Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1660: losing contact

The blind old lady had an unbelievable look. As soon as he was about to open her mouth to say something, Zhao Yangui gave a wink to He Yao, and the couple quickly walked over, one on each side, helping the old lady towards the house. He walked in the direction of the man, and as he walked, He Yao returned: "Old man, it's windy at night, you should go back to the house and rest."

After a short while, the two sent the old lady back to the house, a few people got together, and they didn't want to stay any longer, planning to find the big-headed monster that almost killed them all.

It was already in the middle of the night, and there was still a long time before dawn. At this time, the Yin Qi was the heaviest and the evil things were at their highest, but everyone didn't care about so much.

Ge Yu glanced at the crowd, and asked politely: "Everyone, the big guy was affected by the big-headed baby just now, right now there is nothing wrong with the body?"

Several people looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Well, let's set out now to look for the big-headed doll. Aunt Feng has already gone after it. Now I almost lose contact with Aunt Feng. If the distance is farther, Aunt Feng will probably be dragged by the tower. Come here." Ge Yu said.

"Let's go, Xiaoyu, let's join forces with a few of us, and the old brother is here, even if we touch the great demon for a thousand years, maybe we can clean up." Hei Xiaose said with a grin.

Ge Yu rolled his eyes, thinking that he should not meet another thousand-year-old monster again. The last time he met, a few people almost lost their lives. He has never grasped the power of the ancient demon. I don't know how to use it yet.

After a brief discussion by everyone, Ge Yu relied on the subtle connection between the Ju Ling Pagoda and Aunt Feng, and walked towards a deep mountain and old forest in front of Baisigou.

A group of people walked swiftly, the mountains and forests were dark and dark, and some strange beasts could be heard from time to time, and a group of birds perched in the mountains and forests were often awakened, and they flew into the sky.

The scenery here is extremely beautiful, but it’s a pity that it’s deeper in the night, and nothing can be seen clearly, and no one has the intention to appreciate the beauty here.

In the beginning, Ge Yu was able to produce a subtle light with Aunt Feng, but as everyone walked forward quickly, the connection became weaker and weaker. This was obviously not normal, and he went forward again. After a while, Ge Yu was surprised to find that Aunt Feng had completely lost contact with the Ju Ling Tower.

After discovering this, Ge Yu stopped, his expression condensed.

When everyone saw Ge Yu stopped, they were puzzled. They looked at Ge Yu. Zhong Jinliang asked, "Brother Yu, why aren't you leaving?"

"Aunt Feng can't be reached." Ge Yu said solemnly.

"This... how is this possible? Didn't you mean that as long as the ghosts sealed in the Spirit Gathering Tower, as long as they walk too far, they will be pulled over by the Spirit Gathering Tower?" Hei Xiaose was surprised.

"How do you say the truth, but Aunt Feng has lost contact with the Spirit Gathering Pagoda. There are only two possibilities for this situation. Either Aunt Feng has lost his soul, or it is covered by some terrifying aura." Ge Yu Shen said.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help being speechless, Zhao Yangui also felt the seriousness of the matter, and hurriedly said: "Aunt Feng is a demon's way of doing things, and she is already a top existence among ghosts, even if she encounters a master of the ghost level, It may not be able to destroy it, right? Furthermore, even if Aunt Feng is not an opponent, she still has the ability to escape."

"Could it be that Aunt Feng found Nanjiang Yin Po and was controlled by her?" Hei Xiaose said again.

"It's hard to say, let's continue to look for it. Although Aunt Feng can't be contacted at this moment, I also roughly sensed the area where it was just now through the Spirit Gathering Pagoda, and can roughly determine where he is."

At this moment, Ge Yu was really worried. As Zhao Yangui said just now, Aunt Feng, a ghost who walks along the way of the devil, is already very powerful. If it is not an absolute master, it must be no more.

Even if she really met Nanjiang Yin Po, she was not necessarily Feng Auntie's opponent.

Ge Yu hoped it was the latter, and Aunt Feng's breath was covered by something.

Ever since I came to this place, weird things have continued. The big-headed baby who almost killed all of them just now made Ge Yu very jealous.

Relying on his previous impression of Aunt Feng's location, Ge Yu greeted everyone to move forward quickly, and all of them speeded up their steps toward the depths of the dense forest.

The speed of the group was very fast, and in less than half an hour, the group rushed forward on the mountain road more than ten miles.

When he got here, Ge Yu paused again, because he had just sensed that the place where Aunt Feng finally disappeared was here.

But standing here, looking around blankly, this is a mountain col, and there is nothing abnormal. After Ge Yu took out the compass, he explored around, and there was nothing abnormal.

"I just sensed that Aunt Feng lost contact with me here, but there is no trace of fighting here." Ge Yu said with a deep face.

Several people stopped and looked around blankly. Zhao Yangui's ears shook slightly, and suddenly heard a rushing sound of water not far away, as if not far from here.

Suddenly, Zhao Yan had an idea and said, "Yeah, the blind old lady told us that he carried his son and daughter-in-law on his back, and secretly brought his grandson to a pool of water, and sacrificed it to the mountain **** lord, saying It’s a dozen miles away from Baisigou. I heard the sound of running water just now. Was it the pool where the mountain **** was sacrificed?"

Aunt Feng chased the big-headed baby all the way to here, and the place of sacrifice was more than ten miles away.

When I first came, I should ask the blind old lady where was the water pool where the sacrifice was originally offered, but now everyone has walked so far away and cannot go back to check.

Immediately, Ge Yu said solemnly: "Let's go, let's go and see where Aunt Feng is, we will know if we catch the so-called mountain **** and ask."

Zhao Yangui led the way, leading a group of people towards the direction where the water flowed ahead.

After a short while, the sound of flowing water from my ears became louder and louder, until later, the sound of the flowing water roared, and there seemed to be a big waterfall nearby.

After passing through a forest, everyone saw a small river ahead.

Before getting close to the small river, there was a chattering, and the roaring sound came over, which aroused everyone's vigilance.

As soon as Ge Yu's eyes opened, his amber eyes flashed, and he immediately saw several children playing by the river.

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