Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1235: Power of charm

After asking Zhong Kui's upper body, Zhong Jinliang's aura is different. Not only his aura is different, but even the person has a different appearance. He looks too tall, and he still carries a ball of Zhong Kui's ancestors behind him. Glowing with a golden phantom, as soon as he rushed forward, it was a heavy blow, and a sword slashed towards the flying Rakshasa.

The Flying Rakshasa also felt the abnormality of Zhong Jinliang's body, and his expression looked a little horrified, because the last time Zhong Jinliang dealt with him, he was like this and suffered a lot.

Immediately, the Flying Rakshasa raised the steel fork in his hand and held the sword of Zhong Jinliang, but his figure shook by that sword, and he staggered back two steps.

In the ring before, Zhong Jinliang had a competition with Yu Ling Xiaoshi. At the beginning, Zhong Jinliang wanted to invite Zhong Kui’s ancestor’s upper body of consciousness, but was blocked by Yu Ling Xiaoshi, preventing him from casting this spell. , Then, Yu Ling Xiaoshitai also said that if Zhong Jinliang really dropped the consciousness of Zhong Kui's ancestors on him, he would not be Zhong Jinliang's opponent.

Although these words have some humility in it, they still can't deny the mighty power that Zhong Jinliang showed after bringing the ray of consciousness of Zhong Kui's ancestor to his upper body.

The first move that came up was to shake the flying Raksha back a few steps.

Soon, the Flying Rakshasa reacted, roared, waved the steel fork in his hand, and began to concentrate most of his energy on Zhong Jinliang's body. The performance was extremely fierce, and Zhong Jinliang did not show any weakness.

With the conscious upper body of the patriarch Zhong Kui, Zhong Jinliang is like a divine help, showing a very powerful force. For a time, the two sides are evenly matched.

And Ge Yu and the others took care of it, and various magical instruments greeted the flying Rakshasa. Not long after, several wounds appeared on the flying Rakshasa.

Others didn’t know, but Ge Yu and the others knew very well that Zhong Jinliang’s request for the upper body of Zhong Kui’s ancestor’s consciousness could not last too long, because Zhong Jinliang’s current cultivation level could not support Zhu’s powerful consciousness, so he had to be in Zhong Kui’s ancestor. Before that powerful consciousness left Zhong Jinliang's body, he killed the flying Rakshasa.

However, the Flying Rakshasa was not stupid, he was besieged by Tuan Tuan, and he was at a complete disadvantage. After fighting with everyone for a while, a lot of wounds fell on his body, and blue blood flowed out of his body.

Immediately, the Flying Rakshasa stomped his feet, and the whole person rose into the air, trying to escape the encirclement of everyone.

But the consciousness of Zhong Kui's ancestor on Zhong Jinliang's body was not vegetarian. Supported by the powerful consciousness, Zhong Jinliang also stomped his feet. Supported by the phantom shadow behind him, he rushed into the air and continued to chase him. Flying Rakshasa fought hard.

As soon as they were in the air, there was nothing about Ge Yu and the others. Several of them didn't have the ability to fly into the sky and escape.

Several people stopped their movements and looked up into the air.

There was something wrong here. Before everyone could react, a miserable howl suddenly sounded from the side of the body. When I looked back, I saw that the female Rakshasa actually used the ribbon on her body to entangle a young master with a white horse view. , The ribbon entangled his hands and feet respectively, and the person was divided by five horses.

The death is not so miserable.

When Ge Yu looked at the female Feitian Rakshasa, that Feitian Rakshasa's gaze fell on Ge Yu's body. Suddenly, the female Rakshasa smiled at Ge Yu, suddenly with all the charm and infinite softness, Ge Yu's heart couldn't help beating quickly.

This mother Raksha is so beautiful, she is simply the best in the world. She has a good figure and bursts out, but I don’t know why. When she glanced at this mother Raksha, Ge Yu’s heartstrings were immediately touched, as if she saw it for the first time. When Yang Fan was in a normal mood, he felt like a first love.

The ghost and the gods were so bad, Ge Yu took his steps and walked in the direction of the mother Raksha.

However, just after walking here two steps, suddenly a hand slapped Ge Yu's shoulder, and Ge Yu was shocked, and the whole body was shocked. The figure of the female Raksha in front of him was quite far away. She was not looking at herself, but a ribbon flew out of the female Rakshasa and entangled towards herself.

Seeing that the ribbon was about to wrap around her body, suddenly two Miao knives flew out and cut the ribbon.

"Huh, men are all big pig's hoofs, and you can't control it when you see a beautiful woman!" Song Mutong glanced at Ge Yu and said with a bit of resentment, and then rushed in the direction of Hei Xiaose.

But seeing that black little color had already wrapped two ribbons around her body, and she was being pulled towards the mother Rakshasa by the ribbon.

Seeing this scene, Ge Yu couldn't help taking a breath, his face flushed slightly.

There is still a big difference between the female Rakshasa and the male Raksha.

And the enchanting and charming mother Rakshasa, in addition to possessing strong power, there is also a way to attack the human spirit, people will unknowingly fall into her beauty and unable to extricate themselves.

Just now, Ge Yu almost caught her way, and her mental power was attacked by this mother Raksha.

Her side is still good. Hei Xiaose is already very close to the mother Raksha, with two ribbons wrapped around her body. After a while, it is estimated that she will be divided by five horses.

At this moment, there were already three young masters who died beside the mother Raksha, all of them young men.

A young man in his twenties, it is estimated that very few people can resist the charm of this mother Raksha. Fortunately, the main force of fighting against this mother Raksha is the monk Zhikong of Nadharma Cave, and Longhushan is the longest path to heaven.

Monk Zhikong is a Buddhism, the four are empty, able to resist beauty, but the long Taoist, half-human and half-corpse, not a normal person, probably has no thoughts about women, so it is normal to be able to resist temptation .

Thinking of this, Ge Yu was really a little scared, this female Rakshasa was more difficult to deal with than the male Rakshasa.

In addition to being afraid, Ge Yu was even more annoyed. Uncle's, he was almost about to follow the way of the Rakshasa ghost, how could he spare her lightly.

Immediately, Ge Yu shot the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, released the fat girl hedgehog spirit, and pounced on the flying Rakshasa.

With this five-hundred-year-old big demon dealing with it, this mother Raksha is no longer able to do that charm technique to people, and the fat girl can remind people who have been charmed in time.

In this moment of effort, Song Mutong had already cut off the ribbon wrapped around Hei Xiaose's body and awakened it.

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