[...This is the blasphemous punishment imposed by fate! 】

She glanced at the meeting participants who looked extremely ugly around her, thinking in relief.

However, recalling the current movements of the Underworld God, the girl was extremely worried.

Without the protection of the God of the Stars, how can we prevent the next great disaster?Knife.

Chapter 193 The Prophet's Tomb

"The god of stars actually..."

Everyone in the conference room looked horrified.

You must know that in the face of the huge crisis caused by the Underworld God, the reason why they can maintain their composure is because there is another god who has the bottom line.

But now... the god of the bottom line also has a problem!

"His Majesty Pope Fujisaka!" The Pope of the Western European Church trembled in his voice: "Are you sure you are not joking?"

"There is no need for such suspicion."

Fujisaka Dongjia suddenly looked unhappy:

"I can't easily make fun of my beliefs!"

So, is the God of the Stars really in the fight with the God of the Underworld, the consumption was too great, and he had to fall into a deep sleep?

Most of the people in the conference room shuddered, feeling deeply pessimistic about the future of this planet.

"It was me who made a slip of the tongue."

Silently calming down his face distorted by fear, the Pope of the Western Church hurriedly spoke again:

"Then Pope Fujisaka, in the oracle sent by the God of the Stars, did you inform you of his specific awakening time?"

Fujisaka Touka's expression was slightly stunned, but she was not by her side when Yaxiu "falls into a deep sleep".

But several True Ancestors should know.

So the girl's eyes turned to the Second Primogenitor Yagez.

Opposite her, Yagez sighed and shook his head:

"Although the short fight with the Underworld God was not serious, but as a god, he must attract high-dimensional spiritual power in order to replenish the divine power in his body."

"And according to what His Majesty Yaxiu once said, the high-dimensional realm of human existence and the existence of gods is not connected, so he needs to rely on deep sleep to guide the recovery of spiritual power more intently."

"As far as the gods are concerned, this slumber is likely to be just a flick of a finger, but according to human senses... the time is probably not very short."

The human world and the gods are not connected...

Silently chewing on this sentence, most of the people in the conference room showed a sudden look.

and some sort of guess emerges:

"I'm afraid this is also the truth that the Underworld God will go to the inner side of the planet after the spiritual power is consumed too much!"

After all, when the Anti-God Alliance summoned the god of the underworld, Sasala Machu, it only accepted the other party's godhead and divine power, but rejected his will.

In this way, because of the obstacles between the realm of the human world and the realm of the gods, it may be difficult for the other party to guide the power of the gods in some way to recover like normal gods.

That's why they follow their instincts and go to the inside of the planet in an attempt to absorb the spiritual power inside.

Although they could vaguely speculate on the nature of Underworld God's behavior, everyone was still at a loss as to how to solve it.

The high-level eyes of CSA looked at Fujisaka Touka again, and there was a faint hope in his tone:

"Can you organize believers to pray on a large scale, and in this way, convey the current predicament to the God of Stars and wake him up from his slumber?"

The people around also looked over.

The last time Itogami Island encountered the spiritual tide disaster, it was in this way that the miracle came.

They felt that it might be possible to reproduce it again.

But Fujisaka Touka shook her head.

"It seems that the God of the Stars has actively cut off the channel of belief because of the deep sleep... Many devout believers can feel this."

Most of the people in the conference room turned pale.

They quickly proposed several ways to awaken the god of the stars, but they were all rejected by Fujisaka Touka.

The atmosphere seemed more solemn.

A sense of despair gradually pervaded the hearts of everyone.

The Pope of the Western European Church had a dull gaze, his eyes wandering unconsciously in the wide conference room.

When he swept over several senior leaders of the Star Church behind Fujisaka Touka, recalling the words of Qianyuantangyuan, an inexplicable lightning flashed in his heart.

"and many more!"

He suddenly cheered up and said excitedly:

"If God can't save the world, then we can only rely on us humans to save ourselves!"

Seeing everyone looking over, the Pope of the Western European Church frowned.

"Another way of thinking - as long as the Underworld God can leave the world, I believe that the crisis can be solved!"

"You don't need to stress this matter!"

CSA executives looked irritable:

"But something went wrong on your side - the sacred relics you rely on can no longer be recalled."

"How to expel the Underworld God?"

It's a fact that the power of the Underworld God can't even compete with the true ancestors.

Therefore, it is impossible to rely on force to achieve the goal.

After a pause, the senior management of CSA suddenly squinted again and asked:

"Did you think of any other way?"

"...No, it's still the idea of ​​​​recalling the holy relic 0..."

The pope of the Western European Church spoke very quickly and said his thoughts:

"True cross!"

"That's the last of the holy relics."

"If you can really gather the whole set of holy relics, maybe the recall ceremony will be successful!"

His words immediately aroused everyone's interest.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry up and hold the ceremony with the True Cross!"

"But there is a problem." The Pope of the Western European Church smiled bitterly:

"According to the ancient records of the church, the true cross was in the tomb of the great prophet Abram. It was the funeral of the prophet, and it was never born..."

"And the tomb of the prophet, we have searched for thousands of years, but have not been able to find the exact location!"

"If among the people present, who..."

"I know the address of Abram's tomb."

Before the Pope's words were finished, the First True Ancestor, who had been silent, said lightly:

"Abram used to be my friend."

Everyone in the conference room looked stunned for a while, and they all showed ecstasy while sighing at the long life of the true ancestor.

"Then what are you waiting for, immediately - immediately go and take out the true cross!"


Under enormous pressure, all countries cooperate with each other, and the efficiency is extremely high.

Soon, he used the space magic circle to arrive at the cemetery of Abram 2.2.

"In the realm of the King of War?"

Looking at the steep cliff ahead, the Pope of the Western European Church showed a sudden look.

No wonder they searched the whole church for thousands of years, but could not find the burial place of this ancient prophet.

I didn't expect to be in the realm of the King of War, and it's still such a remote place.

"Please don't disturb the sleep of my Lord Prophet too much."

The Pope of the Western European Church said in a deep voice:

"Better not to destroy anything in the cemetery, let's just take out the true cross!"

Everyone else nodded.

It is said that Abram was a saint in the age when the gods were still active on the earth seven thousand years ago.

His tomb, with some funerary objects or documents in it, may not be able to unravel the historical fault that has been destroyed by [Sheng Jian].

Chapter 194 The Broken Cross

After opening the cemetery, cleaning up the magic organs, etc., everyone quickly determined the location of Abram's main tomb.

It was a huge underground cave full of ancient ruins.

The entire main tomb is built of solid stone slabs, supported by seven pillars to support the high circular dome above.

There are many frescoes carved on the surrounding slate.

Depending on the situation, the content of the mural should be the life experience of the legendary prophet of the Western European Church.

There have been different opinions in the academic world and the mysterious side about how Abram founded the church and the ancient times when God and man lived together, and many forces are actually very interested.

However, due to the huge crisis caused by the Underworld God, everyone seemed worried and didn't study much. They just took the funerary items in the cemetery and left in a hurry.

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