"That... I'm not very familiar with Gozo Island, and Aldikia doesn't seem to have any embassy here."

"If Yaxiu is convenient, can you contact the city government for me?"

"Are you going to obtain permission to enter the island from the Forgotten King of War?"

"Yes, otherwise it may lead to a certain degree of disputes."

"Then wait here for a few seconds."

Yaxiu's spiritual sense already felt that Qi Yi was coming here by elevator.

"By the way, do you need to keep your coffin properly?"

Fulia blushed instantly.

"Although it looks a bit like a coffin, it's actually the product of some kind of magic ritual... In short, it's used to protect me when I'm sleeping."

"Can you throw it away now?"

"Well, it doesn't have much value now."

The girl smiled.

He glanced at another similar crystal coffin in the hall, and secretly felt very puzzled.

She opened her mouth and was about to ask when she heard a knock on the door outside.

"Your Majesty Ash, lunch is ready... Do you need to eat immediately?"

"it is good."

With a light answer, Yaxiu said again:

"By the way, Qi Yi, come in, it just so happens that someone here is looking for you."

The First Primogenitor pushed the door and entered, and his eyes quickly settled on Furia next to Ash.

"Your Majesty, someone is looking for me? You mean this human girl?"

Ash nodded and looked at Furia, who was thinking about the title [Your Majesty] in secret:

"He is the Forgotten King of War."

"If you want to make a report, don't bother to contact Gozo Island officials... just tell Qi Yi himself."

Fleur's pupils shrank.

Chapter 152 Is this being called up?

Forgotten Warlord... First Primogenitor!

Although she has not appeared in public for a long time, as the eldest princess of the Kingdom of Ardikia, Furia has carefully recorded all kinds of important information in the court.

For example, the full name and physical appearance of the First Primogenitor.

—Ziy Chulan Barada, a kind-hearted young man with blond hair.

The person in front of him with a respectful look on his face is completely compatible.

In addition, the careful Furia still remembers.

The area where she was shipwrecked yesterday happened to be near the island of Gozo.

Therefore, the black-haired boy named "Axiu" around him probably didn't lie.

This should indeed be the island of Gozo.

And Gozo Island is also an extremely important Demon Special Zone in the Battle King Domain.

I believe that no one dares to pretend to be the first real ancestor here!

So... the blond young man called "Qi Yi" in front of him is really the legendary [Forgotten King of War], one of the top beings on this planet?

But at this time, he was so respectful to the person who saved him.

It simply destroyed the powerful image of the True Ancestor in her impression!

When Furia was so entangled and unbelievable, Qi Yi raised her head and glanced at her quickly.

With a faint and kind smile:

"You have the hidden symbols of the royal family of the Ardikia court on your body, and you have silver hair. It seems that you should be a direct descendant of Poitessi?"

"...that's my great-great-great-grandfather, His Majesty the First Primogenitor!"

When Qi Yi spit out a familiar name, Furia no longer had the slightest doubt and hurriedly saluted respectfully.

"Greetings from the eldest daughter of the Royal Family of Ardikia, Your Majesty, stepping into your territory without permission is indeed a rude gesture by Furia. , forgive me generously!"

"Don't be so nervous, anyway, I have had a few encounters with Poites West."

Qi Yi smiled and waved his hand:

"There is no need to report this kind of trivial matter... Of course, if you insist that you have lost the royal demeanor, then just pretend that I invited it in advance."

His eyes turned to Ash again.

"Your Majesty Ash, Princess Furia, please come out to eat first."

"If you have plans to visit Gozo, I believe the afternoon is the best and most comfortable time."

After speaking seriously, Qi Yi bowed again and quietly exited.

Furia was still frozen in place.

Even the intelligence and shrewdness that the royal family has cultivated with great effort is a bit down at this time.

In this world, there are still people who make the first primogenitor so respectful?

The girl who has studied many etiquette courses clearly observed that Qi Yi's gesture just now was not a courtesy.

It was from the bottom of his heart that he regarded Yaxiu as a superior.

Not to mention that according to the royal family's secret tools, the black-haired boy named Yaxiu is definitely not a demon.

Even if he is really a powerful demon... It's not worth the [True Ancestor] standing at the top of the demons to be so careful, right?

So the question is, what is the true identity of this young man who happened to save him?

When the mirage rises, countless people around the world worship and pray to the god named [Axiu].

It is very unfortunate that Furia is being involved in the feast of flames and has encountered an unprecedented sea disaster.

So she, who was rescued just now, didn't know the specific meaning of the name [Axiu] at all.

Even if the world is already crazily singing about the deeds of God.

"Axiu... Your Excellency?"

After being silent for a while, Furia turned around, swept away the ease and leisure before, her tone and expression seemed extremely restrained.

Ash nodded and smiled, waving his hand across the ground.

The two crystal coffins in the hall were silently decomposed, turning into a string of light particles that scattered in the air, leaving no trace.

It's an extremely sophisticated magic trick!

Even I, who have been carefully educated by major court magicians, can't see any traces of any spells at all...

Furia sighed inwardly, a little discouraged, and reaffirmed that the black-haired boy in front of him was not easy.

At this moment, a gorgeous voice came from behind.

It seems that the clear spring is flowing and pleasant, but it also contains some kind of natural pride.

"Yu doesn't want to have too much interaction with future opponents at this time... So Yu refuses to go down for dinner!"

"Okay, then I'll ask Qi Yi to send his attendants up."

Ash turned back and replied warmly.

Filia also followed quietly and looked over.

In front of a certain room in the hall, there are several beautiful blonde girls who are almost identical.

The one at the front, wearing a sophisticated and classic silk dress, stood on the side with an elegant and dignified posture.

0・・・For flowers・・・

The bright beautiful eyes flickered with a touch of rainbow-colored magic light, but just casually swept it, giving people an unusually depressed feeling.

As a noble daughter of the royal family, Furia knew very well that it was an extremely powerful manifestation of the magic in her body!

She quickly turned her eyes away.

Soon, a strange voice came from his ear.

"Could it be that the luck of the gods is so good? Any human girl who was sent to the wrong actually has top spiritual power..."

Homura could clearly feel that a certain animal in her body had just watched Furia carefully for a while, and seemed to be very interested in her.

——If it weren't for the existence of Ash, I believe that the silver-haired girl in front of her would be one of her better Blood Servants.

...... 0


Filia was already numb.

Although he refused to believe the words he heard just now, the attitude of the First Primogenitor was true.

Also... the number of blonde girls in front of me.

If you remember correctly, it is the [Elemental Body] of the legendary Fourth Primogenitor, right?

And just look at the awe-inspiring look of the blond girl who spoke, combined with the feast of flames that broke out yesterday...

A kind of terrifying guess flashed in Furia's mind.

Fourth Primogenitor, successfully resurrected!

And stand right in front of you!

"Not bad!"

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