Ash shook his head amusingly:

"Apart from the magic engraving, you can read other books if you want."

"But there are indeed some troublesome places, and you may need your help."

He frowned, looking distressed.

"Regarding the governance of the Yali, maybe I won't be able to get out for a long time... I can only entrust it to you."

Since the unification of the land of steel, the seven leaders have become seven "Your Majesty".

As the founding king of the new era, he commanded and suppressed all the Aries.

But the six sisters, as the "deputy monarchs" of this huge country of Yali, actually only won a title of honor.

They simply do not want to worry about the trivial matters of management.

This is also the main reason why Yaxiu has been extremely busy in the past six months.

Most of the leaders of the Yali Bai clan are Hanhan, who can hardly help. The high-level human race who are proficient in governance have been eliminated in the war.

The remaining human knights were thugs who were used to obeying orders.

Various government talents have yet to be tapped.

Although the six sisters possessed great prestige, they were not willing to manage affairs at all.

It is only Ashu who can do everything on her own.

"Leave it to us?"

The monarch looked at the Yali outside, and then at Yaxiu in front of him.

Finally nodded.

"Okay, but you have to teach us how to be a qualified king.".

Chapter 41 The Trail of the Moon King

May of the second year.

Ash, who was awakened by an incident, had to temporarily stop the research on the old magic system.

He sat silently at the desk, picked up a stack of documents and examined them carefully.

"A large number of civilians have been killed recently?"

"Yes, Your Majesty... Since February, civilians have disappeared one after another, and the number has increased sharply this month."

The Minister of Peace and Security looked very ugly, and whispered the details:

"With the help of several Canine Yali, we found clues about the missing civilians. They have all been killed - there is no blood left in the whole body, only dry corpses are left."

Yaxiu was surprised, and looked at the six sisters of Yali on the side.

"It's tricky."

The latter shook his head:

"We also went to the scene to search, and there was no way to confirm the identity of the murderer."

The monarch showed a hesitant expression and whispered:

"But it feels... This way of sucking blood is very similar to the dead apostles on the mysterious side of the old generation."

Ash couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Dead Apostles?

Ya Li of the Steel Land was originally an optimized Death Apostle!

He thought for a moment in his heart, and calmly commanded:

"Let the palace guard stand by in the square."

Watching the Minister of Peace and Security exit the study, Ash closed his eyes and began to scan all Ari with the Alaya Linger.

But still nothing was found.

The spiritual ocean of wisdom appears calm.

But he could faintly perceive that there was chaos and ups and downs in some places.

Obviously, some of the Asians are in a violent tension.

However, those abnormal emotions were blocked by a dark force!

There is an unknown existence who is quietly vying with him for the symbol of [Asian Species]!

"Dead apostle?"

Yaxiu opened his eyes, frowned and muttered, and he couldn't help but have some guesses in his heart.

Gaia is dead, and Alaya has been replaced by his devouring spirit.

If there is any intelligent life on this planet that can hide from his spiritual connection, or even reach into the spiritual ocean of Yali, only...

He opened the documents on the table again and began to silently sort out the beginning and end of the case.

The first place the missing persons appeared...was the Plains of West.

Then gradually extend to the northwest.

These places include the former human race territory.

...No, if you compare it carefully, it should be along the path that he led the Hundred Races to fight against the Human Race two years ago.

Soon Yaxiu put down the document, and there was already some kind of guess in his heart.

He turned his head to look at the silent six sisters beside him.

"I remember the day when we first met, you said that the King of the Moon can borrow your source to break through the blockade of inhibition and come to Earth ¨¨?"


Ashley let out a breath.

"It seems that the King of the Moon has come to Earth."

His words surprised the six sisters at the same time.

"The disappearance of civilians this time has something to do with that Moon King?"

"Who else but her."

Ash lowered his eyes.

He remembered that Zhu Yue had the inherent enchantment that [can sneak into any true ancestor].

The dead disciples were originally formed by the true ancestors sucking human blood.

——The reason why he turned into a monster like a dead apostle as a human is because he carried the power and traces of the true ancestor in his body, distorting the source of his life.

The power of the True Ancestor, which can even be passed down tenaciously from generation to generation, will infect batch after batch of new dead disciples!

All the Asian species on the steel land can be regarded as beings with the characteristics of a dead apostle.

It is a new race created by the old generation of human beings in order to adapt to the high-energy particles of SIN, combined with the dead apostles and the original six kingdoms of Diablo!

Naturally, every living being has a thin trace of the true ancestor's power.

At the beginning, in order to contain Alaya's attention, Yaxiu started an extremely large-scale war on the planet and ordered the Hundred Races and the Human Race to continue to fight.

From the Weiss Plain, the war gradually advanced northwestward.

In that path, countless Ari soldiers and human soldiers were buried.

Perhaps Zhu Yue has secretly extracted the traces of the true ancestor's power from the dead Yali in some way.

Even if she is alone, the true ancestor's power and breath are extremely thin.

But the gathering of countless Yali has far surpassed the source of life for any one of the six sisters.

It will definitely allow the True Ancestor King to create a perfect True Ancestor body comparable to Bai Ji Erquite and resurrect it on Earth!

"Whether it's Zhu Yue, let's go and have a look."

Ash stood up and walked out of the study with the six sisters.

Although he said that, he was almost certain in his heart.

In addition to the lunar surface inhibition, who else can block and interfere with him, the "Alaya" commander of intelligent life!


In the square, there was already a team of elite guards waiting there quietly.

Most of them are former human knights.

In the final battle, they directly attacked the Destroyer and opened the capital to surrender.

Yaxiu also reciprocated, and after the war included these people as his personal guards, and they have been placed in the newly built palace.

Although with his strength, there is no need for any protection at all.

Of course, there is another important reason.

Only Ashe knew the reason.

——In order to confine a certain monster within his field of vision.

Otherwise, if you are not careful, it is very likely that the entire planet under your feet will be swallowed up by it at superluminal speed.

His gaze swept across the guards in the square one by one, and when it landed on a knight standing in a corner, Ash's gaze paused slightly.

It was a young man of ordinary appearance and height.

About thirty years old, with curly brown hair, a slender face with a few freckles, and small eyes narrowed almost to a slit in the sunlight.

This caused him to lack the sturdy feeling of being a warrior compared to the knights around him, and it was very inconspicuous.

Ash remembered him introducing his name.

It's called "' 〃 Yado Aiden"...

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