Maoshan Ghost King

Chapter 1661: Monster Baby

These children are about one or two years old, each wearing a red belly, playing around the water, chasing each other and playing around, giggling.

If they were outside the barren hills and old forests, a few people might smile at such a picture.

But at this place, no one can laugh, not to mention that it is late at night, and in this deep mountain and old forest, suddenly there are seven or eight children of one or two years old who are playing and laughing, and the laughter spread far. , How can people feel shuddering.

Ordinarily, one or two-year-old children are still very weak and can't walk safely, but these children seem to be very flexible and run back and forth quickly.

Several people looked at the children, and their faces changed a little.

Don't think about it, these must be ghosts, probably the children who were sacrificed by the villagers to the mountain **** lord at the time, they will stay here after their death.

Now that I saw the ghosts of these children, it means that the so-called Lord Mountain God is not far from here.

Several people looked at each other, and then walked carefully towards the children.

He Yao and Yuan Jiao first drew their swords and took the lead in walking towards the seven or eight children.

However, the seven or eight children, unconsciously, are still playing around there.

Seeing that He Yao and Yuan Jiao were about to approach the children four or five meters away, the children stopped moving and looked at both He Yao and Yuan Jiao.

These little children, all white and pure, looked very cute, giggling at them.

When the two of them were about to deal with the children, they suddenly saw their cute appearance. For a while, they were a little bit unable to do it, and they were all stunned.

"Big Brother... Big Sister... Are you here to take us? We have stayed here for a long time, and we can't go home..." A slightly older child suddenly flashed with big watery eyes. Looked at them duo.

He Yao and Yuan Jiao slowly put down the swords in their hands, and there was a hint of pity in their eyes.

Speaking of which, this group of children is still a group of poor babies.

At this time, Ge Yu and the others were also close to the children, but a little farther away.

Just as He Yao and Yuan Jiao were in a daze, the seven or eight children suddenly moved and walked slowly towards the two of them.

It was still that cute, white and clean, with some pure and flawless smiles on his face, but when they walked towards the two of them together, Ge Yu saw that these children suddenly exuded a strong shadow. The evil spirit suddenly accelerated and rushed towards the couple.

When they pounced on He Yao and Yuan Jiao, their original pale faces turned black, and red blood suddenly overflowed in their eye sockets, which was extremely hideous.

However, He Yao and Yuan Jiao seemed to have been wicked, and they stood motionless.

In desperation, Ge Yu gave a low voice, and immediately slammed in front of the couple. As soon as he stretched out his hand, he sacrificed the Maoshan Seven Star Sword and swept towards the seven or eight children. .

The children who were about to pounce on He Yao and Yuan Jiao suddenly felt the terrifying power contained in the Maoshan Seven-Star Sword, as well as the Taoist awe-inspiring aura contained in the sword, and they were born with a certain degree of respect for these ghosts. Suppressing power.

The children wailed and wailed one by one, backed up one after another, and then jumped into the pool behind them at the fastest speed like dumplings.

After the children jumped into the water pool, Zhong Jinliang and Hei Xiaose rushed over and patted He Yao and Yuan Jiao on the backs. They both shook their bodies, shaking like the first awakening of a big dream. For a moment.

Ge Yu looked at the dark water pool with a gloomy expression on his face. When the babies jumped into the water pool, a thick black air suddenly floated on the surface of the water, which lasted for a long time.

Looking back at a place hundreds of meters away, a huge waterfall made a huge roar. After hundreds of meters, the water reached this pool.

This pool is strange to say, it is like a bottomless cave. The water flowing down from the waterfall stays still and will not overflow when it reaches the pool.

It was already midsummer at this time, and Ge Yugu could feel a cold air through his body when standing by the water pool.

Kneeling down, Ge Yu stretched his hand into the pool, icy cold, this situation is very abnormal.

If something goes wrong, it is a demon.

The mess here is gone.

He Yao and Yuan Jiao woke up from the state of absent-mindedness just now, they looked at each other, and couldn't help but blush.

It didn't take long for this to be here, and he was hit twice in a row. The first time I was trapped by the big-headed baby, but this time I was confused by the seven or eight children.

He Yao looked at Zhao Yan and said, "Brother Zhao...I..."

"It's okay, these kids are not easy." Zhao Yan returned.

Ge Yu looked back at the two of them and said: "These children must have been brought over by the villagers of Baisigou one after another to sacrifice. The baby's resentment is strong, and seven or eight children get together, and the resentment is condensed. , The aura is like a rainbow, not to be underestimated, let alone you, even me, it may not be able to resist, the key is that these infant spirits are very capable of controlling people's hearts, deliberately showing the harmless side of humans and animals in front of you, causing Your compassion, and then suddenly attacked, is indeed beyond defense."

Hearing what Ge Yu said, their expressions eased a little.

"Brother Yu, aren't all the mountain gods on the mountain? How come the mountain gods here are in the water? It should be the river god..." Zhong Jinliang asked in doubt.

"Is your kid stupid? What kind of **** is this? It's a demon. Although we don't know what it is now, it is very likely to be in this pool." Hei Xiaoshui said.

Seeing the dark water surface, the waves were as flat as a mirror, and there was a slight black air radiating out, Ge Yu was inexplicably panicked.

After pondering for a moment, Ge Yu suddenly said: "You will wait for me on the bank for a while, I will go down and take a look."

"Brother Yu, why don't we go together?" Zhao Yangui said uneasy.

"My brother, you don't know Xiaoyu's ability. He has the power of a water monkey and walks on the ground like a water monkey. Let him find the way for us first. It's really impossible. Let's go down."

Hei Xiaolu said with confidence, and then looked at Ge Yu and said, "Xiao Yu, we are taking care of it by the shore, and I feel unable to handle it. Let an old ghost come out to greet us."

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