Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1658: Mountain god

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked, and involuntarily touched the magic weapon on their body.

At this time, the movement of the door opening awakened another person, the blind old lady I saw before.

He sat up ignorantly and looked at Ge Yu and others standing at the door of the house.

Several people looked at each other, and they were speechless. For a while, no one spoke.

After a while, the old lady got up from the bed, walked slowly, and glanced at the old man with a frightened face. A flash of terror flashed across her face, but it quickly dissipated, and she shook her head and said: "You are also dead... It seems that you are with me and can't hide away..."

When everyone heard what the old lady said, they felt more and more strange. The old lady didn't have a sad look on her face, but she looked a little regretful and somewhat unexpected.

Ge Yu died patiently, looked at the old lady, and said in a gloomy voice: "Your wife is dead, don't you feel sad at all?"

The old lady shook her head and said, "He is not my wife, but one of my neighbors, who came to join me."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone felt that something was wrong.

"Old man, I think you should know the cause of his death. Just now we encountered an incredible thing. We all dreamed of a doll with a big head. Come and ask us for his life. What is that big head kid? Road?" Hei Xiaose asked.

Hearing this, the old lady trembled and said in surprise: " have dreamed of it too...I thought he would only act on the people in our village, but I didn't expect that you were also implicated... Shouldn't, shouldn't..."

The old lady shook her head, couldn't help sighing, and then stretched out her hand, grabbed the dead old man, and dragged it out of the house.

Although the old man was a thin bone, it was still very heavy for the thin old lady in front of him, and it was very difficult to drag.

Zhong Jinliang couldn't stand it, so he hurriedly went to help a man and helped the old lady drag people out of the house.

The old lady was panting tired.

"I'm all right now, I'm the only one left in the whole village... When my old bones die, this village will be completely deserted." The old lady straightened up and said tremblingly.

"Old man, who on earth was he killed? What is the secret of this village, can you tell us?" Zhao Yangui also asked.

The old lady just shook her head and said, “It’s useless to tell you. Now I’m the only one left in the village. It’s all retribution. Don’t sleep tonight. Stay up until dawn and leave. Never Come to this place again."

Obviously there is something, this old lady just refuses to say, and several people are also a little impatient. If this is a young old man, a few people would have been fattened by the hand. If you don't say it, you have to say, but face It's an old lady, no one can do it.

Although they were anxious, everyone couldn't say anything.

The old lady walked back to the house slowly, took out a hoe, and began to dig the ground in the yard.

She moved very slowly and didn't have much strength.

In the middle of the night, there was a terrifying corpse lying on the ground, a thin, blind old lady was digging a hole, and a deserted village in the mountains and forests, it was terrifying to think about it.

I saw the old lady digging pits hard.

Zhong Jinliang walked over immediately, took the **** from the old lady's hand, and helped her dig it.

The old lady didn't respond either, she just stood aside, watching Zhong Jinliang dig the soil.

Zhong Jinliang was very strong and moved quickly. The pit was dug in less than half an hour.

At this time, Ge Yu began to communicate with Aunt Feng through the Spirit Gathering Pagoda. The black shadow flew out just now. Aunt Feng chased him directly, but now there is no response. Ge Yu used the Spirit Gathering Pagoda to communicate with Aunt Feng. At that time, I found that Aunt Feng’s connection with herself was getting weaker. This can indicate that Aunt Feng is getting farther and farther away from herself. Once a critical value is reached, Aunt Feng will be pulled by the Spirit Gathering Pagoda. Will come back, so that the big-headed baby who killed them tonight will probably be missing.

After digging the hole, Zhong Jinliang dragged the old man's body over and helped the old lady bury the body.

No one will know about this barren mountain.

Seeing that Zhong Jinliang had finished his work and everyone gathered together again, Ge Yu looked at the old lady and said, "Old man, since you refuse to say, let's go find it by ourselves. Just now I saw a dark figure came into us. Inside the house, he ran towards the forest."

With that said, Ge Yu is about to leave with a heavy responsibility.

The old lady's face was startled. Not long after Ge Yu and the others turned around and left, the old lady suddenly shouted from behind, "Wait a minute..."

Ge Yu looked back at her and said, "What else can the elderly say?"

"You can't go, that's the mountain go to find it, isn't that going to die? You should stay obediently until dawn before leaving." The old lady said excitedly.

"Mountain god? What mountain god?" Ge Yu's curiosity arose again.

The lady saw Ge Yu and the others insisting on leaving, probably because she was afraid that they would die in the past, she sighed and slapped her thighs and said: "Forget it...I won't live long anyway, why not tell you all..."

Hearing this, several people immediately turned back and walked to the old man's side.

The old man suddenly pointed at the white eyeball and asked, "Do you know how blind my eye is?"

Where did everyone know, they shook their heads.

"My son was the one who beat him blind with a fist..." the old lady said with a trembling body.

"Why did your son blind you?" Hei Xiaose asked in confusion.

"Our Baisigou has a lot of weird things. A rule has been passed down from our ancestors. Every three years, a one-year-old baby should be placed in a pool ten miles away to pay tribute to Grandpa Mountain God. If you don’t pay the tribute, Grandpa Shanshen will get angry and punish the people in the village. I remember that more than 30 years ago, because we didn’t put the children in the waterhole, seven people died in our village in one night. , There is no daring not to follow this rule..."

"Just more than ten years ago, it was finally our family's turn to put the child in the pool, but my son refused, but I was worried that the people in the village would be hurt, so I secretly put the child in a bamboo basket and put it Into that waterhole..."

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