First, through perception and deduction, let the shape of the source of miracles be shaped into the general outline of the entire universe.

Then from the lowest material world, it slowly extends to the upper world, and gradually sets foot in the formation world, the creation world, and the prototype world.

Yaxiu thought carefully about the strength comparison of the two sources of miracles.

If you change to a practitioner with less than eight senses, and possess the mysterious Gaia of the highest archetype world, even if the horizontal area of ​​the source of miracles is not comparable, it will surely be easily crushed.

But now, Ash and Gaia are roughly the same person.

All are equivalent to [the prototype of the universe].

It's just a distinction between horizontal and vertical development.

Yaxiu, the pinnacle of the eighth sense, has even more status and power.

"It's just based on the scale of the small universe of the Saint Seiya world. I currently don't have a corresponding source of miracles for the eighth sense."

Ash shook his head.

At this time, let alone the eighth sense, even the source of miracles could not be successfully developed.

"In Xingyue World, all galaxies are divided by crystal walls, and there are even barrier circles around the planets with planetary restraint. There is no way to comprehend the specific shape and structure of the entire universe at one time."

Therefore, the only way to start is to start from a small area, and then look for opportunities to develop laterally - take the route of inhibition.

"And on this steel land, Gaia is dead, and Alaya has transformed into a deep sleep. There is no restraint that will prevent me from observing the laws of the world."

"The difficulty of forming the source of miracles will infinitely approach zero."

This is simply the perfect opportunity!

In the same way, it is an excellent opportunity for Yaxiu to break through to the ninth sense and get involved in the plateau world!

Because the area of ​​perception is very small - only the scope of the earth, and even the scope of the solar system, will be blocked by the crystal wall of the galaxy.

In this way, the spiritual sense can play a greater efficiency!

Scanning a small galaxy is easier than scanning and extrapolating the entire universe.

And due to the influence of the crystal wall, all galaxies have been completely independent of the entire universe.

The Moon World is equivalent to a miniature universe.

As long as he doesn't go to other galaxy waves, at least in the early stage, Yaxiu doesn't have to think about the entire universe at all.

Just comprehend the earth, and at most expand to the solar system, the source of miracles formed is enough.


Although Ash's thoughts were very optimistic, it still took him three months to open up the source of miracles in the Moon World - just a small universe corresponding to the source of miracles in the Earth's circle.

The planet died, the laws of operation were chaotic, the SIN particles were rampant, the resentment of the spirit of Gaia...

All kinds of obstacles need him to sort out slowly.

Therefore, it was not until three months later that he regained the corresponding small universe in his body.

"But in this way, I finally took the first step of the plan."

Yaxiu was still in a good mood, and was not nervous because of the three-month delay.

After all, as long as the source of miracles is opened up, he can easily connect to other small universes and show the power of Omega.

At least at this moment, Yaxiu felt that none of the Yali tribes on the steel land, including the upcoming alien UO, were his opponents.

"Axiu? You're not going to sleep anymore?"

Walking out of the room, I happened to meet the six sisters of Yali who were returning to the castle.

Seeing Yaxiu's figure in the void, a strange color appeared on the pretty face.

For the past three months, Yaxiu has been staying on the sofa in the bedroom. At first, he casually asked about various matters of the Yali Bai clan.

After about half a month, in the process of small talk, he became more and more distracted.

A month later, almost no answer.

By the second month, he had completely closed his eyes and seemed to fall asleep.

When the small universe system uses its spiritual sense to perceive the laws of the world's operation, it appears extremely hidden, and the six sisters do not know what is going on.

After discussing it for a while, they left the castle and inspected the ecological cycle of the Yali Bai people on a daily basis, without disturbing him.

Chapter 23 Convocation

"I never fell asleep."

Ash shook his head.

He also knew that for the six sisters of Yali, the identities of the agents of the stars and the kingship of wisdom had no concept of cultivation at all.

So let's skip this topic.

"How is the situation of the Hundred Clan recently?"

"The leaders of some ethnic groups reminded us several times about the alliance with the human race."

After listening to the monarch's words, Yaxiu sneered in his heart.

These gangsters can't wait.

"Let's go and let all the leaders of the Hundred Clan rush over - as the new leader~, I want to meet them."

Saying that, Ash was about to go downstairs-.

But soon the corners of the clothes were pulled.


The control look calmly reminded.

Well, she's referring to Ash not wearing the same black robe as the Six Sisters, not that Ash isn't wearing clothes now...-...

In three months, it seems that the six sisters of Yali have also grown a lot.

Maybe last time I asked them to find some "interesting things".

If you put it in the meeting when you first met, it is impossible for the control to emphasize uniform clothing like this.

Yaxiu obediently stopped, returned to the bedroom, picked up the black robe given by the six sisters from the sofa, and put it on.

After thinking for a while, he suddenly raised his hand with a smile.

"I've known each other for three months. You gave me this dress as a gift, and I haven't returned it yet."

Saying so, a pure starlight spread in the palm of the hand, and several beautiful gemstone necklaces of different colors appeared.

"I'll give this to you. How about it? You can pick one of the colors you like."

He raised his head, only to see the six sisters of Yali looking at them with a surprised expression.

"Axiu, how did the necklace come about?"

The monarch asked curiously while picking out a necklace of sky blue gems.

She didn't feel the spatial fluctuation just now.

Prove that the necklace was not moved through space and taken from elsewhere.

It's like...a live production?


Ash showed a mysterious smile.

After opening up the corresponding source of miracles, there are countless other benefits than the improvement of combat power.

The most basic means of the small universe system is the manipulation of atoms!

Even if the land of steel is full of all kinds of chaotic SIN examples, he can use the source of miracles to conform to the rules here and gather whatever he wants.

The few necklaces on hand are just trivial.

There is something even more surprising.

Soon he will show.

Taking the six sisters of Yali down the stairs, the seven of them stood quietly in the square in front of the castle.

In just a moment, the leaders of countless Yali races were summoned.

All kinds of grotesque orcs.

A human body, a beast head, or a beast body and a human head... Ash doesn't know what the old generation of humans who created the Ari species thought.

He also saw a crab with a human face, moving fast on eight legs.

In about half an hour, the square was crowded with the leaders of all the Yali tribes.

They stretched their necks, glanced at the six sisters casually, and then stared at Ash with a strange look.

But not too many surprises.

Obviously, about the matter of "one more alliance leader", Lion Head Pi has already spread the word.

Yaxiu silently looked at Yali who was present.

Immediately, they were keenly aware that they were obviously not in awe of the Six Sisters Alliance Leader.

Maybe it's because the monarch and others tend to think more rationally, they never act emotionally, and they never show the authority of the leader.

This state of affairs must be reversed!


Yaxiu snorted coldly, and a powerful breath spread out.

Immediately, the bodies of countless Yali leaders present were shocked.

Only at this time did they feel that the mysterious new alliance leader in front of them was very different from the original six alliance leaders.

If it is the six sisters of Yali.

As long as they don't destroy the earth's ecosystem too much, they will never say more or do more.

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