So there is no need to worry too much about the inherent rules.

In this way, the control of energy and laws becomes more flexible!

If Ash had a realization in his heart, he raised his hand while struggling to absorb the chaotic truth of life revealed by Shabu.

The surging black mist suddenly produced a huge repulsion, and a translucent wall materialized in the void, firmly blocking him.

Crystal Wall!

This is a golden combat skill that can be called unbreakable and integrates offense and defense.

Yaxiu wanted to concentrate on Shabu's attack, but in an instant, he clearly felt it.

The surrounding fog is violently repelling the small cosmic power carried by his true spirit.

This caused his strength to be uncontrollably reduced by half.

"` 〃The spiritual imprint of the black goat of the forest is filled with the power of disorder..."

After being stunned for a moment, Yaxiu suddenly woke up.

"And the essence of the small universe is actually the power of disorder wrapped by the will of order, which firmly dominates its shape and produces various miracles..."

"Once it is revealed, the will on the order side will inevitably be the most repelled."

Therefore, he had to invest more power to suppress and maintain the miraculous form of [Crystal Wall]!

boom! !

Before getting used to this oppressive environment, the huge body of the black goat of the forest rushed over.

Even the strongest crystal wall has several cracks on its surface.

There is also some kind of strange power that is transmitted to Ashe's body along the crack, in an attempt to forcibly weaken his life!

In front of Ash, Shab Nicholas held the sheep's head high again, and the countless tentacles covered by the bone layer were drawn down like whips.

The dense attack seemed to be raining down (promise is good), and it only lasted for less than a second, and the crystal wall was immediately announced to rupture.

The pitch-black mist surged in a sharp whistling sound, and thousands of bone tentacles turned into sharp blades.

Starlight burst into the body of Ya Xiu, who had been prepared for a long time.

The moment he raised his hand, endless fist shadows appeared, with a long tail of flames, attacking beautifully with the falling meteor.

The two quickly intertwined and collided, and the entire void shook, and various chaotic energy aftermath erupted.

In the process of fighting, Yaxiu, the true spirit, tried to feel the information distributed by the black goat clone of the forest. While silently recording the truth of life originating from disorder, it was difficult to interpret the various spiritual fluctuations of the other party.

Finally, there is a vague understanding of the thinking mode of the Outer Gods, as well as the basic code of action.

And the specific reason for this fight.

It wasn't because she noticed that Ash killed the tentacle flesh in the water abyss of the Heroic Spirit Realm, that caused Shab Nicholas to have any anger and hatred.

Chapter 102 The humble Skaha

"The essence of the Outer Gods is disorder...just disorder, which cannot be defined as routine tyranny."

While dealing with the huge Roshan, Yaxiu began to silently sort out the various information he had just obtained.

"They are not as described in the Cthulhu mythology. They have some kind of wisdom... They seem to be living creatures, but they don't have too many desires and emotions for life."

"From a certain point of view, they are actually just a distorted law of activation. They have obtained a body shape by accident, but at most they will follow the direction contained in the abstract law, and will never interfere too much."

"So killing, dying, destroying, destroying, hating... these kinds of disorderly behaviors defined by human beings, in fact, do not exist in the outer gods at all."

"...No, no, it's not that these guys don't do sabotage and killing, they have a strong jumping action policy and trajectory."

After trying to absorb the new mental fluctuation and interpret it as normal information, Ash secretly concluded:

"At the same time and place, even under the same conditions, and in the same mood, when the two outer gods meet, they may pass by peacefully, or violent conflicts may break out."

"There is no reason to speak, and it is completely impossible to judge their next behavior - there is no logical basis for research, just like throwing dice to decide the next step, this is the so-called [disorder]."


While Ash was pondering, the black goat of the forest on the opposite side launched a new attack strategy again.

His huge body suddenly split and turned into a monster combining countless octopuses and sheep. His whole body was covered in layers of bone of different colors, and he launched a wave-like intensive attack.

Traces of some kind of law change reverberated in the void - it was Shab Nicholas who was manipulating her own life law, trying to weaken the essential strength of Ash's cells and genes from the source of life.

At first, Ash didn't care much.

After all, what appeared in this black mist at this time was only one of his true spirits.

But then he was a little surprised to notice.

Even if it is a body composed of true spirits, it will invisibly be interfered by the enemy's law of life, and it will weaken uncontrollably.

"As long as it is a life with a form, whether it is matter or energy, can (afcc) control its source strength?"

Ash showed joy and began to work hard to record these miracles.

In fact, if you want to defeat the opponent in front of you, you can directly use the power of order.

The irresistibility of dividing the era by order should be able to quickly kill the black goat of the forest.

But that doesn't make any sense.

Rather than defeating his opponents, Ash hopes to understand more about these outer gods, to understand their fundamental existence and various modes of action.

Only then can we judge the strength of disorder's influence on spiritual will, and make more favorable choices accordingly.

In the depths of his heart, there is actually a certain plan – a plan to cross the body of God.

However, there has been some hesitation.

Because I am not sure whether it will work, and whether I will completely sink myself into the abyss of disorder, and finally become a member of the monster.

The fight lasted for a short while, and just when Ash thought the battle would continue, Roshan on the opposite side suddenly stopped attacking.

Turning without any warning, he went deeper into the darkness.

Yaxiu withdrew the small cosmic power radiating to the outside world, was silent for a while, and followed not far or near.

He was curious what the black goat would do next.

But after following them for a few hours, the other party just walked aimlessly in the dark.

After hesitating for a moment, Ya Xiufei stepped forward and jumped directly onto the huge Roshan of the black goat, stepping on his dense tentacles.

The latter showed no intention to drive away or attack.

So Yaxiu stayed on it with peace of mind, and quickly observed with his spiritual sense, recording the various information that the other party continued to disseminate to the outside world.


In a blink of an eye, three months have passed.

In front of the World Tree soaring into the sky, Ash and Skaha stood side by side.

Under their feet lay green grass that was extremely rare in the entire steel land.

In the lush bushes around, you can sometimes see all kinds of small animals passing by.

After more than ten years of development, this ecological circle constructed from the corpse of the alien UO has become stable.

But it can only be maintained on such a scale.

The ability of World Tree has almost reached its limit, and there is no way to expand it any further.

Facing the breeze and the leaves rustling, Ash turned his head to look at Skaha, who was standing quietly beside him.

"You seem to have lived a full life during the days when you returned to the inner side of the world?"

Of course full.

Fighting against the six sisters of Yali and UO girls every day has well vented the fighting desire that the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows has accumulated for countless years.

So now I can act so demurely.

Skaha smiled and did not answer, but asked straight to the point:

"Why did you bring me here?"

Even in front of Ash, who had easily defeated her, she always seemed stronger.

Maybe it's because I'm used to being a teacher.

Yaxiu didn't mind either, pondering:

"How much do you know about your unique talent?"

The question silenced Skaha in a rare silence.

After a while, she raised her eyebrows slightly.

"Should be good."

More than that, it can get rid of the constraints of the two major restraining forces at the source.

It seems that he is so arrogant as Skaha, and sometimes he is also humble.

Or is she unaware of her talent cap at all?

Yaxiu thought so in his heart and continued:

"Have you considered using your innate ability to learn my little universe system?"

In an instant, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows beside her showed a very interested look.

But soon she shook her head regretfully:

"Simulate the laws of the world to gain power... This system involving the roots of Vientiane is undoubtedly very powerful."

"But based on what I've learned recently, it should be unique to your exotic land, right?"

"You need a special bloodline to cultivate."

"That's right, at this stage, there is absolutely no way for ordinary people to open up the source of miracles. That is a cultivation method that needs to be matched with the [full bloodline]—or, in other words, the small universe can be regarded as a kind of [super power]. "

"It's just that this superpower is all-encompassing and can cover any truth in the universe."

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