Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1657: Big head doll

The child was dark-skinned, and while walking towards him, he made the cry of a baby, which sounded very miserable.

Ge Yu's mind was confused. He knew it was a dream, but he couldn't wake up.

This was the first time that Ge Yu had encountered this situation. He couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive, but the child was still approaching him constantly. As he approached, he made the cry of a baby, miserable and miserable. Ge Yu was in a mess. .

In a moment of effort, the child had already walked to Ge Yu's side, stretched out a small black hand, grabbed Ge Yu's arm, and cried, "Brother... can you come out with me? Are you playing..."

When that hand grasped Ge Yu's arm, Ge Yu only felt that a chill of cold air penetrated into his bone marrow, and then there was a feeling of being pulled out.

And the crying baby suddenly grinned open, revealing his mouth full of fine teeth. His mouth was so big that it took up half the size of his face, and his crying appearance suddenly turned into a smirk.

What kind of evildoer is this? The Taoism is not low, and he can control himself.

Thinking of this, Ge Yu felt scared for a while, but his soul was restrained by him. He wanted to open his eyes but couldn't open them.

And the biting cold that grabbed his own hand, Ge Yu only felt that his soul was about to be pulled out by that hand.


Ge Yu could not move or open his eyes, so he wanted to bite the tip of his tongue and resist this force with the blood from the tip of the tongue.

Before Ge Yu started to act, the Spirit Gathering Tower on his waist suddenly shook slightly, and a stern howling sounded in his ears. Ge Yu's body shook and suddenly opened his eyes.

When I just opened my eyes to look, I saw a dark shadow flying quickly towards the door.

Behind the black shadow, followed by a black and red figure, chasing the black shadow.

Seeing this, Ge Yu quickly understood that it was Aunt Feng in the Spirit Gathering Pagoda. She felt the danger and broke free from the Spirit Gathering Pagoda to deal with the dark shadow.

The black shadow may not be Feng Auntie's opponent, and after suffering a loss, he immediately fled.

Ge Yu, who opened his eyes, suddenly felt that all his clothes were soaked, and he gasped heavily, and when he was about to get up and chase outside, he suddenly felt a little abnormal.

Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose were still sitting cross-legged and motionless. When they looked at their faces, they found that their expressions were tense, and their brows were twisted into a rope, as if they were suffering tremendous pain.

Seeing them look like this, Ge Yu knew that they might have also been tricked. He immediately took out a few exorcism charms from his body and stuck them on their backs. After chanting a few spells in his mouth, they stuck them. The exorcism talisman on the back flickered suddenly, and then slipped from them and burned.

As soon as these talismans burned, Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose shook their bodies slightly and lay down on the ground one after another, breathing violently.

A few of them were like Ge Yu just now, their clothes were soaked with sweat.

However, a few people did not suffer any trauma, and soon sat up one after another.

Hei Xiaose first opened her eyes, her face full of horror, and she looked at Ge Yu and said, "Just now...I seemed to have a dream just now..."

"Is there a big-headed doll in my dream..." Zhao Yangui asked, frowning.

"Yeah, I also dreamed that the big-headed doll reached out and grabbed me. That hand was bitterly cold. I felt that my soul was controlled by him and was about to be pulled out by his hand. Could it be that some of us? The dreams are the same?" Zhong Jinliang also said with a look of horror.

The situation several of them said was exactly the same as what Ge Yu had just experienced.

Soon, Zhao Yangui reacted and looked at Ge Yu with a puzzled expression: "Master Yu, why are you doing nothing?"

"I experienced the same thing as you just now, and was controlled by that evil force, but Aunt Feng in the Spirit Gathering Tower appeared in time and drove the dirty thing away, so I reacted." Ge Yu said with some fear.

"I'm going, Xiaoyu, you are close to the realm of ghosts and immortals. That dirty thing can even be controlled by you. How terrible is that?" Hei Xiaose said in horror.

"Oops, there must be something wrong with He Yao and Yuan Jiao next door!" Zhao Yangui suddenly woke up and got up from the summer mat. His body shook slightly. Obviously, he has not fully recovered from the state just now, but He quickly stabilized his figure and walked towards the next door.

Ge Yu and the others quickly got up, and followed Zhao Yangui towards the next door.

Zhao Yangui kicked the door open, and saw the young couple He Yao and Yuan Jiao sitting there, frowning, motionless.

Immediately, Ge Yu walked over quickly, took out the talisman, and put it on their backs. After a while of the spell, the talisman burned, and the two fell to the ground one after another, breathing heavily, all in cold sweat.

After the young couple woke up, they looked at Ge Yu and the others in a daze.

He Yao said in horror: "Brother Zhao...I seemed to have a dream just now. I couldn't move my body, and then a child with a big head caught me..."

"You dreamed too!?" Yuan Jiao's horrified beautiful eyes also looked at He Yao.

"Just now, our big guys are all caught up, and we don't know what evil things are causing. Let's get up. Let's go out and take a look." Zhao Yangui said with a gloomy expression.

"Is it gone...what the **** is it, so amazing." Yuan Yao said in a panic.

"At the moment I don't know what it is, but an old ghost in my spirit gathering tower has already chased it. I can communicate with that old ghost. Everyone will follow me. Let's chase after it and take a look. You can see it at a glance." Ge Yu said sternly.

Everyone nodded again and again, and filed out from the room.

When she reached the door, Hei Xiaose suddenly looked at the house next to her, "Are those old couple okay?"

Hearing this, everyone trembled in their hearts and looked towards the room one after another, but saw that the light was still on in the room at the moment, and the flames were shaking slightly, which was extremely gloomy.

Without a word, Ge Yu walked towards the room and slapped the door open.

Then I saw a person lying on a straw mat in the house, who was the old man with a chopper I saw before.

It's just that the old man seemed to have been dead for a long time, his death was a bit horrible, his mouth wide open, his eyes rounded, his hands and his neck, looked very hideous.

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