Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1656: Baby crying

The house may have been unoccupied for a long time, and the stale smell made the few standing at the door frowned slightly.

Ge Yu looked inside the room and found that there was only a dilapidated wooden bed with no quilt on it. In addition, there were a few simple cabinets in the room with potholes on the ground. Everyone walked in. When he was in the house, he also alarmed a few mice in the house, running around in horror.

The old lady with her feet walked to a corner anxiously, took out two mats, put them on the ground, and said to everyone: "On these conditions at home, you can make do with it, and leave early tomorrow morning... I can't stay in the village..."

The old lady repeated this sentence again, and then said: "There is another room next to it. I think there is a female doll here. Let this female doll live in that house."

With that, the old lady walked to the next room again and opened the door of another room. The condition of that room was not much better than this one, and it still had a strong stale smell.

After the room was opened, the old lady stopped talking, and walked slowly towards her room. As she walked, she said to herself: "Who...Where did this baby come from, the village? I haven't seen any outsiders come for many years..."

Seeing the old lady leaving, Ge Yu had a lot of questions in his heart, so he walked up, took the arm of the old lady, and helped her go forward. The old lady was taken aback and looked back at Ge Yu. When he glanced at Ge Yu with those black and white eyes, Ge Yu felt a little flustered.

"Boy, it's getting late, don't rest soon..." the old lady said.

"Don't worry... I will help your old man go home. At such an old age, your legs and feet don't look very convenient." Ge Yu was very courteous.

The old lady didn't say much, she continued to walk forward, and sighed as she walked: "Old lady...I'm still an old lady who is blind, it's useless..."

"Old man, how is your blind eye?" Ge Yu asked curiously.

The old man looked back at Ge Yu and said, "When I was young, I played with scissors and accidentally stabbed him..."

"By the way, old man, you have been urging us to leave earlier, isn't this place too safe?" Ge Yu asked casually.

The old lady's body trembled visibly, her body stopped, and then she said: "Young man, the old lady told you that it is naturally kind, so don't ask more about the rest. Anyway, just stay one night, tomorrow Just leave early in the morning."

The old lady seemed unwilling to say more, she went straight back to the house and closed the door.

Ge Yu didn't ask anything, and then returned to the room.

Ge Yu and his four lords lived in a room, and the young couple He Yao and Yuan Jiao lived in a separate room.

After returning to the room, several people looked at each other, looking at the four-walled room of this house, and the Baisigou where only a pair of old people were left, they were full of doubts.

This village is full of weirdness. If there is no problem, several people think it is impossible.

After Ge Yu closed the door, Hei Xiaose first couldn't help but ask: "When the big guy entered the village just now, did you feel something abnormal?"

Zhao Yangui shook his head and said, "As soon as I entered the house, I used the qi field to sense it. There is a bit of yin in this village, but it is normal. There are sparsely populated people, the yin is prosperous and the sun is declining, and there are some lonely ghosts, but there is nothing to do. ."

"Then do you think that old man and old lady is normal?" Hei Xiaose said again.

"I feel quite normal. An ordinary old man does not have the breath of a cultivator. Maybe it is two ordinary old people." Zhong Jinliang said.

"The old man and the old lady have been repeating it to us just now, and she will leave early tomorrow morning, so I feel that there is an unusual situation in this village. That's it. We are here to find the Yin Po in Nanjiang. Since they are not willing to say more, let's not ask more. We will leave early tomorrow morning." Ge Yu said sternly.

"Well, let's not live longer. The big guy should rest early. After a day's journey, there are still important things to do tomorrow." Zhao Yan returned.

There are only two broken straw mats on the ground, and the bed next to it is all dust.

It's impossible to lie down and sleep, but everyone is a cultivator, sitting cross-legged on the ground, closing their eyes to practice, and they can also spend the long night.

The four people sat cross-legged on the straw mat, each pinched a magic trick, and began to enter the state of spiritual practice.

Practicing overnight can replenish physical strength and restore spiritual power more than a beautiful sleep.

The village is extremely quiet, no one can hear any movement, occasionally a few monkeys can be heard, and the rat creaking in the house.

Ge Yu entered the state of cultivation very quickly, and before he knew it, he entered the realm of profound and profound.

I don’t know how long it took. Ge Yu suddenly felt a little tired. He quickly broke away from that state of cultivation. He opened his eyes and looked at Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose who were sitting around him. After a glance, they found that they were all sitting there with ease, still practising cross-legged, closing their eyes one by one, with a long breath.

But Ge Yu didn't know why, he was tired for a while, and felt that the moldy smell in this room was a bit more intense.

Maybe it's because there are too many roads to walk today, the big guys are there, then I will sleep for a while.

Thinking about this, Ge Yu closed his eyes again and fell asleep faintly.

In a daze, I don’t know how long I slept. Suddenly there was a baby crying from Ge Yu’s ear, which came from time to time. Ge Yu’s eyelids were heavy and he wanted to open his eyes. Look, but I can't open it.

The strange thing is that at this moment, there is a picture in my mind, and this feeling seems to be a dream.

Still in this room, Ge Yu saw in his dream that Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose were sitting cross-legged beside him, motionless.

But there was a creak in the direction of the door, and he opened it by himself.

After the door was opened, a cloud of white smoke rolled into the room first, and then a black shadow slowly walked in towards the room.

Under the bleak moonlight, Ge Yu looked at the dark shadow carefully, but saw that it was a child with a big head and a pair of big eyes, slowly approaching him.

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