There is no doubt that it is the handwriting of the human species.

The human species is directly transformed from the old generation of human beings. They inherit all the civilization and thinking mode of the old generation of human beings.  …

Many high-level officials are even more aware of the power of the [mysterious side] that has been passed down from the age of the gods to the present.

Therefore, before Ash ordered the excavation of the ruins of the Magic Association, the human species had actually explored it several times in the new calendar decades.

Most of the various mysterious books in the library are now brought back by them for preservation.

Including the most important magician heritage "Magic Mark".

When Gaia died and the SIN particles entered the Earth's circulatory system, the mysterious side of the planet was almost completely destroyed.

In the face of high-energy radiation comparable to true ether, ordinary people who do not have mysterious factors may still be able to support it for a while.

But the extraordinary is equivalent to an immediate fatal blow from a space-based weapon.

When the parameters of the external source are changed, the stable energy circulation in the body will be violently disturbed.

It's like sudden high blood pressure... well, even the kind of blood vessels that burst directly.

A collapsed blood vessel may still be rescued, but the energy will explode.

Blast inside the body!

So... the mysterious side of the planet, in a very short period of time, has all been sent.

After the appearance of the human species as Yali, some people are very aware of the power of the extraordinary people on this planet, so they deliberately went to the three headquarters of the Magic Association to search for the ruins there, hoping to find a way to deal with the drastic environment.

Clock Tower, Wandering Sea, Atlas Court.

The first two were fine, but the Atlas Academy had already set up many defensive circles against Yali, and the human species 2.2 could not be excavated at all.

They can only scavenge some relics of the Clock Tower and the Wandering Sea.

The magic books, the engravings left by the magicians after death, etc. are collected and preserved.

Naturally, there are also people who want to start the occult research of the old generation.

But very unfortunate... the external sources are no longer there, and they can't use any spells at all.

Only these precious knowledge can be carefully preserved.

After that, it was cheaper for Axiu.

What appears in front of Yaxiu now is almost the entire legacy of the mysterious side of the Moon Moon World!

Not only the exploration and research of magic and the root, but also the research of gods, fantasy species, true ancestors and dead apostles, and various monsters and magical life that appeared in history!

Everything! .

Chapter 40 Next Steps

"The history of the steel earth is nearly two thousand years longer than other moon-shaped worlds."

Ash pondered in his heart:

"Although after modern times, with the disappearance of mystery, the superhumans have become more and more difficult, but the mysterious knowledge they have researched has become more and more refined."

This is predictable.

The same is true in martial arts novels. When internal strength cultivation is difficult, Jianghu people will no longer consider one force to reduce ten meetings.

Instead, they are desperately studying moves, trying to win with technology.

So Yaxiu picked up a magic seal and slowly interpreted it with his spiritual sense, and saw that there are many ways to use magic power ingeniously.

I can't wait to spend one portion of magic power as ten shares.

"The Transcendents of the Moon World are really hard..."

After deciphering a few magic engravings, Ash felt emotion in his heart.

Although these knowledge skills have a strong petty air, they still have great research value for him.

After all, the small universe system is inclusive of everything.

If you can interpret the rules of Vientiane faster through other knowledge systems, you can also speed up the analysis process of the [05 law of the world's operation], so as to achieve the effect of rapidly improving the small universe.

Especially all kinds of magic knowledge in modern times.

They are not as powerful as the Age of Gods, and they are not equipped to explore the use of true ether energy.

But it is in the subtleties that a more in-depth study of the tentacles of truth is carried out.

——The ability to launch powerful attacks without relying on arousing huge energy and mystery.

With the in-depth interpretation of various knowledge in the magic engraving, Yaxiu clarified the essence of the mysterious side of Xingyue.

At least that's the nature of magicians.

The original intention of their research on various spells is not to attack the enemy, but to obtain the truth of the world, and to understand the working laws of concepts and the composition of laws in the world.

They are a group of lonely and determined "seekers".

Even if his lifespan is finally exhausted, he will turn his research into a magic engraving and pass it on to the next generation, hoping that the next generation can walk through their unfinished path.

The path to truth (root).

"But how difficult it is to really get to the root."

Ash shook his head and put down the magic seal in his hand.

I have watched nearly a hundred engravings just now, and I have learned about hundreds of various magic factions, and the road to the root in the imagination.

But with his accumulated insights into the mysterious realm, after a little deduction, he found that there are countless contradictions.

There is no path that truly has the potential to reach the root.

Therefore... Xingyue has only five magicians throughout the ages, from the age of the gods to the present for tens of thousands of years.


While feeling emotional, the six sisters had put down the magic book in their hands and came over.

Control looked at the well-preserved magic engraving in the bookcase in front of him, showing curiosity.

"Can you decipher these engravings?"

Generally speaking, magic engraving will only follow the inheritance of blood, or only high-level magicians can use some special methods to transplant.

Only by transplanting it into one's own body, can one understand the internal knowledge through Xiaoyuan's induction.

Other than that, there is almost no other way of interpreting it.

The engraving contains the essence of the inheritance of a magician family and faction, and various inheritance passwords will naturally be set.

The moment the six sisters of Yali got it, they understood its general structure and usage.

They don't have the various research spirits on the mysterious side of the old generation, but they are not willing to transplant these dry human skins, so they just let it go, and turn to some basic mystery teaching books.

Anyway, the environment of the steel earth has undergone great changes.

The knowledge system of the mysterious side of the old generation, even if it can be finally understood, can no longer be used directly.

"My bloodline is rather special."

Ash smiled.

The whole bloodline contains almost any bloodline mystery, plus spiritual sense, it can easily decipher various inheritance codes.

"Are all these things useful?"

Life also asked curiously.

They have already made an accurate judgment by analyzing the basic knowledge of the magic system just now.

In the case of the failure of Dayuan and the magic base, it is difficult to use the magic of the old generation.

If they still have the power of kingship, they may be able to force it through the wisdom side of kingship.

However, the crown of kingship has been helping Yaxiu to stabilize Yali's side, and it has not been taken back until now.

Now the Six Sisters can only use their own power as an Arisa.

That power is actually not inferior to the magicians of the old generation.

"Very useful." Yaxiu pondered for a moment: "My next plan requires the use of the mysterious knowledge of the old generation."

Now he has only just opened up the source of miracles.

Because of Gaia's death, the entire planet has entered an extremely chaotic state.

There is no stable source, nor a stable natural cycle.

This will cause great obstacles to the analysis of the small universe system [the law of the world's operation].

——Nearly a year has passed since entering the sixth sense, and Yaxiu's small universe has not made any progress.

However, as long as you can master the various mysterious knowledge of the old generation.

Even if the Great Source and the Magic Base don't exist, the external environment has changed drastically, making it unusable.

But it can also make Yaxiu more aware of the [essence] of the moon world.

In this way, his small universe can rapidly improve.

And I want to use the star derivation technique to activate the ruined planet under my feet, and even eventually become a new Gaia.

The level of the small universe must at least enter the eighth sense, and can freely use the mystery of the [Creation World] to be considered as having the basic conditions.

In the next period of time, in addition to solving the alien UO approaching the earth, the most important thing for Yaxiu is to improve the level of the small universe.

"We'll take good care of the engraving for you."

The six sisters of Yali were a little panicked. They looked at the mess around them and said so softly while waving their hands again.

A gentle air flow suddenly appeared in the room, rolling up the various magic books scattered on the ground and returning them to their original positions.

Although the six sisters still don't know what Ash is asking for.

But they are still willing to fully support Ash.

 843 "There's no need for that."

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