Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1659: Evil spirits

The old lady was a little excited and talked about what happened many years ago, and talked about why her one eye was blind.

Before they came here, they heard Zhao Yangui talk about the many legends near Baisigou, which is a barren mountain and ridge, and there are many weird ones.

The people in the village are superstitious, and they believe that there is a mountain god.

If there is a mountain god, it is also to protect the people of one side. It is impossible for the people to give people to the mountain **** to sacrifice. This is definitely against the way of heaven, and this mountain **** is naturally not a serious mountain god.

Ge Yu had encountered a similar incident before. It was because the younger brother of one of Lei Qianjiao’s classmates was entangled in dirt. As a result, he encountered a stranger who caused trouble. He was finally killed by Ge Yu. The inner pill was swallowed.

It is estimated that the so-called mountain **** this time is similar to this kind of thing.

Hearing the old lady talking about this, Hei Xiaose suddenly cursed out of anger: "Shit mountain god, mountain **** will not kill people, there must be some enchanting evildoer, we will give the dirty stuff. Packed up."

Hearing Hei Xiaose's cursing, the old lady suddenly showed an uneasy look on her face, and quickly said: "Young man, don't talk nonsense, the mountain **** will be angry, be careful you also lost your life... I am an old lady who lives here. A lot of age is nothing, you are still so young."

"Old lady, you are cruel enough to throw your own grandchildren into the river to sacrifice to the mountain god?" Zhong Jinliang said in disbelief.

"Oh!" The old lady sighed, "What can I do... Whenever the village is about to offer sacrifices to the Lord Mountain God, people with children in the village will be gathered together for lottery, who is it? So he dedicated the child to the mountain **** lord. That time our family was unlucky, it was our turn, but my son refused to give the child to the mountain **** lord. If the people in the village were willing, they would give me the Both my son and my daughter-in-law were killed and thrown into the river. At that time, the people in the village were crazy. Everyone was worried that the mountain **** would get revenge. After all, many people died before."

"Just one night, while my son and daughter-in-law were asleep, I secretly carried the child out, and sent it to the pool a dozen miles away. Later, my son and daughter-in-law learned about it. , I ran to my grandson like crazy, but where can I find it? My daughter-in-law cried to death. The son was angry and angry. He punched me in the eye, and I was blind in this eye..."

When the old lady said such sensational things, everyone felt a little unacceptable.

Grandma killed her grandson with her own hands, and the son blinded his mother, and a home was completely destroyed.

Some things may be nothing to practitioners, but to ordinary people, they are huge things.

Foolishness and ignorance blinded their eyes, and the main reason is that they are unable to bear and cope with all this, which is why this result is caused.

Everyone felt that this old lady was pitiful and hateful, but powerless. She was selfish at the time and didn't want her son to die, so she had to do such a thing.

Ge Yu took a deep breath and looked at the old lady and said, "What happened later, what happened later?"

"After my son blinded me, he took his daughter-in-law and left. He never came back. They have been gone for more than ten years and never came back. I know, they must have resentment in their hearts. Mine, blame me for killing their son, but I didn’t want my grandson to die. If I didn’t do that, not only my grandson would not be able to keep it, but my son and daughter-in-law would have to be killed by the people in the village. Killed, what can I do...I don't blame them, I only blame myself, but I don't regret it. If I do it again, I will still choose the original choice..." The old lady said calmly.

"But why are there so few people in this village?" Hei Xiaose said again.

"Since my son and daughter-in-law left, the people in the village suddenly realized that as long as they left the village, perhaps it was a relief, and there was no need to bear the anger of the mountain god. For more than ten years, the people in the village All moved out one after another, and only a few old people without children stayed here. They were all a lot of age and didn’t know where to go when they went out. They lived here for a lifetime, so they continued to stay. I'm here now, and my old lady is just like them. Even though I have a son, it means there is no more..."

"The strange thing is that in the last year, the few old people left in the village have also died one after another, and one will die after a while. I don’t know if this is the case. In the past few years, no one has offered sacrifices to the mountain god. The mountain **** will be furious and blamed on us old people, so some people will die... The reason why I am able to live until now may be because someone in my family dedicated to the mountain **** Lord, that's why it left me with a life."

Hearing this blind old woman said so much, everyone knew the ins and outs of the whole thing. At this moment, several people can conclude that there must be something wrong here.

The practice of some monsters requires years of hard work and accumulation before they can become the right path.

However, some monsters got people's ideas in order to improve their practice quickly.

Humans are the spirit of all things, especially small babies who are just born. For these monsters, by devouring the essence of the child, they can quickly improve their Taoism.

Although adults can also be good for monsters, but after all, the yang energy is muddy, not as fast as children.

Such evil things, I don't know how many people have been killed, and it will definitely be impossible to get rid of them.

Right now, several people looked at each other, and Ge Yu said to the old man: "Old man, you should go back first. If nothing happens, we will see you again in two days..."

The old lady looked at Ge Yu with one eye and said, "Young man, where are you going?"

"Naturally, we are going to find the evil evildoer. Tonight we will remove the evil evildoer and avenge your grandson." Ge Yu said.

"You guys, don't go to death. You have angered the mountain god, so don't want to live." The old lady said excitedly.

"That's not a mountain god, just a spirit who is hiding in the old forest in the deep mountains. To tell the truth, we came here this time to deal with this spirit. I am a Taoist priest from Maoshan. The elderly don't have to worry about our safety." Ge Yu said with a serious face. .

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