After all, the resources of the steel earth are scarce, and their own survival is not enough.

And now I haven't even seen the shadow of an alien monster. The six sisters of Yali, who are enemies, let them waste their money and people, so they have to hesitate.

But soon... the main battle faction of the human race came up with another idea.

Agree to the six sisters' request for an alliance.

Then take this opportunity to secretly contact the high-level forces of the Yali Bai clan.

Convince the leaders of the Yali to cooperate with themselves in the process of building the defense circle, find an opportunity to get rid of the "Six Sisters of Yali", the enemy of mankind, and annex the Yali Bai clan.

As long as they succeed, they will become the overlords of this planet.

Even consuming some resources for this is acceptable.

It is precisely because of this idea that the human forces quickly unified their opinions and decided to build an alien monster defense circle with the six sisters.

In private, he is constantly winning over the leaders of the various ethnic groups in Yali, persuading them to break away from the ruler's rule and join the human forces.

Pass the news for myself, and when I find an opportunity, I will backstab the six sisters...

"The new leader is not very easy to talk, I dare not ask more."

Pi shook his head.

"But I believe this matter will come to a conclusion soon ¨¨."

The Yali leaders in the cave continued to discuss other issues, while Yaxiu silently retracted his spiritual sense.

He turned his head and glanced at the six sisters beside him, and his heart suddenly felt.

No wonder Judgment was besieged and killed, no wonder that after Judgment died, the other five sisters no longer ignored their mission and disappeared directly.

The subordinate Yali tribes have betrayed one after another, becoming a loner, and they have to face the threat of the alien UO and the peeping of Zhu Yue.

If he were replaced, he would also be enlightened, and he would no longer pay attention to trivial matters such as the imbalance of the earth's ecology.

Those who betrayed me, those who hurt me, let them die.

What should the Outer UO do next, and what does it have to do with me?

Although it was already understood that almost all the members of the Yali Bai clan were against Bone Boys, they were secretly uniting with humans in an attempt to kill the leaders above.

But in order to improve his bloodline, Yaxiu couldn't really let them all die.

"You have to plan well..."

Thinking like this, Ash and the six sisters went downstairs together.

After many arrangements of Yali, the bedroom has become a lot more pleasing to the eye.

Sitting on the comfortable sofa, Ash nodded in satisfaction.

At this time, the monarch reminded in a low voice:

"In five years at most, the first alien UO will come to Earth and respond to Gaia's dying wishes."

Ash smiled and turned suddenly to the smallest trial.

"What do you think of setting up a defensive circle in alliance with the human species?"

Although the six sisters of Yali look exactly the same, they can be easily distinguished according to the power of the king, so they can't be mistaken.

"Alliance." Judgment replied calmly, then tilted his head and thought for a while: "Does Ash have other ideas?"


Yaxiu's smile remained unchanged, and he asked indifferently:

"Why choose to ally with the weak?"

"There are still five years left. Haven't you thought about completely suppressing the human race first, and then gathering all the forces on this planet to attack the alien UO?"

"As the agent of the stars and the wise kingship of Alaya, the human race should be a member of the Aleigh Hundred Clan under our control!"

The voice fell, and the six sisters hesitated at the same time.

"The internal friction at the juncture of the alien UO may cause the world to fall into a crisis of destruction..."

If it is said that before the appearance of Yaxiu, they need to continue to restrain them who created the source, their strength can only be regarded as faintly overpowering the human knights.

——After all, the hot weapons of the old generation can still be used, and the technological power of thousands of years cannot be underestimated.

So now, the six sisters of Yali, who have untied all the shackles, have the confidence to suppress any race on this planet.

Including the human species that has been competing with it.

However... what the six sisters are looking for is not power, and they have never thought of becoming a hegemon, ruling the entire land of steel.

Their purpose is simply to preserve the earth.

In the face of the approaching alien UO, it is natural to be reluctant to carry out meaningless internal friction.

"Leave it to me next."

Ash raised his hand, pulled down the hat of the trial, and smiled at the pretty face in front of him.

"' 〃Trust me, whether it is the alien UO, or the management of the Earth and the Yale Hundreds, I will handle it well."

The Six Sisters of Ari are really not fit to be rulers.

He can only go out on his own.

In the short period of time just now, Yaxiu has already considered the next series of plans.

But first...he needs to open up the corresponding source of miracles.

"Recently, I ordered all Yali to do business as usual. As for the construction of the defensive circle, I will talk about it when I have time."

He did his part to be the leader of the Yali sisters.

Then he looked at the monarch again and suggested:

"By the way, you can try to forget the mission of managing the earth and do something that interests you."

The six sisters were all confused.

"Anything of interest?"

"Well, anything and behavior that can make you feel joy from your heart, no matter what." Ash asked curiously: "Have you ever had such a thought?" (Good money)

After a moment of silence, the monarch suddenly stood up.

With Axiu's puzzled expression, she found a black robe exactly like her body from the cabinet.

"You have inherited the origin of creation and have become a new creation... If you can wear it, I will be very happy."

"Is it pleasing to the eye or happy?"

Yaxiu asked with great interest, and took the black robe handed over by the monarch.

Fortunately, this kind of black robe does not distinguish between men and women, otherwise it would be a little troublesome.

"Well..." The monarch thought about it carefully: "Pleasant to the eye."

The other royal girls around also nodded in agreement.

It seems that the six sisters seem to prefer uniforms.

To emphasize that you are "one group" with yourself?

Ashe thought to himself, he put on the black robe and put on a wide hood.

Immediately, she was dressed as mysteriously as the six sisters around her.

Chapter 22 Horizontal and Vertical Development

After chatting casually with the six sisters of Yali, Yaxiu could almost understand their situation.

It is almost pure nascent ecology, the sensibility is too thin, the emotions are not complicated, and almost only rational logic is used to judge things.

The character is more mechanical, just like the artificial life of the previous world.

Although the six sisters have been awake for decades, they are still very ignorant.

Ash can understand this.

The newborn life forms a specific personality, has more sensibility, and needs to grow step by step.

Infancy is weak and easily affected by the environment. By observing people and things around you, you can easily create a profound world view, three views, and love and hate psychology.

But when the six sisters of Yali were born, both their mental strength and their ability to act were very powerful, and it was naturally more difficult to form a normal personality.

In the original book, it may be that the trial was killed by the knights, the countless Yali tribes betrayed it, and Zhu Yue was under the huge pressure of peeping.

Countless violent emotional shocks will gradually enrich their perceptual thinking.

Of course, the current state of the six sisters doesn't affect anything, so Yaxiu just reminded a few words and didn't care.

While chatting with each other about various trivial matters of life, he quickly became familiar with the Yali Bai clan, and at the same time quickly spread his spiritual sense, penetrated into the surrounding quadruple world, and silently observed the operation law of the Qixingyue world.

Then I discovered a very interesting 813 phenomenon.

Gaia and Alaya, the two inhibitory powers, although they did not know the small universe system of the Saint Seiya world, they were using it silently.

Not practice, but use.

The two major restraining forces are only better than the rules, but they still do not form any autonomous will.

At most, there are only a few ignorant emotions.

"If the earth is regarded as a saint, Gaia is equivalent to the basic disk, body of the source of miracles, while Alaya is the source of miracles, combining the spirit of saints who combine various miracles..."

"The laws of the world's operation, the laws of life's operation, these two supreme laws can be combined to form a crystal wall, completely independent of the entire planet and galaxy from the universe?"

Ash raised his eyebrows, thinking in his heart.

In addition, he can also perceive that the source of miracles formed by the restraining force Gaia is completely different from the source of miracles developed by practitioners in the Saint Seiya world.

Because of his identity, Gaia was born to freely control the mysterious quadruple world of the earth circle, and it has even penetrated the quadruple world.

So if her source of miracles wants to expand (afcc), it has to develop horizontally.

For practitioners in the Saint Seiya world, the source of miracles is vertical development.

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