Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1219: This one is alive

In the white mist, Ge Yu displayed this terrifying ultimate move. The seven giant swords merged into a giant sword the size of a door, gleaming with golden light, carrying a monstrous power, towards Shao The dragon rolled away.

Shao Xiaolong suddenly felt the huge threat brought to him by this sword technique, his face couldn't help but he raised the dragon horn sword in his hand, and after he yelled, he burst out from the dragon horn sword. A huge group of thunder mans came out and moved towards the giant sword.

There was another loud bang, and the two powerful forces collided, and the giant sword composed of seven small swords suddenly fell apart, but the thunder light quickly dissipated.

Ge Yu and Shao Tian took two steps back from the shock of the tremendous force.

Everyone watching the ring was all dumbfounded. How could this be a ring? This is the tearing down of the ring.

An excellent arena has become a mass of waste, and it doesn't look like the previous arena.

The two of them stood on a mass of waste, holding swords in both hands, and confronted again.

There is no denying that both of them are top masters among the younger generation of disciples.

At this point, it's no longer as simple as anyone can fall off the ring.

If you want to really tell the winner, it seems that only the next one will do.

Ge Yu used several big moves in succession, which consumed a huge amount of spiritual power, but the dragon energy on Shao Xiaolong who was opposite came out of his whole body again, constantly blessing himself.

Shao Xiaolong looked at Ge Yu, who was a little exhausted, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Ge, it's meaningless to fight like this. It's all consumed by each other. It's still impossible to decide the winner within a hundred moves. It's better if we release the bottom of the box simultaneously Means, one trick is sure to win or lose, right?"

"Okay! Listen to you, you will win or lose with one move." Ge Yu directly agreed without thinking about it.

"Okay, let's get started!" Shao Xiaolong said, took a deep breath, raised the dragon horn sword again, and quickly recited the formula, once again drilled a golden dragon soul from his body and began to surround it. Shao Xiaolong's body continued to rotate.

And because of the blessing of the real dragon, Shao Xiaolong also exudes a faint golden light, like a heavenly person.

Ge Yu also took out a golden talisman from his body.

This talisman was given to him by the head teacher of Maoshan Longhua, in case of emergency.

This talisman drawn by Mao Shandixian must be used. If it is not used, it is estimated that there is only a dead end.

The monk Zhikong, who had the power of the Buddha, couldn't resist it. Can he resist it?

Obviously impossible.

When the people in the audience saw the two of them move like this, they all held their breath, staring at the two on the stage in a daze.

Everyone saw it, and the two of them had to do this final battle of life and death.

Whoever wins or loses depends on this trick.

The real dragon around Shao Xiaolong turned faster and faster, and the dragon horn sword in his hand was also shining brightly.

However, Ge Yu did not idle, and combined that golden talisman with several Maoshan Cloud Thunder Talisman, and shot it on the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword. He also said something in his mouth: "Morning, Taishang Edict, Maoshan disciple , Seven stars in the palm... Seven stars in the cloud and thunder!"

This is the sixth sword style of the Maoshan Seven Star Sword Art, called Yunlei Seven Stars.

Ge Yu had seen Master Chenyuan used it once, and defeated the powerful Beiming Ghost Uncle with one move.

Now Ge Yu is using this Yunlei Qixing method.

Ge Yu was taken aback when the golden talisman was mixed with several Maoshan Yunlei Talisman and photographed on the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword.

The Maoshan Seven-Star Sword in my hand seemed to be out of control, producing a huge buzzing sound, and the purple electric glow on the sword body flashed wildly and crackled, as if it was wrapped around the sword body. Circle firecracker.

The power of the terrifying thunder and lightning was about to emerge. Before Ge Yu cleaved the sword, the current broke free from the sword and fell on the ground, forming a thick current.

Powerful, worthy of being the fairy of Maoshan, the golden talisman drawn by Fulu Sanjue back then, this power is really terrifying.

At the same time, Shao Xiaolong flashed the golden light spurred by the dragon horn sword violently, followed by another huge dragon chant, resounding across the sky.

With Shao Xiaolong's violent shout, the sword he raised slashed towards Ge Yu heavily.

And Ge Yu's trick of Yunlei Qixing also slashed towards Shao Xiaolong.

The two moved almost at the same time and slashed towards each other.

However, when Ge Yu hacked out that sword, he smoothly patted the Spirit Gathering Tower.

Immediately, a golden aura broke free from the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and quickly turned into a giant.

This creature resembles a dragon but not a dragon, and its head resembles a jackal with dragon horns. Its eyes are wide open, glaring glaringly, and its horns are close to the back.

This is the second son of Zhenlong, Jaihu!

This creature was bloodthirsty, aggressive, and extremely brave. As soon as it appeared, it made a huge muffled roar. The surrounding rocks rolled down. Some people couldn't stand the roar and covered their ears. Living.

Ge Yu expected that Shao Xiaolong's last move would condense the power of the real dragon and issue a fatal blow to him. He didn't have the Buddha's blessings from Monk Zhikong, so he could only release this scorpion to resist for a while.

When Ge Yu took out Jairus, he was shocked. During the period when he placed it in the Ju Ling Pagoda, this guy didn’t eat or drink. How could this short effort grow so big? Most of the ring is almost occupied by it.

In fact, this jaycanth is Ge Yu's last killer. In the previous fight, Ge Yu has never released the jaycanth, just to save it until this moment. Good things naturally need to be used in key places.

Sure enough, Shao Xiaolong integrated the power of the true dragon into the Dragon Horn Sword, and then burst out the most powerful force in the space, a sword aura, forming a mad dragon with teeth and claws pounced towards him.

After Ge Yupi slashed out the Yunlei Seven Stars sword move, he asked Jai Xuan to resist the power of the true dragon.

Damn, Xiaolong, Xiaolong, do you think that only you have the power of a true dragon?

I have your brother too, and it's still alive. Yours is just a dragon soul. I am the second son of a real dragon, Jaihu.

This Jacquard is alive and kicking, not just a soul, the power gathered in it is unlimited.

When the people in the audience saw Ge Yu suddenly let go of Juju, except for the person who had seen Ge Yu, the others were all dumbfounded.

How is this possible?

What is that Ge Yu released...

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