Fujisaka Touka only felt her scalp explode, and she instantly fell into a state of being at a loss.

At this time, I heard a heavy voice from the opposite side:

"We tried to stop it, but the other party is being enveloped by a huge earthline spiritual power."

"With the power of human beings, there is absolutely no way... Now I can only pray for the mercy of the God of the Stars!"

But... the god of stars has fallen into a deep sleep!

Fujisaka Touka opened his mouth and was about to say these words.

But soon, she quickly reacted again.

Is the other party deceiving himself?

"Please give me the specific coordinates of Underworld God. After I judge the authenticity, I will report this to God."

After saying this, Fujisaka Touka received the coordinates from the other party, hung up the phone, turned around with a dignified expression, and looked at the Cardinal who was following him.

"Go... According to this coordinate, immediately find out the specific situation of the leylines!"


The top floor of the manor.

In the quiet room, Yaxiu was holding a magic book in his hand and was reading silently.

When the Pope of the Western European Church called, he suddenly raised his eyebrows and smiled.

"Well, the plan is getting better.".

Chapter 190 Tampering with History

"The witches who deceived themselves in this way, let them fall into worry and powerlessness, and now they have to face fear, don't you feel guilty?"

Yagezi is making tea by the side.

After hearing Ash's whisper, he spoke helplessly.

In order to maintain the stability of the Fourth Night Empire, Homura had to go out to handle various official duties.

As for Yakiz and Garda.

Their empire of the night has been established for thousands of years, and it is extremely stable.

"If they can be as calm as you, I can naturally tell the truth."

Ash smiled.

"But it's a pity that they are too young and have insufficient experience, and it is easy for people to see flaws."

"It's better to wait and apologize later."

Besides Yagezi and Jiada, there was another person in the room.

The first primogenitor Qi Yi touched his head, his eyes looked a little surprised.


Does God also apologize to his own believers?

"Maybe it's because... His Majesty Ash never actually regarded himself as a god?"

Jia Da can easily see through the thoughts of her old friend Qi Yi, and she can't help but point with a smile.

Among the few people present, Qi Yi, the first primogenitor, seemed restless.

After all, there is a [God] in front of him.

So Jiada hopes to dispel the old friend's restraint and make the atmosphere more harmonious.

Although they only got along for a day or two, she also found out some of Yaxiu's character traits.

There really aren't any shelves.

In addition... By telling the past of another world, Jia Da also knew that the other party was not a natural god.

Faith is of no use to him at all.

"Let's talk about power aside, I'm really just a human being—as you know, the [Gods of Heaven] of that era." Ash nodded seriously:

"The so-called god of stars is not my essence, it is just the name that humans in this world call me."

"I was also born and raised as a human being, and I continue to pursue strength and happiness as a human being."

"But if I become a god, it can make my power go further... I am also willing to become the god in the world's impression."

Saying so, Ash set aside the magic book in his hand and looked at the First Primogenitor.

"Qi Yi, how are you thinking?"

The latter fell silent.

At this time, Yagez had already made tea and gave one end to everyone in the room.

Qi Yi whispered thank you, looked at Yaxiu and said:

"...Does that history have to be tampered with?"

"Yes, it must be."

Ash nodded.

Now, he is seeking to immediately become the [God] that Western European churches believe in.

There were actually a lot of plans.

But it takes a lot of time to set up.

And yesterday, the sudden arrival of the god of the underworld, Sasala Machu, gave him the opportunity to break through the situation violently.

Through "Mythic Liquidity", let [God of the Stars] be linked with [God].

Let both become the same god.

This again involves the falsification of a certain experience of someone.

—The man who first founded the rudiment of the religious doctrines of the Western European Church, Abram.

According to Yaxiu's information, Abram was a former friend of the first primogenitor Qiy. Seven thousand years ago, the god of blame, Cain, rebelled against a certain psionicist of the Heavenly Department at that time.

So Yaxiu could only call Qi Yi to discuss it together.

If the other party doesn't cooperate...it will be a little troublesome.

Qi Yi's expression looked puzzled.

"If you really need to become the [God believed in by the Western European Church], just disguise it directly with the great divine power you hold. I believe no one will dare to doubt, why..."

Why even bother?

"It can be done through disguise. After all, only I can exist in this world, and the earth is not disturbed by other gods at all."

Ash smiled and said:

"But it will take a very long time to convert the beliefs of the Western European churches one by one, and finally successfully occupy the throne of God... And now there is an opportunity for me to shorten countless hours."

"Can you satisfy my curiosity a little, Your Majesty Yaxiu?" Qi Yi continued to ask curiously:

"I still don't understand the specific meaning of your current plan."

"Actively disguised, and the Western European Church holding a descending ceremony - in addition to shortening the time, is there a big difference?"

Yagezi and Jia Da were both worried, afraid of their old friend's continuous questioning, which annoyed Yaxiu, and kept winking at him.

Ash didn't seem to care about that.

"It's to connect with the throne of God in the mythical dimension."

He patiently explained:

"In a way, I have an aspect of [God] — and that's the key to being God."

"If you change to other gods, there is no foundation for the plan at the beginning."

After a pause, he continued:

"And if I want to quickly become a [God], first of all, my power needs to penetrate the myth and reach the throne of God."

"But at present, the laws of the world have been completely distorted. In a normal way, it is impossible to connect the myth again and get in touch with the [God] seat of God."

"So...the Western European Church must hold a descending ceremony to draw power into your body from the seat of God in the myth?" Qi Yi asked in a low voice.

"That's about it."

Ash nodded:

"In the absence of God, the church can barely represent God."

"If the Western European church takes the initiative to hold the descending ceremony, it represents the will of God, which is equivalent to the tacit arrival of God - here, the power of the throne of God can be connected to this world."

"And if you don't use me as the descendant, this ceremony will definitely fail... Because this world, it is impossible to accept the traces and godheads of high-dimensional divine power like [The One God]."

"' 〃 But I have a side of God, and I'm bound to succeed."

"...It turns out that, thank you for your explanation."

Qi Yi politely stood up and saluted, and agreed with a smile:

"Actually, I didn't have any objections from the beginning, but please forgive me, I'm really curious about the knowledge of gods, so I asked out."

Having said this, he added:

"Then shall I prepare now?"

"No need." Ash shook his head, "There will inevitably be traces of human beings, so I'll do it myself."

He raised his hand, and as the stars bloomed, the environment of several people changed rapidly and came to a dimly lit cemetery.

Yagezi and Jiada looked around curiously.

Qi Yi looked at the bronze coffin in front of him and fell into reminiscence.

"This is Abram's tomb."

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