time, footsteps approached again.

"This silver-haired girl who was sent to the wrong... I remember it as a noble girl from the Kingdom of Ardikia."

Hwangsaka Sayaka came out, looking at Yaxiu vigilantly, and explained:

"When I was practicing in the Lion King organization, I took down a lot of photos of (Zhao Ma Zhao) great people."

There is no doubt that the sword wizard of the Lion King agency is still quietly performing his surveillance task.

Everything that happened just now was heard in her ears.

After what happened last night, Hwangsaka Sayaka was no longer so apprehensive and fearful in the face of Yaxiu, the "god".

Even the surveillance orders issued by the Sansheng are ready to continue with peace of mind.

After all, Yaxiu had already "punished" her for her disrespectful behavior yesterday.

Paying that much...if it died down.

I always feel so bad!

Inexplicably recalling yesterday's punishment, Huangsaka Sayaka bit her lip, her pretty face blushed slightly, and her heart was very tangled.

Such a bad god simply broke her lofty impression of the gods!

In fact, it was another thing that made the girl even more angry.

After she left... Ash turned around and let Di Shanpo stay overnight! .

Chapter 151 Furia

Ash stood up.

This action suddenly shocked Hsaka Sayaka.

She quickly took a few steps back, folded her arms around her chest, and her expression and tone were vigilant:

"You...what do you want to do?"

Glancing at the girl who was far away, Ash was speechless.

I find it interesting again.

After what happened yesterday, Hwangsaka Sayaka seemed to be less concerned about the identity of the so-called "god".

Now it is showing, just like facing a normal male...

Well, a man with whom she had some kind of emotional entanglement.

"God is flawless, flawless, flawless, flawless."

Yaxiu approached Kwangsaka Sayaka with a smile and explained:

"Non-deficient can mean the absence of love and hate, as well as the absence of virtue and desire."

He stopped in front of the girl and looked down at the shy expression on the other's pretty face.

She raised her hand, hugged the other's waist, and said warmly beside her ear:

"So don't think of God as a clay statue that doesn't eat human fireworks. I also like the beauty of food...and the beautiful and pure girls among human beings."

"Beautiful pure 747 clean or something... Although you praise me like this, it will make me a little happy."

Hwangsaka Sayaka expressed the faint joy in his heart in a straightforward tone, but complained in a low voice:

"But then, wouldn't you be no different from those human males?"

"Fortunately, I thought I had found a different partner..."

"At least I'm so close to you, and you no longer reject it in your heart." Ash said with a smile:

"And you still resist the approach of other men - isn't that a difference?"

"...But it's not the same as I imagined." Huangsaka Sayaka spit out:

"I always thought that the reason why gods are called gods is because they have more advanced tastes - so humans will worship you when they are ashamed and praise you for your loftiness and greatness to the world!"

The inner romance of young girls is always poetry.

It seems that Kwangsaka Sayaka is no exception.

However, this kind of illusory reverie may be "punished" for a few more nights, and it will be quickly dispelled.

Although it is punishment, it is also pleasure.

And even if there is that kind of (afcc) more advanced interesting life, I believe that Hwangsaka Sayaka, who is a human, will not adapt to it.

Such as the Buddhist meditation enlightenment.

The fusion of the spirit and the vast realm of the universe, every moment will have countless strange information pouring into the mind, constantly absorbing, and constantly understanding the truth.

Then he has an epiphany, becomes an enlightened one who has no thoughts, no thoughts, no thoughts, escapes from the human realm, becomes a part of the supreme law, and may even no longer have self...

The Enlightened One can readily accept it, but perhaps cannot wait.

But that so-called "advanced taste", I believe that any normal human being with desire will resist.

After sending Kwangsaka Sayaka away, Ash looked at the crystal coffin in the hall again.

Lift the lid of the coffin and enter the small cosmic energy.

It seemed that some kind of program was activated, and an invisible wave in the coffin quickly swept around.

After judging that the environment was safe, the crystallized amber substance that originally wrapped the silver-haired girl began to fade little by little.

"Hmm... The [Fake Holy Sword] system seems to be very reliable. Even that powerful source of magic power and shipwreck can be resisted."

"Looks like I'm... safe?"

As if she had just woken up and was rubbing her eyes, Ra Furia Lihavain sat up from the crystal coffin and spoke in such a low voice, while looking at Ash outside.

After being silent for a while, she came to her senses, stood up with her hands on the edge of the coffin, and gracefully lifted the corners of her short skirt:

"La Fulia Lihavain greets you, I am from the Kingdom of Ardikia... boy, did you rescue me from that shipwreck?"

"Thank you so much!"

Having said that, she looked around curiously:

"I take the liberty to ask, where are we now? Is this your home?"

"No, this is a hotel, a hotel in the center of Gozo."

Ashe stretched out his hand in a gentlemanly manner, and while pulling Furia out of the coffin, he continued with a smile:

"Besides, my name is Ash... I'm barely the one who saved you."

If he hadn't spoken just now, I'm afraid that Furia, together with the coffin, would have been destroyed by the Fourth Primogenitor as trash.

"Looks like my luck is really good...Thank you again for your help, Ash."

Phriah finished speaking in a slightly cheerful tone, but she also showed a slight hesitation.

"Gozo Island? Remember that this is the Demon Special Zone dominated by the Forgotten War King, and my identity is a bit special. If I step on this island without permission, it may cause diplomatic conflicts... "

"It seems that I have to say hello to the official of the Battle King Domain as soon as possible, and at least I have to sign a certificate of landing on the island."

She turned her eyes to Ash again, and made a request in a soft voice:

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