The first sentence of Kakuzu almost broke Nara Hikari’s defense.

For a Kage, there can be many hobbies and things that he likes.

This guy just likes money, and he likes making money, not spending money.

With a long life, he could have relied on his strength to make money in the simplest way.

But he chose the most common way, which was to kill the strong to satisfy his desire and exchange their bodies for money.

Kakuzu took out a scroll in front of Nara Hikari, and after inputting Kage-level chakra, the scroll opened automatically.

Corpses flew out of the scroll one by one.

Nara Hikari looked down at the corpses appearing in the white mist.

A quick glance revealed no familiar figures.

“Who are these?”.

“Bear Country Jounin Full Moon, Bird Country Jounin Torikatsu, Water Country Jounin Midway…”.

Nara Hikari looked at the five neatly laid corpses on the ground.

“It can be higher than other places, but I have a condition.”


“Join here.”


Kakuzu was stunned.

“I refuse.”


“If I don’t get the satisfactory price I want, I will kill everyone here, including her. Do you want her to die for you?”.

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes, glanced at Nara Hikari, and pointed at Tachibana sitting at the bar.


Nara Hikari looked at Kakuzu, then at Tachibana.

“You are quite confident.”

“I dare to be the God of Ninja World…”.

“Okay, if you can beat her, not only will you get the highest bounty for these corpses, but the corpses you bring in the future will also be doubled.”

“Are you serious?”.

“Of course, why would I lie to you, provided you can beat her.”

Nara Hikari pointed at Tachibana who was sitting there and smiling.

“Okay, go outside.”

Before leaving, Kakuzu did not forget to pick up the bodies on the ground, and then disappeared on the spot.

Tachibana and Nara Hikari also disappeared in the hall.

They came to an open area.

“It’s time to start.”

Nara Hikari said and flew into the air, looking at the two of them from a high place.

Kakuzu was stunned for a moment when he saw Nara Hikari flying away, but then he thought of Nara Hikari’s name, and stopped talking and looked at Tachibana.

“Little girl, you have to be careful, you will die if you are not careful.”

As a veteran Kage-level strongman who can live for so long, Kakuzu relies not only on strength.

There is also “caution”.

He naturally felt Tachibana’s chakra fluctuations.

Kakuzu was not going to waste time, he was going to use his full strength directly.

The wrists of both hands were broken, and a large number of black blood vessels gushed out like tentacles, which flew in the air.

“Wind escape, suppress harm”.

A black body composed of tentacles suddenly appeared on Kakuzu’s right, and the mask covering the middle opened its mouth and chakra quickly condensed, and then a violent wind rushed out.

Tachibana just watched quietly as this wind-type ninjutsu that tore through the air attacked him.

Kakuzu narrowed his eyes, not knowing what tricks the person on the other side was playing.

Why stood still, was he underestimating him?

But just when this ninjutsu was about to hit Tachibana’s body, Tachibana’s body suddenly moved.

“So fast”.

Kakuzu’s pupils shrank, and he was still admiring Tachibana’s amazing speed, but Tachibana had disappeared from his sight.

Kakuzu’s pair of green eyes began to turn, looking for Tachibana’s figure.


But just when he was about to lock on to a trace of chakra fluctuations, he suddenly felt a pain in his abdomen.

His body flew to one side involuntarily.

A powerful force kicked him hard on the waist.

At this moment, Tachibana, who was wrapped in the chakra released by the tailless tailed beast Jin, also appeared in his sight.

Before Kakuzu could wonder why Tachibana was so fast, he was kicked in the ribs on the other side again.

Kakuzu flew in another direction again.

“Earth escape, earth spear”.

Kakuzu forced himself to stabilize his body in the air, controlling the mask with earth attribute chakra, first covering his body with earth attribute chakra, and then condensing earth attribute chakra into a spear in his hand.

He stared at the changes around him with full concentration.

Soon he locked onto a trace of chakra fluctuations.

He threw the earth spear in his hand.


The earth spear did not hit Tachibana.

And at the moment when he was puzzled, his body was kicked again.


I want to curse.

How can I fight at this speed.

“Water escape, water curtain tent”.

“Lightning escape, pseudo-darkness”.

“Combined ninjutsu, light spear”.

Kakuzu had to use his best skills.

Combination ninjutsu.

The ninjutsu composed of water and lightning flew quickly towards Tachibana.


Kakuzu’s pupils shrank again.

Because he saw something incredible.

I saw a red chakra coat on Tachibana’s body.

“Tailed beast transformation?”.

Kakuzu, who was well-informed, naturally recognized what it was.

There was no tail extending from behind Tachibana.

There was just a layer of red chakra covering the outside of the body.

At the moment when Kakuzu wanted to curse.

Tachibana disappeared from his sight again.

“Earth Grudge Mode”.

Kakuzu’s body was completely separated in an instant.

Then it quickly grew larger and taller.

The limbs and head were connected by black tentacles.

Soon, a tall monster connected by black tentacles appeared in the same place.


This time, Tachibana kicked Kakuzu, but the latter did not fly up.

Instead, he did not move at all.

Nara Hikari had to look at him with new eyes.

The Kakuzu here was much stronger than the original Naruto world.

Nara Hikari sensed that although the current Kakuzu was young, he already had the chakra of the intermediate level of Kage.

When Tachibana saw the changes in Kakuzu, her eyes quickly turned deep red, and her pupils turned into black vertical stripes.

The color of the outer chakra coat became more red.

It faintly turned into a ball of fire.


A sound of breaking through the air sounded, and Tachibana rushed towards Kakuzu quickly.

This time the speed was faster.


The force of the kick on Kakuzu was stronger.


Kakuzu flew out again.

At this time, he could no longer stabilize his body, and his body was kicked by Tachibana repeatedly.

Kakuzu simply gave up on defense.

The figure formed by five tentacles behind him flew in all directions.

Then he turned around in the air and rushed towards Tachibana.

Five masks simultaneously condensed five attributes of chakra in their mouths.

Seeing this, Tachibana turned the chakra in her hand into an energy blade and stabbed at one of the masks.



As a mask was destroyed, Kakuzu’s body shook, and his chest immediately hurt.


Another mask was shattered.

“Okay, okay, no more fighting”.

Seeing that Tachibana was about to destroy the last mask, Kakuzu shouted hurriedly.

Tachibana’s hand stopped in front of the last mask.

“You’ve been fooled”.

Kakuzu’s mouth cracked, and the tentacles quickly wrapped around Tachibana.


Tachibana, who was wrapped in the tentacles, turned into white mist, and Kakuzu felt a pain in the back of his head.

The body flew out again.

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