Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1220: Javier must be reported

Ge Yu has never released the beast of Jiaxuan, even when confronted with Tongtian Daoist Li Chao, in such a difficult situation, he did not release Jiaxuan to help, because Ge Yu deeply knew that except for that. There is a long way to go, and there are more difficult opponents behind, Jai Xuan is a killer, Ge Yu's biggest hole card so far.

When Shao Xiaolong showed the terrifying power of the true dragon and rushed towards him, Ge Yu used two methods at the same time.

One is the sacred beast, Japuan, and the other is the seven stars of Yunlei blessed with golden talisman in the Maoshan Seven Star Sword.

As soon as the sacred beast Jaixuan appeared, he immediately blocked Ge Yu. His figure was huge, and the true dragon spirit on his body was even stronger. Facing Shao Xiaolong’s full blow, the sacred beast Jaixu let out a loud roar, and then With one mouth, a group of extremely hot flames spewed out, and then the whole body rushed towards the group of true dragon power that Shao Xiaolong released.

And the trick of the seven-star cloud thunder that Ge Yu chopped out was to bypass Shao Xiaolong's attack and rush towards Shao Xiaolong directly.

Shao Xiaolong saw Ge Yu release the beast Jairuo from the Spirit Jupiter, and he certainly didn't expect it, even if he was shocked.

This kind of beast has only been heard in the rumors. Who has actually seen this thing?

Shao Xiaolong opened his eyes today.

He used one move, and Ge Yu released two moves at the same time. Almost at the same time, the two horrible moves collided.

The sacred beast Jaixi rushed towards Shao Xiaolong's true dragon power, while the seven stars of Yunlei traversed an arc, and several thick thunder lights slammed straight into Shao Xiaolong's body.

This is the key for the two to make every effort to determine the outcome, and spare no effort.

Victory in one fell swoop.

There was a earth-shattering sound of "Boom Rumble". First, the magical beast, Javier, and Shao Xiaolong's true dragon force slammed into a collision, and then Ge Yu's trick of Yunlei Qixing hit Shao Xiaolong. .

Shao Xiaolong killed him and didn't expect that Ge Yu still had the son of Real Dragon, Jaixi.

This thing is too cruel.

What is even more terrifying is that Ge Yu's trick of the Seven Stars of Clouds and Thunder has made Shao Xiaolong a little messy.

This guy was too insidious, he released one move and did his best, but Ge Yu unexpectedly made two moves at the same time.

Seeing those thick electric currents rolling down towards him, Shao Xiaolong was inevitable and could only grit his teeth to withstand it.

In an instant, Shao Xiaolong inserted the dragon horn sword on the ring, then pinched a magic formula, shook it in the air, and a barrier made up of dragon energy blocked Shao Xiaolong. By your side.

With that blow just now, Shao Xiaolong almost used all the power of the true dragon.

The dragon spirits left behind are just for self-protection, and the little life-saving means left behind have to be used.

As soon as the barrier condensed by the dragon energy was formed, the thick electric currents produced by the Qixing Yunlei rolled over.

There was a loud "bang", and the thick current hit the barrier.

At the moment of contact, the barrier created by Dragon Qi shattered. Shao Xiaolong pulled out the Dragon Horn Sword and fought it in front of him.

Even so, it only blocked most of Lei Mang, and some thunder intent hit Shao Xiaolong's body.

This Lei Man suddenly spread all over his body, and Shao Xiaolong suddenly felt that his whole body was numb and crisp, and his blood boiled over it, and then he snorted, and the whole person was knocked out by the Lei Man.

As for Ge Yu, most of the power of Shao Xiaolong's terrifying blow was also resisted by the divine beast Jiaxuan.

The power of this true dragon is the power condensed by the soul of an adult true dragon. Not long after the birth of Jairus, the power is still much weaker.

Although most of the power was removed, it was still unsustainable.

Suddenly, the sacred beast Jairuan was knocked out by the power of the real dragon, and Ge Yu was also blown off by the air wave condensed by the power of the real dragon, and fell towards the ring with the sacred beast Jacuan.

After performing this terrifying ultimate move, both of them fell under the ring almost at the same time.

However, Ge Yu was only affected by the power of the true dragon, and his blood was surging, and he was not injured much, because most of his power was resisted by the sacred beast Jiaxuan.

When the two competed for this last move, the people watching the ring had already withdrawn far, at least a few tens of meters, and even the top ten elders evaded one after another.

Shao Xiaolong's true dragon power is really not a joke. If it strikes with full force, these people may not be able to resist it.

But they never thought that Ge Yu also had a dragon.

Ge Yu rolled down to the ground with the sacred beast Jaixuan. The air wave impacted him a little dizzy, and the scales on the sacred beast Jacian fell off a lot, and he was breathing constantly on the ground, and even golden blood was flowing out of his body. .

This Jay canthus had a fierce hair. After being injured, he immediately got up from the ground, and he was about to rush towards Shao Xiaolong again.

There is an idiom called "Jiaxuan will pay back". It refers to Ge Yu's sacred beast. This guy can't suffer a loss. Once you suffer a loss, you must pay it back. You hurt him one point, he hurts you very much, if you move it, it will die. Your whole family.

Ge Yu saw that Gaixuan had suffered, and he couldn't control it. He could not take care of the pain on his body. He immediately stood up from the ground, lifted the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword, and flashed to the front of Gaixuan. , Blocking its way: "Jiayan, you stop for me, and you are not allowed to go any further."

Na Jiaxuan suffered a loss, his angry eyes were rounded, and a few burning breaths spurted from his nostrils. He looked very unconvinced, and he screamed at Ge Yu twice.

"Little beast, you can't cure you anymore. Get me back quickly!" Ge Yu took the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword and patted Jai Xuan's head heavily. Jai Xuan was even more annoyed and extremely cruel, this time with fangs. They all came out.

Seeing this guy so fierce, Ge Yu was also a little scared, worried that he could not control it.

"Jaisu, you'd better be honest. Your mother entrusted you to me and asked me to take good care of you. If you are not obedient, I will ask your mother to come and take care of you! Where should you go? Lord will not keep you!" Ge Yu threatened.

After all, this jay canthus is a sacred beast. He can understand people's words. Ge Yu removed Jay’s mother, the real dragon, and then the jay canth stopped. He gasped for a few moments, and finally turned into a golden yellow ball. The breath of, drilled into the spirit gathering tower again.

Ge Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Jai Xuan go back again. If he goes crazy and kills here, he can't control it.

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