His body turned into an illusory silhouette, and instantly merged into Hermes in front of him.


Dim, empty, and cold.

You can hear the sound of the rising tide.

Yaxiu looked at the surrounding environment silently, and found that he came to a boundless sea.

He stepped on the calm, pitch-black water as if he were on the ground.

"This is... imaginary space?"

Generally speaking, the definition of imaginary space should be "impossible space, imaginary space".

But the imaginary space in the moon has a certain definition.

It belongs to the realm that contains all possibilities and cannot be observed by humans.

........ ......

The imaginary number space does not have a fixed environment, but has a changeable cognition.

But the terrain that now presents a pitch-black ocean is not what Yaxiu came up with.

There is no doubt that it came from a certain creature that has always existed in this imaginary space.

"Sure enough, it didn't die with Gaia."

Axiu was a little unexpected, and seemed to let out a sigh of emotion.

The reason why he sneaked into the imaginary space was not just for the "Earth Environment Data" copied in Hermes.

There is also a strong desire for a certain "spirit" that exists within.

At this stage, Yaxiu has only the eighth sense in the small universe, and the source of miracles corresponding to the moon world in the body, and even only the seventh sense.

It does not have the basic conditions to use the [Star Evolution Technique] to become a life planet by itself, and to observe the completion and evolution of its own bloodline information with the development cycle of the intelligent life group.

He couldn't even fully form his own cosmology.

In addition, the unique crystal wall system form of the Moon Moon World also limits the power of the source of miracles.

Fortunately, on the land of steel, there is a dead material planet naturally.

Under various rudimentary conditions, Ashe wanted to use the secret technique from the hand of Saint Seiya, the goddess of beauty, Aphrodite, and combined with the current situation, there was only a tricky way.

——Through external force, rebuild the normal planetary circulation pattern, and improve and stabilize the ecological circulation system on the surface.

And in this sea of ​​imaginary numbers, there is a certain [Earth Ecosystem] knife that was once abandoned.

Chapter 59 Mother of Origin, Tiamat

The dark ocean extends infinitely into the distance, and even the water chestnuts of heaven and earth seem to be entirely composed of sea water.

Yaxiu stood quietly on the sea, and the calm water under her feet swayed with faint ripples.

The ripples did not show any signs of obstruction, and spread rapidly in all directions.

In the next instant, it suddenly bounced back!

It seems to have touched something terrifying on the bottom of the sea, and in the dead imaginary space, bursts of anomalies occurred.


In a frozen atmosphere, the sea swayed even more undulating waves.

Yaxiu was already prepared and turned to look to his right.

There was a slender figure slowly rising from the water.

Although there was a chaotic darkness in the imaginary space, it still couldn't stop Yaxiu's gaze.

He could clearly see - the lustrous blue hair that symbolized vitality, the huge curved horns, and the purple-red light that was as bright as a star "eight six three" in his pupils.

This figure that appeared from the sea of ​​imaginary numbers was a goddess who was holy and beautiful in appearance, but shrouded in an inescapable sadness.

"The goddess of creation in Mesopotamian mythology, Tiamat..."

Yaxiu, who quietly looked at the other party, did not feel any surprise in her heart.

Long before Zhu Yue reminded him, he could almost guess it.

This time, if I go to the imaginary space, if there is anything I will encounter, it will only be Tiamat!

The goddess of creation who was exiled to the sea of ​​imaginary numbers.

The mythological status is equivalent to the Mother of Origins of Mother Earth.

Numerous lives have been nurtured and the earth's ecosystem has been established.

Arranging the human world creation ceremony with the body, after the creation of the world, it was abandoned by all beings without hesitation...


It seems that he has not woken up for a long time, and Tiamat's beautiful star eyes have a faint dazed color.

She turned slowly and stiffly.

It was not until he witnessed the existence of Yaxiu that the first bright expression appeared on that flawless and godless face.

In an instant, Tiamat opened his cherry-like mouth and made a soft and pleasant, but meaningless sound.

As beautiful and melodious as a song, the voice of the goddess echoed across the chaotic sea.

A lot of sadness instantly occupied the spiritual source of Yaxiu.

"As expected of the [Soul of Gaia] copied by the Atlas Institute..."

Ash's face showed helplessness.

In Tiamat's clear voice, he could hear the endless hatred and madness against mankind.

And unfortunately,...

The current Ash has occupied the spirit of Alaya, the land of steel.

He is the most representative of human life!

Facing the collective [Humanity], the Goddess of Creation, the Mother of Origin, who has been betrayed, naturally expects to be wiped out immediately!

Huge waves suddenly surged out of the windless imaginary space.

Accompanied by this tremor, there was a shadow of a dragon that covered the sky and the sun in the depths of the sea.

Tiamat's body continued to rise, and the behemoth under his feet was like an iceberg finally rushing out of the sea.

That's...the goddess's fully animalized form.

Only when he takes revenge on human beings, will he appear hideous in the world!

In a red lotus-like flame, the roar of the giant dragon shattered the entire atmosphere of death!

Ash could still feel that the sea water under his feet was turning into black mud full of strange malice.

They form endless sharp knives, and they want to pierce into their spiritual source and shatter Alaya's spirit!

The battle between the two major restraining forces of Gaia and Alaya began to continue in this imaginary space.

The 【Tiamat】 in front of him was not just a simple Mesopotamian goddess of creation.

She also inherited part of the "spirit" of the planet's soul copied by the Atlas Institute.

Therefore, as a goddess with natural tentacles, after Gaia's death, she can still survive in this sea of ​​imaginary numbers.

Because that is not the soul of the dead planet, but the "planet spirituality" formed by the information collected by the Atlas Institute.

Then, when the natural side attracts each other, through the intervention of the Valhalla outside the independent time axis, it becomes the special spiritual base of the goddess Tiamat.

The experience of being abandoned in the imaginary space for hundreds of millions of years has not only bound Tiamat, but now also saves the traces of her existence.

Yaxiu quickly separated the true spirit and escaped into Alaya's spirit cell, inspiring the crown of kingship suspended in the vast ocean of spirituality, forming an airtight barrier.

Just after blocking this surging maliciousness, the burning red lotus anger has already surging.

The giant dragon, which is about [*] meters long, charged with the force of a crawl, and slammed head-on!

The meaningless and beautiful singing of the blue-haired goddess continues, but contrary to her hideous and ferocious attacks, it carries a strong sense of sadness.  …

Yaxiu's expression remained unmoved, and Alaya Lingge was once again inspired by his true spirit.

After forcing back the maliciousness of [Beast], brilliant stars quickly appeared around him!

Up to now, this goddess who inherited Gaia's remnant spirit.

Even if he incarnates into a complete human evil form, as long as he guards his alaya spirit and does not let him see the opportunity for revenge of the beast, he will not pose too many threats to him.

Xinghui weaved countless bright chains, crisscrossing the sky, and waving directly into the dragon in front of him.

A circle of winding, a circle of restrictions.

No matter how violently Tiamat struggled, he couldn't shake it off.

Until the huge dragon body in the red lotus anger was wrapped into a cluster of starlight, and then uncontrollably shrunk, and finally returned to human form.

Yaxiu was certain, smiled and walked forward slowly.

Through the nebula-like energy chains, the figure of the goddess inside can be clearly seen.

She raised her hands up and folded in front of her like a prayer.

The texture is formed with a strange substance like seaweed, which half wraps the beautiful and tall body.

The splendid posture that captures the essence of the world is like the only light source in this chaotic imaginary space. On the snow-white complexion, the divine light is crystal clear.

Deep purple beautiful star eyes, staring at Yaxiu closely, there are alternating emotions of sorrow and hatred.

She is still singing incomprehensible vocal music, her voice is clear and full of energy.

"You are obviously kind and compassionate, why do you fall into the whirlpool of hatred?"

Yaxiu raised his hand and gently wiped the huge dragon horn on Tiamat's head, wiping away the red lotus anger that remained on the horn for her, and said warmly:

"If you consider yourself to be the spirit of the soul of the planet, then you should accept the long-anticipated ending of the steel earth."

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