"If you think you are the goddess of creation..."

Ash released his hidden red dragon breath.

Recognized by another world, the dragon's might that bore all the original sins of mankind suddenly made the goddess in front of him, and his expression became confused.

"Then give [humans] another chance."

He opened his arms, took the bound Tiamat into his arms, and continued to speak in a positive tone:

"The goddess of creation, the mother of origin, the ecological creator of the planet... This time, I promise in the name of [humanity] that [humanity] will never leave you again!"

The voice fell, and the voice of the goddess who continued to sing gentle songs suddenly stopped.

Chapter 60 Harvest of Atlas Court Ruins

Deep in the ruins of the Atlas Court.

Inside the strange void full of faint blue rays of light, the six sisters Zhu Yue and Ya Li were standing silently on both sides of "Hermes".

The seven pairs of beautiful eyes are all staring at the huge globe that has been activated, constantly showing magnificent colors and slowly rotating in a clockwise direction.

Hours passed.

But apart from the flickering of the pseudo-spiritual computing device in front of him, there was no other movement.

The expressions of the six sisters of Yali couldn't help but bring anxiety.

They looked at each other with a heart-to-heart,

Finally, the six people on behalf of the monarch asked:

"The imaginary space that Ya Xiu entered... is there any danger?"

Zhu Yue glanced at the six sisters, and she was no longer the gentle and harmless face of Yaxiu.

In addition to her natural beauty, Zhang Qingcheng's pretty face also had a natural arrogance and majesty.

She is like a lion king who has just finished taking a nap in the afternoon, with a lingering aftertaste remaining, with a bit of casual contempt:

"Since you can defeat Yu, how can you still fall into this depleted land?"

The six sisters of Yali fell silent again.

The involuntary arrogance and contempt of the other party is really uncomfortable.

At this time, they finally realized something.

Why have you always resisted Zhu Yue?

In addition to some jealousy, it was because the Moon King never treated anyone other than Ashe, including them, as an equal.

It exudes some kind of natural superiority.

That is from the planetary consciousness's overlooking of intelligent life.

In front of Ash, it's just "camouflage".

This kind of inconsistency can easily arouse the vigilance of the six honest sisters.

Their brows frowned under their cloaks.

Just as she was about to say something, she found that Zhu Yue had already put away the nobility that belonged to the King of the Moon, and only retained that special elegance, looking forward with a happy expression.

In the vision of the seven people, the starlight quickly outlined two figures.

Ash hugged Tiamat who was tightly bound, took a step forward, and walked out of the imaginary space.

The huge globe in the back flashed a faint blue light again, and it soon dimmed and stagnated.

As if covered by an unpredictable dark sea.

"That's... the home planet?"

The six sisters who were approaching suddenly sensed something, and their eyes were fixed on Tiamat, showing hesitation.

However, Zhu Yue's expression did not change, and she still looked at Ya Xiu with a smile.

Although it has not been able to reappear until a few years ago after being expelled from the Earth's circle.

But what happens on Earth.

Including all kinds of important matters since the new calendar, few can hide from the "Lord of the Moon".

What is the situation in the imaginary number space, and what is the situation in Tiamat, she has been extremely clear long before Ashe entered.

"It does have a pseudo-spiritual base of planetary information, but this goddess is not the real Gaia."

Ash smiled.

He didn't explain much, just nodded to the seven people and said with relief:

"It seems that you got along very well during my absence."

The six sisters of Yali suddenly swallowed all the words they wanted to ask.

They are not those who like to snitch, and can only express their resistance in a silent manner.

"......ok, I get it."

So Ash deliberately sighed.

His actions made Zhu Yue reflect a little.


Without disturbing anyone, Ash returned to the capital of Yali with all the harvests from the ruins of Atlas—including the various books and research results of the alchemists, as well as the biggest harvest [Tiamat]. .

Tima is still firmly bound by the energy of the small universe, and has already fallen into a deep sleep.

This is to prevent the opponent from returning to the evil beast-like state of human beings uncontrollably after leaving the imaginary space.

After countless years of seals in the sea of ​​imaginary numbers, her original normal personality was almost completely wiped out, leaving only some kind of deep obsession.

"Axiu, who is she?"

Back in the bedroom, the six sisters Yali couldn't help but ask.

Due to the natural intimacy of the spiritual base from Gaia's information, they did not have the same resistance as Zhu Yue towards Tiamat.

It's just that things have to be made clear.

After gradually possessing autonomous personalities, the six sisters became more curious.

"A new ecosystem."

Ash recounted the origin and importance of Tiamat.

At the same time, it has been absorbing all kinds of information in the other party's spiritual base through the small universe.

That was also one of his important gains this time, the detailed planetary data copied by the Atlas Institute.

It seems that because of the natural protection of the soul of the planet, there is very little information about the mysterious side and the inner side of the star.

However, after thousands of years of full simulation, there is almost no omission in the material level.

This plays an extremely crucial role in Yaxiu's small universe cultivation, and even in the complete completion of his sixth sense realm.

And more importantly... the concept carried by Tiamat.

The [Creation Ceremony of the Human World] in the moon.

Of course this is not real history.

The human race was by no means created by a goddess named Tiamat.

However, since the legends that have been passed down to later generations have been affirmed by the mythology, in the world of the moon, this ceremony is the [correct reason].

Using rituals, there is the possibility to recreate the planetary ecosystem!

What's more, Tiamat is the tentacle of the star...the personification of the power of nature. 863

In addition, the strange Lingji produced by the Atlas Institute now.

In a way, she can also represent Gaia.

And Gaia can indeed be seen as the source of all life on this planet.

"However, it's a little difficult."

Looking at Tiamat, who was already asleep, with a frown, Ash touched his chin.

If you want to re-establish the planet's ecosystem, you need a normal mother.

The goddess of creation in Mesopotamia.

But now Tima is in a state of human evil.

The ability she possesses can also change the ecosystem - but it is based on the complete elimination of the human species.


This point, even the Gaia Lingji, which was accidentally created by the Atlas Institute, could not be covered.

How can the fallen "beast" reverse its life form and become the divine and merciful goddess of creation again?

"Unless Tiamat can reach a [reconciliation] with humans!"

And those promises from Ash just now didn't actually get Tiamat's willing understanding of mankind... It was just a difference in strength.

It's just a compromise out of the shock of the original dragon breath.

Even now, he is still relying on Yaxiu's Dragon Might to suppress, using the small cosmic energy restraint.

Once unchained, Tiamat will inevitably re-beast form, and will never die with humans.

Chapter 61 Against Aristotle's War Room

"Need to reach a settlement with humanity?"

The six sisters glanced at Tiamat, who was wrapped in starlight, with curious expressions on their faces.

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