"The instrument that now makes the Underworld God depend on this world... If I remember correctly, it should be the oldest set of holy relics in your Western European Church?"

"You are very knowledgeable."

The Pope of the Western European Church smiled reluctantly and explained:

"The whole set of holy relics is divided into holy grail, holy crown of thorns, holy handkerchief, holy nail, and scarab."

"These are the objects of the crucifixion of the oldest prophet [Abram] in our Western European Church."

"He was also the first saint who was favored by God and spread the glory of God to the world."

"It is said that when the Prophet Abram died, God also sent a divine grace to lead the soul of the Prophet to the kingdom of heaven."

"Because of receiving the radiance of God, these objects have also become holy objects, possessing incredible power."

Fujisaka Touka immediately raised a sharp question:

"Since it is your oldest sacred relic, why can it be easily stolen by the Anti-God Alliance and even used to summon other gods?"

Her words made the Pope of the Western European Church stagnate, and in the end he could only show shame, and said embarrassingly:

"I'm very sorry, it was my lax discipline and negligence that allowed the traitors of the church to steal the holy relic...".

Chapter 192 The Western European Church Needs to Be Despaired First

Just when the atmosphere on the field was a little cold, Yuantangyuan suddenly asked:

"Why didn't you see the Holy Cross? According to your Bible, the prophet Abram was nailed to the cross, right? That should also be his holy relic."


The Pope of the Western European Church was happy to change the subject and nodded:

"That cross also belongs to this set of holy relics, but thousands of years ago, the cross was buried with the prophet Abram in his cemetery as a funerary object."

Dark White said:

"The sacred object does not listen to the call, there is no doubt that it should be suppressed by the god of the underworld."

"And if you hold the last cross and hold a summoning ceremony with it as the center... Once the entire set of the oldest holy relics is gathered, will it be able to break through the blockade of the divine power of the underworld?"

The Pope of the Western European Church looked stunned.

"It...does have - a certain possibility!"

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head helplessly:

"But we've been searching for thousands of years and we haven't been able to find the tomb of the ancient prophet."

"The last relic [True Cross] has long been lost."

An Bainai and Yuantangyuan stopped talking.

All the members of the Church of the Stars looked at Fujisaka Touka together.

The latter was silent for a while, but calmly said to the Western European Church:

"I'm sorry... Our Star Church hopes to conduct internal discussions before deciding whether to report to the God of Stars - you should understand that as a believer, you can't disturb God all the time."

"Do you need to arrange a quiet room for you?"

"We're going to go back to church first."

Fujisaka Touka returned through the space magic circle in a hurry with her hands.

Immediately notify all the witches.

In the cardinal's exclusive conference room, the girl frowned tightly and looked extremely hesitant.

After a while, she whispered:

"About the situation of His Majesty Yaxiu at this time... Everyone here is an insider."

"Then do you think that we should explain the true situation of God to the Western European Church?"

Everyone else in the conference room was silent, looking embarrassed.

Yuan Tang Yuan stood up with a smile, and said affirmatively:

"There is no doubt... they have been pinning their hopes on the crown of Ash, which has led to missing the best time to block the god of the underworld. We should immediately notify the Western European Church and notify all the forces!"

Fujisaka Touka still attaches great importance to Yuantangyuan's suggestion.

Not only because the other party used to be one of the three saints of the Lion King agency, his old boss.

More because of the identity of Yuantangyuan.

Longevity species with a lifespan of more than a thousand years, rich experience and careful thought.

The way of doing things must be stronger than that of a rookie like her.

But when it comes to Yaxiu's safety, Fujisaka Touka still seems a little hesitant.

The girl's eyes turned to An Bai Nai again.

It is also one of the former three saints.

She hoped that Ambina could give some constructive comments.

The latter was silent for a while, then nodded as well.

"We must explain the situation of Yaxiu as soon as possible!"

Seeing that Fujisaka Touka was still hesitating, she said seriously:

"I went to the Western European Church today. After verification, I can confirm that the other party's statement is not false."

"Even if they are really a member of the [Anti-God Alliance], they have summoned the mastermind behind the Underworld God."

"But now the Underworld God is out of control, which is also true."

"In this case, they will only pray that the god of the stars will wake up quickly, and it will never be against the last hope!"

"—unless they really want to destroy the entire planet together."

"However, lunatics like Xian Shen Ming Jia are only a few after all."

Fujisaka Touka thought quickly for a while, and finally nodded.

"Okay, notify the Western European Church, notify the major countries and forces on this planet, and immediately explain the situation to them!"

Seeing the girls around, there were still worries and hesitations in their brows, Yuantangyuan and An Bainai looked at each other and shook their heads silently.

Things were arranged in an orderly manner.

As the Pope, Fujisaka Touka was busy, sorting out the next rhetoric and issuing orders one by one.

The other saints of the Church of the Stars are also notifying the main personnel participating in the meeting and setting up the venue.

Yuan Tang Yuan and An Bai Nai took the opportunity to quietly return to the manor.

On the bright side, it is natural to go to see several true ancestors in the manor and relay the current situation.

But they went directly into Ash's bedroom.

"It's done."

Looking at the black-haired man who was leaning lazily on the sofa reading the magic book, the two walked over, sat next to each other, and whispered about the experience of going to the Western European Church.

0・・・For flowers・・・

Yaxiu put down the book, listened carefully, and smiled.

"Very good, everything will be business as usual, but don't forget to hide it from the others... They are all too young, and if they know about my situation in advance, they may be exposed."

Yuantangyuan asked curiously:

"Your Majesty Ash, do you want the Western European Church to go to Abram's cemetery and take out the last relic [True Cross]?"


"Does that holy relic have any special meaning to you?"

The two Lion Kings and the Three Saints looked very puzzled.

"No, the true cross means nothing to me."

Ash smiled, but there was no extra explanation.

He just raised his hand, while stroking the hair of the two of them, he said lightly:

...................... 0

"I need to let the Western European Church [desperate] first."


Under the arrangement of the Star Church, in just half an hour, almost all the former supporters of the [Anti-God Alliance] arrived at Itogami Island.

The meeting place is placed at the Keystone Gate.

Flame actively requested.

Nearly a hundred people sat in silence at a huge long table.

The curtains have been drawn, and the overhead lights simulate sunlight, without the slightest sense of gloom.

"...That's roughly the case."

Facing hundreds of gazes, Fujisaka Touka bravely pretended to be strong, and told the story of [The God of the Stars fell into a deep sleep] in a cold tone.

And he made no secret of his inner resentment.

The smart girl can already vaguely guess.

The so-called Anti-God Alliance... Most of the people here are probably implicated in that organization.

It can be said that many of the people in front of him are the culprits that caused Yaxiu to "fall into a deep sleep".

And now the revenge comes so quickly.

It also made Fujisaka Toka feel a sense of pleasure in her heart.

[I can't believe it, I actually did it myself! 】

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