The two of them were fighting, and the two of them were fighting.

Kakuzu fell heavily to the ground.

Tachibana came behind Kakuzu, pointed the energy blade made of the chakra in her body at the back of Kakuzu’s head.

“Are you still fighting?”.

Nara Hikari came in front of Kakuzu and looked at the latter lying on the ground in a mess.

“I’m not her opponent.”

Kakuzu lay on the ground and didn’t move. He didn’t have the strength to get up at this time.

The chakra had been consumed as the mask was broken.

“Can you join now?”.


Kakuzu replied weakly.

Tachibana took away the energy blade, and Kakuzu sat up on the spot.

Right in front of Nara Hikari, he began to recover the consumed chakra.

The black tentacles on Kakuzu’s body flew out, connected the broken masks on the ground, and retracted them into his body.

Kakuzu took out the scroll chakra input, and the five corpses from the jonin appeared again.

Then the tentacles stretched out and stabbed towards the heart of the corpse.

But it was blocked by Nara Hikari.

“I will give you something better, don’t want these.”


Kakuzu, who was recovering, was stunned for a moment.

Nara Hikari took out a devil fruit from his space.

“Its name is devil fruit. Eating it can gain a power similar to blood limit.”

“Devil fruit?”

Kakuzu was even more confused.

Kakuzu took the devil fruit handed over by Nara Hikari.

Looking at it in his hand.

This is a fruit like a gummy.

“Does it have a name?”

“The Superman-type gummy fruit can turn your body into gummy, bounce back physical attacks, and turn parts of your body into gummy. The hardness of the gummy can be freely controlled. A layer of chakra is attached to the surface of the gummy, which can make the gummy as hard as metal and can attack and defend. However, you need to develop the fruit ability yourself. As long as your imagination is rich enough, the gummy can be transformed into any shape. When your fruit awakens, it can even change the surrounding terrain and turn it into a gummy world.”

As soon as Nara Hikari finished speaking, Kakuzu was stunned.

“Is there such a thing in this world?”

Kakuzu looked back at the fruit in his hand.

He took a bite.

It didn’t taste good.

It wasn’t very juicy either.

Kakuzu swallowed the candle-like flesh in his mouth.

Just as he wanted to take a second bite, a ball of energy exploded in his body.

The chakra consumed by his body before was replenished by this energy and recovered rapidly.

Kakuzu continued to bite.

He quickly ate up a fruit.

Nara Hikaru looked at Kakuzu who was eating voraciously.

‘What a ruthless man.’

‘Let me see your ability.’


Kakuzu first turned his hands into gummy bears, then changed them into various weapon shapes.

Then he turned his entire body into gummy bears and crawled on the ground for a distance.

He crawled in through a tiny crack.

Then he crawled out from another crack.

Then Kakuzu flew into the air and crashed into a rock not far away.


The hard rock was shattered into powder.

Then the gummy bears gathered together and turned into Kakuzu’s appearance again.

Kakuzu looked at his hands.

‘Roar, roar, this feeling is so good.’

Kakuzu looked at Tachibana again.

‘Come on, let’s fight again.’


Tachibana agreed.

Soon the two began to fight again.

Kakuzu’s adaptability was super strong, and in just a short while, he had already mastered the ability of the fruit.

It will also turn surrounding objects into gummy candies and attack Tachibana unexpectedly.

It caught Tachibana off guard a few times.

But the result was good.

Kakuzu still lay on the ground.

“The ability of the fruit needs to be developed slowly. You just got the ability and haven’t spent time to adapt yet.”


Kakuzu stood up.

“From now on, you will be responsible for the bounty of the Light Pavilion.”


“Go ahead.”

Kakuzu glanced at Tachibana and disappeared instantly.

Tachibana walked to Nara Hikari.

“This guy’s information records that he is a rebel ninja from Takigakure Village. Why did you accept him into the Light Pavilion?”

“He has many uses. No one can match him in making money, and his strength is also OK.”

“I don’t think he is that powerful.”

“Although the Earth Grudge Yu is immortal, there is a limit to his improvement. Five hearts sounds powerful, and he has five lives, but he can attack at the same time in one battle.

If you break his five hearts or destroy all his chakra veins, he will surely die.”

“Earth Resentment Yu? ”.

“The forbidden technique of Takigakure”.


“He is different now”.

“I’m going back, there are still many things to do”.

“Well, I’ll find you in the evening”.


Tachibana left.

Five days later.

A shocking news spread in the ninja world.

The Nara clan, a former family of the Hidden Leaf Village, founded a country.

A country called the Kingdom of Light was established on an uninhabited island.

After the news spread, the attention of all forces shifted here.

When they learned that it was the family of the legendary ninja of Konoha, the Black Light of Konoha, Nara Hikari, all forces calmed down again.

Then each country sent out the Anbu to prepare to obtain some intelligence about this new country.

But when the scouts arrived here, they found sadly that this new country was actually on the island.

Everyone looked at the vast sea helplessly, and finally left with reluctance and curiosity.

The Hidden Leaf Village of Light.

“Today’s family meeting is to select a daimyo of the Kingdom of Light. Who are your candidates? “.

“Needless to say, of course it’s Nara Hikari”.

A clan member shouted.

“No, no, no, I don’t want to be the daimyo, I suggest that the clan leader should be the daimyo”.

Nara Hikari, who was sitting in the front, heard someone nominating him and hurriedly stood up to refuse.

He didn’t want to be a daimyo.

“Hitachi, I think…”.

“Uncle, you come, I don’t know how to manage the country”.

“But I don’t know how either”.

“Then you are still the clan leader, Fourth Grandpa, please say something”.

Nara Hikari looked at Nara Shima, who was thinking with his eyes closed.

“Ah? Oh, Nara Mitsuru is a good choice.”

The most prestigious Nara Shima of the family spoke, and everyone finally unanimously decided that Nara Mitsuru would be the first daimyo of the Land of Light.

Nara Hikari had no objection.

The choice of daimyo was decided casually.

Next was the choice of the Kage of the Hidden Light Village.

Someone wanted to jump out and recommend Nara Hikari.

But Nara Hikari glared back.

The man shrank his neck and sat back angrily.

“I think Nara Uro is suitable.”

Just as everyone was scanning all the Kage-level strongmen of the Nara family, a voice sounded in the corner.

Everyone looked over after hearing it.

It was Nara Ki who spoke.

In addition to Nara Hikari, the second strongest person in the Nara family.

Nara Uro, who was sitting in the back, was stunned after hearing it.

“No, no, no, I’m not suitable, let’s choose someone else.”

Nara Uro hurriedly shook his head, shaking his head like a rattle.

“Why not let Nara Shikahira be the Kage.”

“Ah? Me? “.

An inconspicuous Nara tribe member looked up at Nara Wu in confusion.

Nara Hikari also looked over.

He was not very familiar with Nara Shikahira, but Nara Hikari was very familiar with the little boy next to Nara Shikahira.

It was Nara Shikaku, the future leader of Konoha’s jonin squad.

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