A faint smile appeared on Ash's face.

"Under normal circumstances, even the Moon King can't cultivate the small universe system, but you are different."

"The talent you have may be able to bypass this restriction!"

"My talent?"

Hearing this, Skaha turned his head in surprise.

Chapter 103 Modifying Life Forms

According to Yaxiu's research, especially the Outer Gods who have been in contact with the Moon World, after clarifying the specific origin of the bloodline of Quanzhi.

He vaguely produced some kind of speculation.

The small universe system - rather than a cultivation system, it is a large-scale [blood-derived superpower].

Requires corresponding complex life forms.

Therefore, this system is absolutely different from other systems, and there is absolutely no way for ordinary people to practice.

Ash was not surprised by this.

He had made such a judgment a long time ago, but recently, it was completely confirmed.

Ordinary system - like the magic system that he has been exposed to on several worlds he travels.

In addition to the unlimited bloodline status, almost all of them continue to improve from a single miracle path. At first, it is simple~, fast, and extremely easy to use.

After the strength reaches the top level, it will be qualified to continuously replenish [All Truth] in turn.

However, the small universe system has been involved in [-all] from the very beginning.

Judging from the common sense of cultivation, it should have been absolutely impossible.

Everything is supported by blood.

After all, that bloodline belongs to the blessing of beings that transcend gods.

Therefore, such a magical world of Saint Seiya can be created.

After the death of the super god, the complex laws inadvertently inscribed between heaven and earth completely exceeded the upper limit of the normal universe.

Only when it penetrates into the bodies of all beings in the heavens and the earth can all beings in the Saint Seiya world be able to save the route of single-lifting miracles, and have an overview of all the truths of the universe from the very beginning.

The so-called small universe system is just a step for the first generation of golden humans to improve their [super power] level within the framework of the whole bloodline.

Only applicable to those with full bloodline.

This is the luck that belongs to the Saint Seiya world, a strange ability system created by the existence beyond the gods with all the essence of oneself.

It seems to limit the life that only accepts the blessing of the super god.

But the world is full of wonders.

It is also not certain that other people really cannot replicate this miracle.

In some unknown worlds, those with unique talents in the magic system may also be able to do it.

For example, Skaha, the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows in front of her.

——The formation of the bloodline person may have countless indescribable coincidences, but in general, it still belongs to the further sublimation of the life form.

And Skaha happens to be able to actively interfere with the source of life, break all the "tangible" boundaries that bind him, and directly modify his life form!

If the core of one's own origin is completely twisted into the appearance of a full bloodline person, it is not necessarily impossible to become a new full bloodline person!

She doesn't need any supernatural relics.

As long as you are familiar with Yaxiu's specific life form, and know all the information about the formation of [Full Bloodline], you should be able to obtain its corresponding bloodline!

If it were someone else, even with such talent, Yaxiu would never think that the other party would be successful.

After all, it is the complex information directly inherited by the super god, and it may even form another new universe.

In addition to the natural birth of heaven and earth, how can it be formed the day after tomorrow?

With a mere human body, a mere single intelligent creature, there is no way to directly carry it with the body.

But Skaha has the supreme wisdom of the abyss of the magic realm, and the strange inspiration of "even though he is not familiar, he can point in the right direction".

If it is matched with its talent, it may really be successful.

"Let me use the talent to completely control the body to distort the life form and get closer to your bloodline form..."

After silently listening to Yaxiu's plan, Skaha only hesitated for a moment, and a smile appeared on his pretty face.

"Okay, I happen to be very interested in the small universe cultivation system, very interested!"

"So now, what should we do?"

Ash was relieved.

In fact, modifying life forms - this behavior is extremely dangerous.

It is as if the gene chain is recombined directly.

Accidentally turns into a monster.

In addition...there is also the flaw that the mental will can be twisted.

Before speaking, Ash was worried that Skaha would refuse.

Fortunately, the latter was very interested in defeating his own small universe system, and was even willing to risk his life to contact him.

"First use your wisdom to observe and memorize the original form of life that I have divided."

Yaxiu raised his hand, and a faint white light group gradually appeared in the palm of his hand.

It was him who reproduced the composition data of his original black iron bloodline according to his memory from a long time ago.

During the Saint Seiya's five senses stage, he can perfectly control his body, and the data for each stage is naturally very clear.

At this time, Ash couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

0・・・For flowers・・・

Fortunately, his bloodline was not strong at the beginning, only in the middle and lower ranks of black iron.

If it is a born golden human, unless the law of the operation of life is completely clear, it will not know the composition data lower than the golden bloodline at all.

Because I haven't experienced it myself.

In that case, the plan was completely unsuccessful.

Yaxiu reckoned in his heart that with the strength of Skaha's talent and ability, the initial memorization of the bloodline information of the Black Iron rank was probably the limit.

Even at the bronze stage, there is no way to do it.

The bloodline of the whole is equivalent to the seed that forms the universe, and even the planet cannot interpret and remember the complicated information flow in depth.

Therefore, even Zhu Yue could not become the lowest-ranking owner of the bloodline of the whole.

......... 0 ...

Except for the Queen of Shadow Kingdom with unusual talent.

"Incomparably terrifying, incomparably complicated..."

Closing his eyes and feeling silently with his spiritual power, Skaha fully mobilized his supreme wisdom and kept recording the correct information.

If it wasn't for that extraordinary inspiration, when she was unable to continue and her thoughts were about to fall into a dead end, she would point out the right path with a flash of inspiration, and I'm afraid she wouldn't be able to stick to it.

"It's more complicated than any spell I've ever been in contact with... Maybe it's almost comparable to the information recorded by the root!"

The sun, the stars and the moon moved, and after the two maintained this action for nearly half a year, Skaha opened his eyes with a pale face.

A bright light flashed in his eyes.

But the next moment, the body fell down involuntarily.

Yaxiu calmly stretched out his hand to hold her, and asked expectantly:

"How's the harvest?"

Skaha closed her eyes again, her pretty face full of exhaustion.

After a long silence, she spoke with difficulty.

"Now I don't want to think about anything, I need a good night's sleep."

Ash suddenly felt interesting in his heart.

It had been a year since he had known each other, and it was the first time he had seen this arrogant queen so weak.

"Okay, then you can rest first."

So softly comforting, Axiu waved his hand gently.

A hut suddenly rises in the shaded land nearby.

He carried Skaha into the hut, put him on the bed carefully, and covered the quilt.

"Go to sleep." Knife.

Chapter 104 Born With Five Senses Small Universe

It took half a month for Skaha to recover some spirits.

On this day, the two of them sat under the eaves of the thatched hut, holding tea in their hands, watching the primitive features in the distance in silence.

"The life form formed by [Full Bloodline] is more complicated than I imagined."

After a while, Skaha put down the teacup, raised his head, and his vermilion eyes were fixed on the opposite Yaxiu:

"If I guessed correctly, it's just the lowest-level bloodline composition information, right?"

"Well, the lowest level."

Yaxiu nodded slightly, and did not hide anything:

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