Oh...seems like there's another little thing.

I don't know if Homura has successfully captured Itogami Island in the name of the Fourth Primogenitor and started to build his ideal Night Empire.

Homura is now going to the management commune to negotiate, right?

So curious, Ash's spiritual sense began to observe the nearby Keystone Gate.


The top floor of the Keystone Gate.

In a bright conference room overlooking almost the entire island.

A dozen or so middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes are sitting at the circular conference table.

They were silent, their brows were furrowed, and there was some anxiety in their expressions.

That is the new [Management Commune] high-level.

Last time, after the high-level leaders headed by Yase Xianshige were killed, Itogamijima held several emergency meetings in a row, and quickly formed a new executive circle.

As for investigating the killing of the former management commune executives... Although it is possible to argue with other countries for this, it is even possible to obtain some compensation benefits.

But that miracle resurrected the [*] people who died accidentally on Itogami Island.

None of the slain former commune members were resurrected.

Naturally, they were a little overwhelmed.

Because of the previous design, the God of Stars did not like those people, so he did not give divine favor.

The newly formed management commune could only follow the instructions given by God and quickly erase all traces of the former high-level executives on the island.

——The families and businesses of those people have been expelled from the Itogami Island.

At present, MAR companies occupy a greater right to speak on the entire Isogami Island.

Even the current management commune was created by them alone.

Of course, even so, it does not mean that the management of the communal society is obedient.

Once there is a conflict of interests, everyone naturally needs to give priority to their own interests.

At this time, the purpose of this emergency meeting was to discuss the future ownership of Itogami Island.

The Fourth Primogenitor entered the island and prepared to take Itogami Island as his territory and build a new Empire of the Night... This kind of thing has already spread a lot.

Make everyone who manages the commune look very worried.

Originally they were just some marginal people, but unexpectedly they became the high-level executives in charge of the entire island.

After enjoying the benefits of power, who would be willing to let it go?


"' 〃 It is said that the Fourth Primogenitor is closely related to the God of the Stars - she is the one who was resurrected by the crown, and even named him..."

Someone smiled wryly and said in a low voice:

"Although nothing has come out from the church."

"But the God of the Stars will bring the Fourth Primogenitor to Itogami Island this time. There is no doubt that it has already represented a certain attitude of Him."

And it has been proven that humans—at least the humans and demons on this island—can’t resist God at all.

So no matter how unwilling you are, you can only agree.

"So decide."

 (Zhao Zhao's) The man sitting on the left of the conference table nodded and said with relief:

"The fourth primogenitor is coming here. After she arrives, there is no need to negotiate any more. We will hand over the power directly."

"Although she will replace Itogami Island's will in the future, I believe that the specific management work still needs our cooperation."

"I think negotiations are still necessary."

The man in the middle of the conference table suddenly opened his mouth and resisted in a calm and unhurried tone:

"At least go through the normal procedures."

Everyone was stunned.

However, seeing the meaningful look in his eyes vaguely, he quickly realized it.

Yes, the normal procedure has to go through again!

It is not unwillingness and resistance.

It is necessary to test the relationship between the Fourth Primogenitor and the God of Stars.

Are theocracy and kingship two camps, or... have they become one?

This determines their attitude towards the Fourth Primogenitor in the future, as well as the subtle tendencies between the Church and the Empire of the Fourth Night.

Chapter 176 Situation

The meeting continued for a while again, when a guard knocked on the door.

"The Fourth Primogenitor has entered the door of the cornerstone!"

Everyone's expressions became solemn.

After a while, I saw a blond girl with a delicate and delicate face but a powerful expression walking in.

Behind her were several equally beautiful girls.

Sister Liana, and La Furia...

Homura, who was short of manpower, pulled all his [subjects] over.

The Fourth Primogenitor made no secret of the huge magic power released to the outside world, making her supple blonde hair shine with dazzling rainbow light.

The members of the management commune froze slightly in their hearts and hurriedly stood up to salute.

"His Royal Highness, it is a great honor to be able to meet you."

Homura just stood quietly at the door, not saying a word.

After a while, everyone who bowed their heads and saluted could hear the sound of crisp high heels approaching.

"I don't want to repeat my will."

The beautiful and clear voice reached the ears of everyone in the conference room.

"From now on, this island will be dominated by Yu Lai!"

Arrogant words, mixed with undisguised impatience.

Obviously, before coming here, the fourth primogenitor should not be in a good mood.

"We are naturally willing to attach 773 to His Highness."

In the silent atmosphere, someone quickly relented, but said in embarrassment:

"But this island is not something we can fully represent, regarding the Church of the Stars..."

Homura frowned in displeasure.

At this moment, Liana, who was behind her, hurriedly said seriously:

"I had already communicated with the church when I came... The church center headed by Saint Fujisaka Touka has no opinion."

"Then...the Church's Execution Order—"

Homura finally raised his hand impatiently.

The rainbow light flashed and turned into a beautiful magic light belt, and everyone could feel the incredible magic power contained in it.

The next second, the member of the management commune who opened his mouth was directly swallowed by the light.

"I don't want to repeat anything, remember, this is not a request - it's a statement!"

"From now on, this island will become Yu's territory. If you want to stay, you can only be Yu's servant... Remember, it's Yu's servant!"

Everyone was silent for a while, not daring to say anything more.

It was only at this moment that they realized that the various tricks and techniques accumulated in human society, greetings and negotiation, hiding needles in cotton, etc., had no effect on the existence in front of them.

They actually imagined how powerful the Fourth Primogenitor would be.

But he didn't take into account that he was reluctant to even listen to any advice.

Just smash everything with violence.

And the point is...no one seems to be able to counter this violence.

Inside the manor, Yaxiu retracted his gaze and smiled slightly in his heart.

Although it seems impulsive and strong, he actually agrees with Homura's method.

You already have an absolute advantage, do you still need to sit down and negotiate with a good voice?

Be gentle with the people, but be firm with the soldiers.

At least in the face of a small number of management, kingship must be transformed into [king fist].


Itogami Island began to quickly adjust its nature and announced a brief news to the outside world.

This island has welcomed back its king, His Majesty the Fourth Primogenitor.

Most of the family and business executives were shocked and held meetings overnight to discuss.

But for a wide range of ordinary residents... nothing has changed.

They are more concerned about the experiences of those devout Star Church believers.

Because a few days ago, a large number of people in the world announced that they had received divine grace, and a strange [tree] appeared in their bodies.

As long as you focus more on it, you can make the tree grow.

Other effects have not been seen, but some seriously ill patients have declared themselves cured without treatment.

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