"How do you get this law of operation?"

Ash frowned, in some kind of hesitation.

As for the [law of life's operation], he has never dealt with it, and he does not know its specific form.

However, combined with various speculations, it is certain that the law has variability.

So if you observe it according to the small universe system - smashing it and absorbing the infinite bloodline information in it, it is only the most basic and least cost-effective way to use it.

Although it is possible to obtain all the silver-stage bloodline information in the Saint Seiya world, and use this to form an extremely excellent silver-stage bloodline.

But I can't get something more important... the supreme law of the [operational truth].

Yaxiu hopes to obtain the source of the birth of the bloodline, as well as the future where the information is combined into a specific form, the end point, affected by various environments, fluctuations and changes in the bloodline growth process, why does it change like this...

After figuring out these [truths], you can even easily modify your own life source form!

"And to achieve this goal, how should we do it?"

In the face of these mysterious knowledge that even the Saint Seiya gods have never set foot in, Ashe is a little helpless.

However, there was a certain tendency.


If the mythological platform, if human principles are really part of the [law of the operation of life].

So using Shinto as an entry point will inevitably yield some gains.

The small universe system is an absolutely materialist cultivation method.

The [the law of the universe's operation] that it observes is also materialistic and eternal.

There is no doubt that it corresponds to another supreme law... The [law of the operation of life], which is as ever-changing as the human heart, it is the "full idealism".

It is very compatible with Shinto, which absorbs beliefs and ideals.

If you want to figure out the regular fluctuations, you can only succeed if you follow the divine way!

"Now is not the time to shatter the [Silver Seed]."

Ash made a quick decision.

Because of the [Silver Seed] in his body, this thing may be more precious than he imagined.

If you want to correspond to the quadruple world of the Saint Seiya system - it seems to be the convergence of mystery and truth in the entire [Creation World]!

And Ash couldn't figure it out.

Does Asclepius have the ability to gather a new seed for him?

"However—because I left the Saint Seiya world, this seed stagnated and created some kind of loophole, so I had a chance to fully absorb the mysterious truth inside it."

"Once you return to the Saint Seiya world, the Silver Seed will reconnect to the [All Souls Consciousness] there."

"Judging by the mechanism of the program, it will inevitably be patched for this kind of bug."

"In that case, even if I leave the Saint Seiya world again, I probably won't be able to interfere with the seeds in my body like I do now."


Therefore, no matter how precious the silver seed is, it must be used in the world of "Blood Eater".

Use up the chance to successfully touch another supreme law of operation.

But no, there will be no chance in the future!

"Get the honor of the Western European Church [God] first!"

Soon Ash made a decision.

As the [One God] widely spread in countless worlds, he is almost equivalent to the pinnacle of Shinto.

It must have a higher authority over the mythology platform and even human rationality.

If you want to set foot in another supreme rule with the help of human principles, make the best use of the [Silver Seed] in your body.

After becoming the God of this world, one should be able to have this qualification.

"Whether it is to gather the Kabbalah bloodline diagram that enhances the body of God, or to contact another supreme law of operation, you need to step into the end of the divine way of this world first."

Yaxiu stood by the window with her hands behind her back, her eyes leisurely looking into the distance, and a smile flashed on the corner of her mouth.

"Then first observe the other side of the ocean, and then plan well!"

As long as the world correction force is not used, the entire world of "Blood Eater" will not be able to create any obstacles for him at all.

Thinking so calmly, Yaxiu's spiritual sense silently turned into a large net, which quickly crossed the ocean and enveloped a certain remote area.

Immediately froze.

"They're actually preparing for the descent ceremony?"

"God of the Underworld, Sasala Machu?"

After thinking quickly in his mind for a moment, Ash let out a low smile.

"Interesting, the troublesome plan to create angels in batches can be completely cancelled."

"If I really follow the expectations of the human [anti-god] forces, I will soon be able to achieve the goal of the end of Shinto..."

He has even decided to help the other party quietly.

At least the success of the descending ceremony must be guaranteed.

Let the legendary god of the underworld come to this world smoothly......

Chapter 175 Spreading Kabbalah

"Although the silver seed can't be broken yet, the Kabbalah bloodline diagram must be distributed as soon as possible for believers to practice."

This is not difficult.

He can split it with his existing bloodline just like he did with Mercury Azuka.

Countless single bloodlines are created, and then condensed into seeds through the channel of belief, and sent into the bodies of believers - speaking, this method is still imitating the seeds of silver in the body.

Yaxiu began to quickly extract all kinds of blood information, and sent the information into the godhead in the body.

Suddenly, the mysterious high-dimensional information fluctuations that ordinary people could not sense began to be continuously sent to all parts of the world.

Among them, Xianjin Island is the most common.

After all, the [God of the Stars] has the most widespread believers here.

Soon, the believers who were praying everywhere were stunned.

They can feel that in the process of praying to the God of the Stars today... it seems that something strange is being fed back.

It is a seed that exudes a hazy aura.

Seeds take root in their own bodies and change rapidly.

In the end, a big tree that seemed to be full of brilliance was formed.

At the same time, the corresponding information was also introduced into the spirit, allowing them to quickly understand the meaning of the [big tree] in their bodies.

"Kabbalah...tree of life?"

Someone murmured, and then ecstatically bowed down and bowed again.

"Thank you to the great god of stars for your care!"

If it is a normal person, there is something inexplicably added in the body, and it may be panic.

But the first batch of candidates to be implanted with the Kabbalah blood pattern were the most devout believers.

They will only have a more positive and optimistic attitude towards this kind of divine grace.

After accepting countless pure beliefs from the perspective of the godhead, Ash withdraws his spiritual power.

Continue to start thinking about the next step.

"The spread of the Kabbalah Array has also been on the right track. At present, this group of devout believers do not need to worry that they will slack off."

"But the world is dominated by pan-believers."

For pan-believers, worshipping God is just a matter of peace of mind.

Even if they obtained the so-called [Divine Grace]...they calmed down after a while, and found that there was not much effect, they would definitely continue to perfunctory things.

So there must be some immediate benefit mixed in with divine grace.

Previously, Yaxiu's plan was to send the various abilities of the Beasts into the array.

But now...

Although there is no reason, the intuition in the deep tells him.

It's better to use [your own stuff]!

"It's just a little troublesome."

After thinking about it, Ash decided to follow his intuition of "being a god".

He intends to sort out various abilities similar to the Beast from his own bloodline.

Then do the same distortion according to the distortion laws of this world.

In order to achieve the effect of allowing the bloodline to fully exert its power in "Blood Eater".

This kind of twisted bloodline combination is actually useless to Yaxiu, except that it can be used in a special world.

But it can play a role in motivating the majority of believers.

"It is to combine bloodlines and distort their specific rules to achieve the effect of adapting to the world of "Blood Devouring Raid", which requires some research time."

Yaxiu decided to go out without any other major events, and concentrate on staying in this manor and carry out his own plans.

Anyway, the [Anti-God Alliance] headed by the CSA and the Western European Church.

It would take at least half a year for them to realize the god descending ceremony and summon the god of the underworld, Sasala Machu, to this world.

At present, Ash has nothing else to pay attention to.

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