Ash gently spoke:

"I've been staying in the Palace of God for a while, and I hope you can help me improve my bloodline."


So in the following months, Aphrodite, the god of beauty, lived directly in the Palace of the Gods.

The two began to communicate more in-depth and accurate knowledge of bloodline truth.

Yaxiu also used the convenience of "already reincarnated" to ask the other party for detailed information on various silver levels, as well as specific combinations and structures.

Although through the silver seed, he has already learned all the silver bloodlines in the Saint Seiya world.

But if you want to use all that information and build the most perfect bloodline, you need all kinds of inspiration and knowledge.

It just so happens that Aphrodite has studied the bloodline for countless years, and has also obtained the inheritance of Erebos, one of the creation gods, which can provide him with a lot of specific directions.

But there is also a downside.

With the frequent contact, the god of beauty looked at Yaxiu's eyes faintly strange.

One last time, she finally couldn't help frowning and asked:

"Father, you... haven't recovered the memory of reincarnation?"

Because when the two were chatting, there were a lot of past events that the God King in front of him couldn't answer at all.

There are also some changes in personality.

The majesty and deepness that once seemed to be innate, but now I can't feel it at all, instead it seems calm and gentle.

Just when Yaxiu was a little embarrassed, he heard a report from a servant outside.

"Your Majesty the Queen of God and the Goddess of the Moon hope to see you, Your Majesty the great God King."

"Let them in."

Ash was relieved, stood up, and looked at Aphrodite opposite:

"Hera and Artemis are here, let's meet them together."

Said he was about to go forward.

Meishen hurriedly reminded anxiously:

"Father God, God Cloth!"

Ash just smiled and said nothing.

The former only realized something.

"Could it be that Queen Hera and Sister Artemis already know about your reincarnation?"

Aphrodite said this, and was a little lost.

She thought she was the most special one.

"Not only are they clear about this matter, but even my past life was revealed to me by them."

Yaxiu directly pushed the pot onto the other two goddesses.

Seriously, this is not a lie.

If Scythia hadn't identified the wrong person in Myron, he would never have thought of a reincarnation disguised as Zeus.

Put on the robe to fool the gods a few times at most.

Chapter 8 Let me teach you a little lesson

When Scythia and Artemis entered the garden of the God-king's palace, they immediately saw Ash and Aphrodite standing side by side.

The latter was startled, feeling a little helpless.

I always felt that "Father God" chose to reincarnate in order to avoid being eroded by human nature, and even decided to give up all memories of his previous life.

Completely changed from Zeus to Ash.

Obviously made such a big sacrifice, but in fact... at least the issue of men and women seems to be getting closer and closer to the prophecy book of "Greek Mythology"!

It was mentioned in the book that Zeus courted Aphrodite, the god of love.

And now he took off his divine robe in front of the other party, revealing his original appearance.

There is no doubt that the two should have a good relationship in the recent period of time.

Otherwise, Ash would not have told Aphrodite about such an important matter.

After the four met, they fell silent for a while.

Yaxiu was very aware of their concerns, smiled and said:

"Call me Yaxiu... The past life is the past life, at least now, I prefer to be called [Axiu]."

He chatted with the three goddesses in the garden, had lunch, and in the afternoon, he left and returned to a quiet room in the temple, and began to silently sort out the eighth sense universe.

Although the rules of the "Blood Eater" world have been distorted, fortunately, as long as you fully understand all the mysteries of the [Creation World], you can still easily restore it.

Yaxiu even took the opportunity to expand his seventh sense corresponding to the [formation world], making the small universe form more complete than the world of Saint Seiya can accommodate.

"After a few months of practice, I'm almost halfway through the path of my eight senses... I believe that in the next few to ten years, I can reach the peak of my eight senses."

Ash was so sure in his heart.

The first time he walked the road of the seven senses, because of his inexperience, he actually bypassed many corners.

But now, with the experience of the last time, he is even more at ease in sorting out the mysterious process of the two worlds [Creation World].

Even if the path of the eight senses is more complicated than the path of the seven senses, he can reach the end sooner.

When Ash started his daily practice, the three goddesses in the garden were also looking at each other.

After a while, it was Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty, who spoke first.

She looked at the goddess of the moon with a puzzled expression:

"Sister Artemis, Father God suddenly chose to be reincarnated... What the hell is going on?"

If you really want to go further and create the most perfect bloodline, small cosmic power, and even the soul, it must be impossible not to retrieve the memory of the God King until now.

In addition, it is quite contradictory to be able to use divine power and apocalypse without the memory of the previous life.

Listening to Aphrodite asking all kinds of questions in her heart, Artemis was silent for a moment.

He looked at Scythia, who also looked curious beside him.

He finally sighed and decided to tell the truth.

"Father God really did not retrieve the slightest memory of the previous life... If there is no accident, he will always be the consciousness of [Axiu] in the future, and it is impossible to change back to the former God King."

With a slight pause, the Moon Goddess emphasized with a solemn expression:

"But even so, the king of the gods who will lead the gods in the future will still be him!"

"This is the reincarnation spirit of the Father God personally confessed!"

Ash...will never change back to Zeus again?

Scythia was relieved, and then she became curious.

"Why is that?"

Even if he loses his power after reincarnation, the original memory of a god can definitely be of great help.

At least it will allow it to re-enter the divine position more quickly after reincarnation.

How did "Zeus" directly give up such a big advantage?

"Because in the last life, when Father God spied on the fate of the future world, the true spirit was greatly polluted, and even completely distorted the glorious divinity, so I had to choose reincarnation..."

Artemis explained softly.

She didn't mention human principles and myths, but only briefly explained some of the main lines in the "prophecy book".

Immediately let the two goddesses beside her on a whim, they can vaguely spy on the future direction of the world.

It is indeed consistent with what Artemis just said!

They immediately believed what they just said.

The corners of Sisia's mouth rose uncontrollably, and she seemed extremely happy.

As far as she is concerned, Yaxiu will never take back Zeus' true spirit, it is best to completely become two talents!

I had always been worried about this matter, but I didn't expect... God has quietly solved it for her!

[Sure enough, after I met Ash in Myron, it was fate that I chose to approach him...]

As the queen of gods, she thought so in her heart.

At this moment, the goddess of the moon hesitated and looked at the somewhat dull Aphrodite:

"Sister Aphrodite, it is prophesied that the Father and you will..."

"What will happen?"

The god of beauty immediately became curious.

"...No, nothing."

In the end Artemis just shook his head and decided not to interfere.

Anyway, God the Father has completely abandoned the true spirit of the past.

Now that it has become [Axiu], there is no problem with any goddess.

Thinking of this, Artemis was inexplicably relieved, and felt that some of his previous persistence had disappeared.

0・・・For flowers・・・

Recalling the experience of awakening the "True Spirit of Zeus" last time, the sense of shame in the past faded away a lot, replaced by a touch of shyness.

Aphrodite looked a little worried and said:

"If God the Father never retrieves the true spirit of the previous life, then the heavens..."

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