"The higher-order bloodline is extremely complex. With pure mental power, it is impossible for you to observe a scale claw, let alone memorize its shape."

After all, the blood of the whole can manifest and carry all the truths and mysteries of the universe.

It can be said that it is equivalent to the root of the moon.

In its "Nine Zero Three", there is omnipotence, the sum of all miracles and the laws of how things work!

Even though Yaxiu is shackled by the bloodline and other ranks, he has only recorded the mysteries and laws of several aspects of the universe, and still lacks the correct form of the Supreme Plateau Realm.

But it's also incredible enough.

The origin of the type moon - simply contains all the origins of the solar system.

Just such a small galaxy, placed in the entire universe, does not even count grit.

The truth inside will make countless top magicians lost, and then completely assimilated by the root.

From this, it can be seen that the whole bloodline that can be imprinted into the truth of the whole universe - its horror and peculiarity.

"Sure enough, it's just the lowest bloodline form."

A wry smile appeared on Skaha's pale face.

After coming to the earth, she has always looked very demure, but the pride in her heart is only under Zhu Yue.

As a result, he now finds that his limit is only chasing the lower limit of Yaxiu.

How not to get hit.

Silently sorting out his emotions, Skaha continued to speak in a brooding manner:

"Even for the lowest-ranked bloodline of Quanzhi, it may be impossible to use my innate ability to break [tangible] and modify my life form into that complex shape."

When she said this, she shook her head seriously.

Yaxiu smiled slightly, not surprised by this.

"That's why I took you to this World Tree ecosystem."

The two looked at each other again.

Skaha raised his eyebrows.

"What do you mean... let me use the information recorded in your bloodline, combined with the formation of this ecosystem, to reduce it again?"

"After all, ordinary people simply can't contain all the truth."

For this, Yaxiu is also helpless:

"So at present, you can only refer to this small and stable ecological circle, gather important information in my bloodline, and form a simpler life form."

"Well...it might be called [the seed of the whole bloodline]."

Although Skaha's face was calm, his heart was even more shocked.

The lowest level of the bloodline of the whole is enough, and now tell her that her upper limit is at most the prototype of this bloodline...

"As long as you can step in, the road after that will be easy."

Yaxiu understood what the other party was thinking, smiled and comforted:

"After you stabilize the rudimentary life form, you can make further modifications and optimizations."

"You must know that other people are not even qualified to step in."

"You have surpassed countless lives!"

What he said was sincere.

Although all beings in the Saint Seiya world possess unparalleled and mysterious bloodline qualifications, they are only from the legacy of the creator.

However, Skaha was able to use his own efforts and ordinary life to build a bloodline that he could not have before.

This is enough for Ash to be sure.

After a pause, he continued:

"If you change to another world, maybe you won't even have the slightest chance."

"But it just so happens that on this steel land, the earth's ecosystem has been completely destroyed, and what remains now is a prototype of an ecosystem built on the laws of alien stars."

Moreover, due to the incompatibility of the planetary laws, the traces of the construction laws of the current ecosystem will be more prominent.

It is also easier for Skaja to observe its specific cycle.

Coupled with the actual existence of examples such as Ash, I carefully teach.

Only the right time and place can ensure that Skaha successfully steps in.

"Okay, I'll give it a try."

After a while, the proud Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows finally nodded.

There was a rare uncertainty in his tone.


The next time was quiet 0.....

Ash and Skaha stayed directly near the World Tree.

While silently observing this tiny ecological circle constructed based on the laws of alien stars, I started to discuss the shape of the bloodline of the whole.

Another few years passed, and when all the rules were clear, Skaha was finally ready to start the next stage.

Use your own innate ability to break the tangible frame, directly modify your life form, and let yourself get closer to the owner of [Full Bloodline]!

The early stage of the process was very smooth, but when the prototype of the blood vessels in the body was about to stabilize, something abnormal appeared.

Yaxiu's spiritual sense could clearly feel that Skaha, who was closing his eyes, faintly began to emit a strange aura.

She opened her eyes suddenly, and a strange brilliance gradually flowed in the originally pure pupils.

The next second, Skaha snorted lightly, the light in his eyes quickly dimmed, and calm was restored again.

"At the moment when my life form was fixed, I suddenly couldn't control my will perfectly!"

She frowned tightly and looked at Ash:

"The whole bloodline seems to have some flaws that we don't understand... I can clearly feel that if I make my bloodline a step further, maybe [I] will no longer be [I]!"

Yaxiu, however, showed an expression of "as expected" and nodded silently.

"Then stop first."

It seems that the life of the non-Saint Warrior World 2.2 world lacks the origin of the super god, even if it can really gather the blood of the whole, its spiritual will will continue to slide into the abyss of disorder.

Until the end, he completely became a member of the monster.

He had already vaguely guessed this long before the plan, but now it's just confirmed.

Of course, Ash was not unprepared to experiment with Skaha.

He is very sure that the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows in front of her cannot be defeated at the step of the bloodline prototype.

In addition to the firm will that the other party has cultivated by living alone on the outside of the world for hundreds of millions of years, there is a more prominent reason——

Skaha was born with the [Five Senses Microverse].

Even Bia Xiu's five senses universe is even more complete and in-depth!

This allows her life form to fully adapt to the embryonic state of the full bloodline at the level of the five senses.

Chapter 105 The New All Bloodline

The fifth sense stage of the small universe - when the spiritual sense has not been fully sublimated, it can only obtain information and intelligence of the external environment by means of vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste and other means.

To achieve this goal, the premise is to thoroughly familiarize yourself with your body.

We know every muscle fiber, every direction of blood flow, every nerve signal transmission, and even every cell activity trajectory.

Only in this way can we mobilize our five senses more deeply and easily obtain correct information about the external environment.

This is in line with Skaha's talent for extreme control over his body.

However, the two directions of growth are different.

After mastering the body in the five senses stage of the small universe, it is to form tentacles that extend outward, focusing on the external environment.

And Skaha, who couldn't engrave the laws of the world's operation in her body's blood, could only continue to dig deeper.

So, after breaking through the layers of boundaries, she completely broke her [tangible] limitations.

Not only can he use various skills in a wild way to influence the arrangement of surrounding rules, but he can even change his life form by relying on his own spiritual will.

She has sublimated the origin of her life, moving from ordinary to extraordinary.

Only then can we ensure that the body will not be baptized by time for hundreds of millions of years, and will always maintain its youthful beauty.

Although the future direction is different, no matter what, Skaha can still be regarded as the stage of the innate five senses small universe.

The body has obtained the most perfect excavation and control, and it is only necessary to turn the mental power from the inside to the outside.

Over the years, Skaha has not had any distortions of will.

There is no doubt that there is no danger in obtaining the prototype of the whole bloodline and systematically practicing the five senses small universe.

"So, can I be considered to have successfully cultivated the fifth sense of the small universe?"

After silently listening to Ash's explanation, Skahar showed a thoughtful look.

"The sixth sense after that, in addition to the requirements of the bloodline level, needs to use its own spiritual power and combine the five senses to continuously obtain external environmental information."

"And engrave their mysterious forms into the body until it accumulates information that alone can open up the source of miracles..."

For this step, she also has sufficient confidence.

With her own special talent, she has been able to use her skills to provoke external regular arrangements.

Now it is nothing more than another way to analyze the surrounding rules with spirit and five senses, obtain information about their composition, and then simulate them in the blood.

Opening up the source of wonder also seems simple.

But there is a difficulty.

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