Yaxiu ignored the people around him, took a few steps on his own, came to a wall in front of the coffin, and reached out to wipe it lightly.

Following his movements, more than a dozen rough murals appeared on the blank walls.

It's not very clear, it contains some ancient traces.


Satisfied with a smile, Yaxiu threw a few stone tablets into the funeral objects. (Zhao Qian's)

Then he nodded to the people around him.

"Let's go back."

Having said that, he looked at Qi Yi again:

"Would you like to mourn for a while in an old friend's graveyard?"

"There is nothing to cherish, after all, seven thousand years have passed."

Qi Yi smiled freely, and everyone quickly returned to the manor.

"Rest assured, Your Majesty Yaxiu, I know what to do next."

Soon Qi Yi stood up to say goodbye.

But before leaving, he hesitated for a moment, and then said:

"The seventeen clans of the Tianbu may also have left a record of Abram's experience in founding the Western European Church."

"I'll fix it."

Ash was not worried about that.

In front of Qi Yi, he clapped his hands again.

There was a knock on the door immediately outside the bedroom, and a middle-aged black-haired man walked in and saluted respectfully:

"Shavryar Lian salutes you, great god of the stars."

Qi Yi was stunned for a while, then stepped back with a smile.

He knew very well in his heart that Ash's plan... at least the part about Abram, there was no flaw in it.

Chapter 191 The Oldest Relic

Church of the Stars.

Countless magicians stood in the square of the church, performing some kind of rigorous detection ceremony.

After a while, the void in the center of the ceremony quickly presented a picture.

In a strange energy river that seems to be filled with radiance, the god of the underworld, more than [*] meters high, is slowly advancing.

He seems to want to pursue the source of that river!

With the interference of huge and chaotic spiritual power fluctuations, the picture quickly disappeared.

Everyone stopped, with ugly expressions on their faces.

"That's... Underworld God is really heading to the inner side of the planet?"

Several cardinals quickly turned their attention to Fujisaka Touka. As a member of the mysterious side, they all knew the importance of this matter.

"His Majesty the Pope, we can't let the Heretic God go any further!"

"I have to inform the God of the Stars immediately!"

I also want to report...

Fujisaka Touka smiled bitterly in her heart.

She calmed down and said calmly:

"Help me contact the Western European Church first...Before you tell the gods, you must figure out the ins and outs of the matter."

No one doubts this excuse.

Soon Fujisaka Touka returned to her office.

Someone respectfully handed over the phone.

"The Pope of the Western European Church is waiting for you at 780, Your Majesty."

Fujisaka Touka picked up the phone.

Both were silent.

After a while, the girl asked as calmly as possible:

"What's going on? Why did the Underworld God suddenly go to the inner side of the planet?"

"Maybe it's to recover from the injuries after the battle of gods."

The Pope of the Western European Church smiled wryly and said in a guessing tone:

"More likely...because he couldn't defeat the god of stars, he was ready to completely destroy the earth."

"I can't let that evil god continue to act recklessly." He said solemnly: "I beg the god of stars to come forward and stop it!"

"[Anti-God Alliance]."

Fujisaka Touka suddenly spit out a word coldly:

"Tell me, your Western European Church is also a member of the Anti-God Alliance?"

"As a church member, you should know very well that even if your beliefs are different, in the face of the true God, all believers will be in awe from the bottom of their hearts, and it is impossible to hate any god at all."

"Unless the gods you believe in have issued an oracle, clearly listing another god as your enemy!"

The Pope of the Western Church defended:

"So we can't possibly join some (afcc) anti-god alliance."

"Because my lord has never had an oracle, and regards the god of the stars as his enemy."

After a pause, he continued:

"...Of course, according to the information we have collected, there are indeed some people who lack the fear of God in the church."

"Many sinners, even the glory of God, cannot completely purify the ugly side of their hearts..."

"This is helpless, we have no way to control everything in the church!"

"However, His Majesty Pope Fujisaka, please believe us - at least most of the people in the Western European Church are in awe of the God of the Stars from the bottom of their hearts!"

After chatting for a long time, the central meaning is naturally to throw the pot.

Fujisaka Touka sneered in her heart, she has confirmed that there must be a shadow of the Western European Church behind the anti-God alliance.

Even if he did not participate directly, he must have tacitly agreed to it.

But now is not the time to pursue it.

There are more important things to deal with.

After listening in silence, she asked again:

"How much do you know about the process of this anti-god alliance summoning the god of the underworld, Sasala Machu?"

"Based on some of the intelligence we gathered, we roughly figured out the process."

The Pope of the Western European Church is very clear that the Church of the Stars may still be suspicious of something.

He didn't mean to hide at all, and quickly told the story again.

Of course, some sort of embellishment is sure to take place.

"The people from the Anti-God Alliance stole the magic scientific research product [Limiter] newly developed by CSA, combined with some sacred objects of religious forces, tried to summon the gods with the divine descending ceremony, and then controlled the opponent with the limiter... …”

"However, there was a big mistake in the middle, the limiter failed, the evil god did not listen to the order at all, and killed all the summoners the first time they came."

"After we noticed it, we tried to take back those holy relics, hoping to stop his actions by [cutting him off from this world], but we were also disturbed by unknown..."

After listening silently, Fujisaka Touka said decisively:

"Well, I will bring someone to contact you in person and judge the true story of the whole thing."

The girl was most afraid that the other party deliberately designed this accident in order to find out the injury of the God of the Stars.

So she had to prove that the god of underworld was completely out of control.

There is no way to get it back even with the holy relic.

Only after confirmation can we consider being open and honest with the Western European Church.

And carefully discuss how to face the next huge crisis.

After all, according to the other party, it will take about five to six days for the Underworld God to reach the inner side of the planet.

Time is not too short.

She still had time to verify.

After finishing the conversation, Fujisaka Touka immediately made arrangements and quickly prepared the space magic circle.

Go to the other side of the ocean with the powerful people, including the three saints.


After hurriedly observing the summoning ceremony of the holy relic, Yuantangyuan, one of the three saints, nodded silently, and his pretty face was full of solemnity.

"The Western European Church did not miss anything... According to the flow of energy, these sacred objects are indeed the reliance of the gods of the underworld."

"Similarly, there is really no way for the holy relic to be brought back!"

Everyone looked ugly.

"Looks like things are getting really troublesome."

Dark Bai Nai smiled bitterly.

Immediately, the eyes of the first three saints of the two Lion King agencies passed by obscurely.

Yuantangyuan suddenly spoke again:

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