Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1236: Fierce Beast and Thunder Man

Hei Xiaose shuddered all over her body, and she immediately reacted. She glanced at the female Rakshasa not far away, her old face turned red immediately, and she immediately cursed: "This old lady, Hei Ye almost caught her. Daoer, see how Heiye cleans up you!"

In order to conceal her embarrassment, Hei Xiaose once again raised the Qinghong sword in her hand, and slashed a sword heavily towards the female Raksha, and a majestic sword cyclone immediately slashed towards the female Raksha. In the past, the female Raksha didn't even look at Hei Xiaose's side, and the colorful ribbon flicked, and suddenly a wave of air was rolled up, and the sword aura of Hei Xiaose was easily resolved.

The male Rakshasa is fierce and cruel, and the female Rakshasa is feminine and vicious, but the methods of killing are the same cruel.

At this moment, Zhong Jinliang and the Flying Rakshasa were fighting fiercely in the air, and the few of them were not able to help. Ge Yu gave a wink at the others, and signaled the crowd to rush up first and take the mother Raksha. Let's get rid of it.

It’s just that there was a huge bang above the head before it even started, but a strange and magnificent voice was heard in the air: "You Raksha ghost, this immortal let you escape last time. I can never let you leave alive again!"

This voice was made by Zhong Jinliang, but the tone of his speech was different from that of Zhong Jinliang. It must be the voice of Zhong Kui's ancestor who was possessed by Zhong Jinliang.

After the bang, I didn't know what great supernatural power the ancestor Zhong Kui used. The Flying Rakshasa who was in midair was knocked out at once, and fell heavily to the ground.

The guy's figure was huge. After falling on the ground, the whole ground shook, smashing the ground out of a deep hole.

However, Fei Tian Luosha immediately turned over and got up from the ground again.

At this moment of kung fu, Zhong Jinliang also fell from the mid-air, holding up the Sword Immortal Sword and rushing towards the Flying Rakshasa again.

Feitian Luosha looked at Zhong Jinliang with trepidation, and turned around with the steel fork to flee.

Last time that Feitian Rakshasa was not the opponent of Zhong Kui Patriarch, this time it was the same. Seeing that Feitian Rakshasa was about to escape, Ge Yu suddenly changed his mind and greeted everyone: "Stop the male Rakshasa, this I can't let him run this time."

With that said, Ge Yu immediately displayed his earth escape technique, and appeared in front of the flying Raksha in the next moment, blocking his way.

Feitian Raksha is focused on fleeing for his life and wants to find a place to hide it first. In fact, he also knows that Zhong Jinliang’s strength is only temporary. Once Zhong Kui’s powerful consciousness leaves, Zhong Jinliang will be a weak chicken. Not too late.

Seeing Ge Yu standing in front of her, Fei Tian Raksha never took it in her eyes. While running away, she raised the steel fork in his hand. It thought that he could pick the steel fork in his hand and Ge Yu wanted it. Fled.

The steel forks in the hands of Fei Tian Luosha all waved. Just as they were about to fall, Ge Yu's eyes narrowed, and suddenly he slapped the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and suddenly a golden aura drilled from the Spirit Gathering Pagoda. Come out and block in front of Ge Yu.

The golden aura is the real dragon's son, Jai Xu.

The fierce fighting against Shao Xiaolong before, there is still a fire in Jai Xuan's heart, and he is fierce and combative, and there is no place to vent his anger.

As soon as it came out, the figure of the Javier became extremely large, showing sharp teeth. Before the steel fork of the flying Rakshasa fell, Javier expelled a raging flame with one mouth, and immediately dropped to the ground. All the stones burned red.

A full heat wave hit his face, and the Feitian Rakshasa on the opposite side was startled, his eyes widened.

He did not expect that such a fierce beast was hidden in Ge Yu's body.

The Feitian Rakshasa quickly dodged in a panic, but it was still a little late, and part of the flame fell on his legs, immediately burning his legs.

A sharp pain spread to the whole body, and Feitian Luosha let out a painful scream.

At this moment, Zhong Jinliang had already arrived with the Slashing Immortal Sword, waving the Slashing Immortal Sword and slashing several swords towards the Flying Rakshasa.

Feitian Luosha didn't care about extinguishing the flames on his body, so he raised a steel fork to respond to the enemy, staggered by Zhong Jinliang, and kept backing away.

At this point, the Flying Rakshasa probably won't last long.

After a few moves, Feitian Luosha couldn't hold it again. He stomped his foot and jumped into the air. When Ge Yu looked at Zhong Jinliang, he found that the shadow of Zhong Kui's ancestor behind him was already Diluted a lot.

As soon as Zhong Kui's ancestor appeared, he squeezed Zhong Jinliang's body, bursting out with formidable power, where he could hold it with Zhong Jinliang's cultivation base.

It is estimated that in a few more minutes, the powerful consciousness of Patriarch Zhong Kui will leave.

No, it is necessary to leave the life of the flying Raksha here within these few minutes.

"Jai Xuan, kill the Raksha ghost!" Ge Yu greeted Na Jai ​​Xuan.

The sacred beast, Jai Xu, is the most aggressive. It has long been unable to restrain it. Two hot breaths erupted from its nostrils. Suddenly, mist formed under its feet. It also rose into the air, and flew into the air, together with Zhong Jinliang. Fight that flying Rakshasa.

Originally, Feitian Rakshasa was not Zhong Jinliang's opponent alone, and with the addition of this sacred beast, Jairuo, it was even more not an opponent.

After a few quick moves in the air, the Flying Rakshasa fell down again.

However, Ge Yu looked at it and found that the flying Rakshasa had thick skin and did not hurt the roots. It would take quite a while to get it.

Immediately, Ge Yu lighted up the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword again, and took out several Maoshan Cloud Thunder Talisman from his body, and quickly chanted the spell. The Maoshan Seven-Star Sword suddenly crackled and thunder flashed wildly. Several electric lights overflowed suddenly.

When fighting Shao Xiaolong before, Ge Yu used a golden talisman drawn by the fairy of Maoshan. Now the blessing power of that golden talisman on the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword has not completely dissipated, so Ge ​​Yu can use it again. That Yunlei Qixing means.

However, the effect of the Yunlei Seven Stars displayed this time was much worse than the previous one.

But as long as it can be displayed, it will surely cause severe damage to the flying Rakshasa.

As soon as Na Feitian Rakshasa got up, Ge Yu held the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword in both hands, and he severed a sword towards that Feitian Raksha.

This sword is really sparks and lightning, and several thick electric lights are rolling towards the flying Rakshasa against the ground.

Feitian Luosha felt the huge threat, looked back at Ge Yu, and suddenly let out a terrified roar.

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