"His power is still there." Artemis interrupted: "As long as the power of the god king is still there, with the assistance of our Olympus god system, the status of His Majesty the god king can still be stable."

"But this matter is too big, let's hide it from the outside world, and slowly transition for a while..."

"I believe that except for Uncle Hades and Uncle Poseidon, other gods will not be too concerned about whether Ashura retrieves the true spirit of the previous life."

The three goddesses changed the subject and chatted about the various things that happened in the heaven recently.


When the sun went down, Artemis and Scythia said their goodbyes.

They didn't even disturb Yaxiu, who was cultivating a small universe.

He just proposed that he would come over early tomorrow, and wanted to participate in the exchange of blood and truth between the two, so he quietly left the Palace of God.

Aphrodite was left alone in the garden.

She carefully recalled the words of the Moon Goddess just now, and she was inexplicably concerned about the unfinished words of the other party at that time.

"In the prophecy, God the Father and I will meet?"

"What will happen?"

So curious, Meishen began to speculate slowly.

She's not really good at the way of fate.

But according to what Artemis said just now, the current "Father God Reincarnation" Asho, in addition to inheriting the terrifying ability of [Apocalypse] in his previous life, his life level has not completely reached the level of a god.

I believe it will not be too difficult to calculate.

At the same time, Ash, who was sorting out the mystery of the [Creation World], suddenly opened his eyes.

He already felt that someone was trying to pry into the thread of his destiny in this world.

"...is it Aphrodite?"

After figuring out the identity of the other party based on the laws of life, Axiu smiled.

"Let me teach you a little lesson."

He quietly made some moves on the thread of his own destiny, which changed the picture.

On the other side, Aphrodite, who was checking her fate, suddenly opened her eyes, her pretty face was slightly red, and her heart was beating continuously.

"Just now......"

As a beauty god, she murmured, her tone was extremely embarrassed.

When she checked Yaxiu's future destiny, she could clearly see that she was lying under the other person with affection.

"...Could it be that Sister Artemis has predicted that I will be with the Father in the future?"

Mei Shen felt a little dizzy.

Chapter 9 Weird Requests

For the next period of time, Aphrodite's eyes when she looked at Ash... was always weird.

Especially when the two are alone together.

Yaxiu was amused, but he pretended not to know, and instead asked deliberately:

"Aphrodite, you seem a little absent-minded lately, what's wrong?"

"......Do not."

Meishen was silent for a moment, and suddenly began to ask the previous question:

"Father, you haven't recovered the memory of your last life?"


"You...at least for now, it's just [Axiu]?"


Meishen seemed to be relieved, and said seriously:

"Then I refuse to call you God Father until you completely integrate the true spirit of the God King."

"Actually, just call me Ash."

Ashwin smiled.

Hearing him say this, Aphrodite gradually became cheerful.

It regained its previous vitality and vitality.

"Okay, Yaxiu, let's continue to discuss the star evolution technique."

In her big "[*]" eyes, her eyes were clear and agile.

But every time he looked at Ash, there was a trance deep in his eyes.

The black-haired man in front of him is not even a god. He will really... do the things predicted in the picture with him in the future?

It always felt a little unbelievable.

But that was "prophesied destiny"!

The goddess thought so in her heart, she was a little hesitant.

Do you want to leave this palace of the gods as soon as possible while nothing happened?

However... According to the current situation, if he leaves like this, it is very likely that Yaxiu will not be able to restore his bloodline as soon as possible and become a god again.

Aphrodite just hesitated for a moment and decided to stay.

After all, it is also the reincarnation of God the Father, so it is impossible to leave it alone.

In this way, Yaxiu and Meishen studied the bloodline structure together during the day, and occasionally the other two goddesses, Artemis and Scythia, would come to join in the fun.

Then at night, he sorted out the mysteries of the creation world by himself and elevated the microcosm.

Aphrodite was a little surprised to find that Ash's cultivation progress was the same every day.

But in just a few years, it was already close to the limit of the eighth sense!

And looking at the completeness of the small universe... it surpasses all gods, it is almost equivalent to the perfect copy of the formation world and the creation world into the body!

As expected of the reincarnation of God the Father!

The god of beauty murmured so in his heart.

In fact, it is not only her, Artemis and Scythia are equally amazed.

The latter couldn't help but guess that although Zeus was reincarnated in a hurry due to some unknown pollution, his cautious character must have arranged a lot of things in advance.

Therefore, the current reincarnation body can cultivate to such perfection.

In addition, Scythia, who has the deepest research on ultimate power, can even faintly perceive it.

The small universe in Yaxiu's body - the seventh and eighth sense stages, contains some mysteries that even she, who is a god, feels very strange.

Although he is very puzzled, Sithia is almost the first god in the current Olympus pantheon, and he does not pursue too much strength.

What she is more concerned about is whether the true spirit of Zeus will recover.

As long as it is guaranteed that there will be no recovery, Sisia will only rejoice in the improvement of Yaxiu's strength.

Another year has passed.

On this day, with the help of Aphrodite, Ash finally fully understood all aspects of the star evolution technique.

I believe that in most other worlds, you can quickly adjust the spells according to the rules there so that they can be used immediately.

——It is precisely because of this that he will try his best to thoroughly study all the principles of the Star Evolution Technique.

Otherwise, you just need to memorize the model of the spell.

The information and truth about the silver bloodline also accumulated a lot of inspiration through Aphrodite.

Coupled with the "garbled" frames obtained in the world of "Blood Eater", Yaxiu has roughly the clue to sort out his perfect bloodline.

"You've helped me a lot these days, Aphrodite."

Yaxiu smiled and looked at the beauty god opposite, and sincerely thanked him.

"It's okay, in fact, I also gained a lot of blood knowledge that I hadn't noticed before by communicating with you."

Aphrodite shook her head embarrassedly.

What she said was the truth.

The "Father God Reincarnation" in front of him seems to be surprisingly rich in research on bloodlines - especially the knowledge of bloodlines at the silver level.

Even some extinct creatures can sort out specific bloodline information.

As long as you calm down and sort things out, maybe in the future, you can really use the "star evolution technique" to transform into a complete cycle of life planets.

Then add other planets and stars to the planets to expand a rigorous and vibrant galaxy!

At that time, his bloodline will definitely be adjusted to the most perfect stage, and then it will be promoted to the unknown level above the golden humans!

Well, although the star derivation technique claims to be able to incarnate a planet of life, in fact... if you don't deliberately interfere with divine power, even if the derived planet has a life sprout, it will inevitably be gradually cut off due to the lack of various conditions.

It is simply impossible to naturally derive a thriving planet of life.

Every time Aphrodite casts it, she will make up for the loopholes encountered - it is equivalent to making up for the defects in the bloodline.

But the cycle of the planet is extremely rigorous and interlocking, it is possible to make up for a certain loophole, and a chain reaction will occur, causing countless loopholes in other places that will make life extinct.

While patching bugs, you have to balance various parameters in the loop.

This is extremely troublesome.

And if it can really be transformed into an environment similar to the planet underfoot, which can allow the intelligent life group to continue forever, this is equivalent to the state of the blood in the body, which is as perfect as the universe has been polished for hundreds of millions of years.

"Anyway, thank you for your help."

Ash nodded to Aphrodite and smiled gently:

"Next, I will go to Athena's God's Domain... If you like the Palace of Gods, you can live here."

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